code: 1721

# set
<module-index>/<port-index> PEF_IPV6TC [<flow_index>, <filter_type>] <use> <value> <mask>

# get
<module-index>/<port-index> PEF_IPV6TC [<flow_index>, <filter_type>] ?


Basic mode only. Defines the IPv6 Traffic Class settings used for the filter.


For set, the only allowed filter_type is shadow-copy.


set, get


  1. use: byte, specifies the use of the IPv6 Traffic Class information.

  • OFF = 0

  • ON = 1

  1. value: string, specifying the value of the IPv6 Traffic Class in the upper 6 bits. value[7:2] = IPv6 Traffic Class. value[1:0] = reserved (must be zero). Default value: 0

  2. mask: hex, specifying the filter mask for the value in the upper 6 bits. mask[7:2] = IPv6 Traffic Class mask. mask[1:0] = reserved (must be zero). Default value: 0xFC


# set
input:  0/1 PEF_IPV6TC [1,0] OFF 0 0xFC
output: <OK>

# get
input:  0/1 PEF_IPV6TC [1,0] ?
output: 0/1 PEF_IPV6TC [1,0] OFF 0 0xFC