code: 221

# set
<module-index>/<port-index> PC_TRIGGER <start_criteria> <start_criteria_filter> <stop_criteria> <stop_criteria_filter>

# get
<module-index>/<port-index> PC_TRIGGER ?


The criteria for when to start and stop the capture process for a port. Even when capture is enabled with P_CAPTURE, the actual capturing of packets can be delayed until a particular start criteria is met by a received packet. Likewise, a stop criteria can be specified, based on a received packet. If no explicit stop criteria is specified, capture stops when the internal buffer runs full. In buffer overflow situations, if there is an explicit stop criteria, then the latest packets will be retained (and the early ones discarded), and otherwise, the earliest packets are retained (and the later ones discarded).


set, get


  1. start_criteria: byte, the criteria for starting the actual packet capture

  • ON = 0

  • FCSERR = 1

  • FILTER = 2

  • PLDERR = 3

  1. start_criteria_filter: integer, the index of a particular filter for the start criteria

  2. stop_criteria: byte, the criteria for stopping the actual packet capture

  • FULL = 0

  • FCSERR = 1

  • FILTER = 2

  • PLDERR = 3

  • USERSTOP = 4

  1. stop_criteria_filter: integer, the index of a particular filter for the stop criteria


# set
input:  0/1 PC_TRIGGER ON 1 FULL 1
output: <OK>

# get
input:  0/1 PC_TRIGGER ?
output: 0/1 PC_TRIGGER ON 1 FULL 1