code: 341

# set
<module-index>/<port-index> P_LPTXMODE <on_off>

# get
<module-index>/<port-index> P_LPTXMODE ?


Enables/disables the transmission of Low Power Idles (LPIs) on the port. When enabled, the transmit side of the port will automatically enter low-power mode (and leave) low-power mode in periods of low or no traffic. LPIs will only be transmitted if the Link Partner (receiving port) has advertised EEE capability for the selected port speed during EEE auto-negotiation.


set, get


  1. on_off: byte, whether the transmission of Low Power Idles (LPIs) is enabled on the port

  • OFF = 0

  • ON = 1


# set
input:  0/1 P_LPTXMODE OFF
output: <OK>

# get
input:  0/1 P_LPTXMODE ?
output: 0/1 P_LPTXMODE OFF