code: 168

# set
<module-index>/<port-index> PS_MODIFIERRANGE [<stream_index>, <modifier_index>] <min_val> <step> <max_val>

# get
<module-index>/<port-index> PS_MODIFIERRANGE [<stream_index>, <modifier_index>] ?


Range specification for a packet modifier for a stream header, specifying which values the modifier should take on. This applies only to incrementing and decrementing modifiers; random modifiers always produce every possible bit pattern. The range is specified as three values: mix, step, and max, where max must be equal to min plus a multiple of step. Note that when “decrement” is specified in PS_MODIFIER as the action, the value sequence will begin with the max value instead of the min value and decrement from there: {max, max-1, max-2, …, min, max, max-1…}.


set, get


  1. min_val: integer, the minimum modifier value

  2. step: integer, the increment between modifier values

  3. max_val: integer, the maximum modifier value


# set
input:  0/1 PS_MODIFIERRANGE [0, 0] 1 1 10
output: <OK>

# get
input:  0/1 PS_MODIFIERRANGE [0, 0] ?
output: 0/1 PS_MODIFIERRANGE [0, 0] 1 1 10