code: 539


Only for the following modules:

  • Freya-800G-4S-1P

  • Freya-800G-4S-1P-OSFP

# set
<module-index>/<port-index> PX_I2C_CONFIG <frequency>

# get
<module-index>/<port-index> PX_I2C_CONFIG ?


Set the get the access speed on a transceiver I2C access in the unit of KHz. Default to 100. When the transceiver is plugged out and in again, the speed will be reset to the default value 100. The speed has a minimum and a maximum, which can be obtained from P_CAPABILITIES. The I2C speed configuration will not be included in the port configuration file (.xpc). When you load a port configuration to a port, the transceiver I2C access speed will be reset to default 100.


set, get


  1. frequency: integer, the speed on a transceiver I2C access in the unit of KHz. Default to 100. When the transceiver is plugged out and in again, this parameter will be reset to the default value 100. This parameter has minimum and maximum limits, which can be obtained from P_CAPABILITIES.


# set
input: 0/1 PX_I2C_CONFIG 1000
output: <OK>

# get
input:  0/1 PX_I2C_CONFIG ?
output: 0/1 PX_I2C_CONFIG 1000