2.4. Status Messages

The set commands themselves simply produce a reply from the chassis of: <OK>

In case something is unacceptable to the chassis, it may return one of the following status messages:

  • <NOCONNECTIONS> Chassis has no available connection slots.

  • <NOTLOGGEDON> You have not issued a C_LOGON providing the chassis password.

  • <NOTRESERVED> You have not issued a x_RESERVATION for the resource you want to change.

  • <NOTREADABLE> The command is write-only.

  • <NOTWRITABLE> The command is read-only.

  • <NOTVALID> The operation is not valid in the current chassis state, e.g. because traffic is on.

  • <BADPARAMETER> Invalid CLI command.

  • <BADMODULE> The module index value is out of bounds.

  • <BADPORT> The port index value is out of bounds.

  • <BADINDEX> A command sub-index value is wrong.

  • <BADSIZE> The size of a parameter is invalid.

  • <BADVALUE> A parameter is invalid.

  • <FAILED> An operation failed to produce a result.

  • <NOTSUPPORTED> Feature not supported.

  • <MEMORYFAILURE> Failed to allocate memory.

  • <PENDING> Status return will wait until command is executed.

  • <MODULE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_CHASSIS> Module is not supported by chassis - e.g. because multi-image requires x64 OS..

  • <XLSFAILED> Could not establish connection to Xena License Server.

  • <XLSDENIED> Request for resource rejected by Xena License Server.

  • <XLSINVALID> Request for wrong resource type.

In case of a plain syntax error, misspelled command name, or inappropriate use of module/port/indices, the chassis will return a line pointing out the column where the error was detected, e.g.

0/5 PS_RATEPPS [] 5q00
#Syntax error in column 24