code: 93

# set
<module-index> M_CFPCONFIGEXT <port_count> <port_speed_list>

# get
<module-index> M_CFPCONFIGEXT ?


This property defines the current number of ports and the speed of each of them on a CFP test module. If the CFP type is NOTFLEXIBLE then it reflects the transceiver currently in the CFP cage. If the CFP type is FLEXIBLE(or NOTPRESENT) then the configuration can be changed explicitly. The following combinations are possible: 2x10G, 4x10G, 8x10G, 2x25G, 4x25G, 8x25G, 1x40G, 2x40G, 2x50G, 4x50G, 8x50G, 1x100G, 2x100G, 4x100G, 2x200G, and 1x400G. (replaces M_CFPCONFIG)


set, get


  1. port_count: integer, port count

  2. port_speed_list: integer list, corresponding speeds supported by the current module config in Mbps, length of the list equals to the value of <port_count>


# set
input:  0 M_CFPCONFIGEXT 4 25000 25000 25000 25000
output: <OK>

# get
input:  0 M_CFPCONFIGEXT ?
output: 0 M_CFPCONFIGEXT 4 25000 25000 25000 25000