2.3. Parameter Data Types

A parameter is specified using one of the following formats:

  • byte (B): 8-bit decimal integer, range [0 to 255].

  • integer (I): 32-bit decimal integer, range [-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647].

  • long (L): 64-bit decimal integer, range [-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807].

  • hex (H): two hexadecimal digits prefixed by 0x, e.g. 0xF7. Some parameters consist of multiples of hex, for example 0x1234. They are denoted as hex<n> or H..H, where <n> is the number of H. For example, MAC address is of type hex6 (HHHHHH), and IPv6 address is of type hex16 (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH).

  • string (S): printable 7-bit ASCII characters enclosed in '', e.g. ‘’A string’’. Characters with values outside the 32-126 range and the '' character itself are specified by their decimal value, outside the quotation marks and separated by commas, e.g. ‘’A line’’, 13, 10, ‘’and the next line’’.

  • owner (O): a short string used to identify an owner, used for the reservation.

  • address (A): a dot-separated IPv4 address, e.g.

  • integer list (I*): Some commands allow a variable number of parameters of integer, and they are written with spaces in between.

  • byte list (B*): Some commands allow a variable number of parameters of byte, and they are written with spaces in between.

  • hex list (H*): Some commands allow a variable number of parameters of hex, and multiple bytes can be specified using a single 0x prefix, e.g. 0xF700ABCD2233 , without spaces.

  • address list (A*): Some commands allow a variable number of parameters of address, and they are written with spaces in between.


hex<n> (H.....H) is different from hex list (H*). The length of a parameter of type hex<n> (H.....H) is determined, while the length of a parameter of type hex list (H*) is dynamically dependent on the current status.

Finally, certain commands are actually integers, but use coded names for special numeric values to enhance readability, e.g. (0=OFF,1=ON).