code: 314

# set
<module-index>/<port-index> P_MULTICASTHDR <header_count> <header_format> <tag> <pcp> <dei>

# get
<module-index>/<port-index> P_MULTICASTHDR ?


Allows addition of a VLAN tag to IGMPv2 and IGPMv3 packets. This command requires software release 83.2 or higher.


set, get


  1. header_count: short integer, number of additional headers. Currently only 0 or 1 supported

  2. header_format: byte, indicates the header format

  • NOHDR = 0

  • VLAN = 1

  1. tag: integer, VLAN tag (VID)

  2. pcp: short integer, VLAN Priority code point

  3. dei: byte, drop-eligible indicator

  • OFF = 0

  • ON = 1


# set
input:  0/1 P_MULTICASTHDR 1 NOHDR 1 1 OFF
output: <OK>

# get
input:  0/1 P_MULTICASTHDR ?
output: 0/1 P_MULTICASTHDR 1 NOHDR 1 1 OFF