Back-to-Back Test Options#


Fig. 25 Back-to-back test options#

Common Options#

  • Duration Type

    Defines how to control the test duration, either by time or by frame count.

  • Initial Duration

    The initial and maximum burst duration

  • Iterations

    The number of times to repeat each test trial with the same set of test parameters.

Rate Sweep Options#

  • Start Rate

    The starting rate in percent of the port rate used by the rate sweep.

  • End Rate

    The ending rate in percent of the port rate used by the rate sweep.

  • Step Rate

    The increments in rate percent for each step in the rate sweep.

  • Burst Resolution

    Defines the minimum difference between two burst size iterations. If the difference between the next and the last burst size iteration is less than this value the test is stopped and the last successful burst size is reported.


For each rate step, Xena2544 uses iterative binary search algorithm to search for the maximum burst size without frame loss. Similar to throughput test where the search is on traffic rate with initial, minimum and maximum rate values, back-to-back test searches on burst size with initial, minimum, and maximum burst size values. The Initial Duration defines the initial and maximum burst size value. The minimum burst size value is always 100 frames.

If Duration Type is time, Xena2544 will internally convert the time duration into the equivalent burst size.