12. Result Data Panel
The Result Data panel will display both polled progress data and result data for the tests being executed in a grid view. Each result will be shown in a single line in the grid.
The polled progress data is updated periodically while the current test trial is executing and will be shown with an italics font. After the test trial has completed the result data for that trial will be calculated and shown with a normal font.

The Result State column will shown the state of the current trial run. While the test trial is in progress the state will always be (pending). A trial result may be final in which case the column will show either PASS or FAIL, depending on the test outcome. If the test needs to perform another iteration the state will again be (pending).
The columns used will depend of the test being performed. Most tests will provide a set of totals values and a set of per-port values but as stated this depends on the test.
Most cell values will be displayed using the normal font color. Values that indicate an error, such as a non-zero loss value, will be displayed with a red font color.