Available Resources Panel#

Testbed Selector#

The testbed selector is located at the top of the panel. This functionality is explained in more detail on this page.

Resource Tree View#

All available chassis resources are shown in the hierarchical tree view below the testbed selector. Each connected chassis is shown at the top-level with their contained resources below.

The content of certain of the other panels depend on the selection state of the Available Resources panel.

Toolbar Options#

The toolbar at the top of the tree view provides quick options for viewing and reserving the resources.

Show Only Used Ports#

Toggles between showing all available resources on all connected chassis or only the ports that you have chosen to include in your testbed.

Reserve Used Ports#

Reserve all ports that you have included in your current testbed.

Release All My Resources#

Releases all resources (chassis, modules and ports) that you may have reserved. This option may only be visible when you click the small down-arrow at the right of the toolbar.

Tree View Columns#

The tree view contains the following columns:

Table 1 Tree view columns#




The unique name of the resource


Indicates whether the resource is used by the current testbed. This column is only valid for testports.


Contains icons representing the current sync (green: SYNC, red: NO SYNC) and traffic state (grey: traffic OFF, yellow: traffic ON) for a testport.


Username of the current owner of the resource, i.e. the user who has currently reserved the resource.

Multiple Selections#

It is possible to operate on multiple resources in the tree view using the standard Windows Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click mouse operations.

Right-click Options#

Each resource in the tree view supports a right-click menu, which contains various actions which are valid for the current resource state and type.