5.7. Reporting Options Panel


Fig. 5.20 Reporting Options Panel

The Reporting tab contains a number of options that affect the way reports are generated for the test.


This section contains a number of options that can help identify the test context.

  • Customer Name

    The name of the customer for which the test is performed.

  • Customer Service/Access Id

    These two options allow you to provide details about the network circuits you are testing.

  • Comments

    Allows you to provide any multi-line comments for the test configuration.

Report Generation

This section contains options that affect the way reports are generated.

  • Report Filename Prefix

    Specifies the prefix for the report filename.

  • Append Timestamp to Filename

    If checked a timestamp on the form <YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS> is appended to the filename prefix.

  • Include Graphs in Report

    If checked the report will include bar charts showing the test results. This is only applicable for PDF type reports.

Report Formats

This section allows you to select which types of reports will be generated. You can enable several types. The generated report files will be given a file extension that matches the selected type, i.e. “.pdf” for PDF files and so forth.

XML Report Specification

You can find the specification for the XML Report here.