
Xena OpenAutomation ANLT Utility (Xena ANLT Utility) is an application that provides users with a command-line user interface to do interactive testing (e.g. ANLT testing). It provides a set of CLI commands to manage and configure test ports, collect statistics, and save logs. Xena ANLT Utility uses xoa-driver to communicate to Xena ANLT Testers.


Xena ANLT Utility System#

The CLI commands of Xena ANLT Utility are categorized into the following families:

See also

You can view a list of Xena ANLT Utility CLI commands in Summary of Xena ANLT Utility CLI commands


Command Summary#

Test Resource Management#

  1. Connect to tester

  2. Reserve port

  3. Release port

  4. Reset port

  5. Disconnect