Stream 32-bit Modifier#


# Create
await stream.packet.header.modifiers_extended.configure(number=1)


# Clear
await stream.packet.header.modifiers_extended.clear()



Must create modifiers before obtain.

# Obtain
# Must create modifiers before obtain.
modifier_ext = stream.packet.header.modifiers_extended.obtain(idx=0)


Range specification for an extended packet modifier for a stream header, specifying which values the modifier should take on. This applies only to incrementing and decrementing modifiers; random modifiers always produce every possible bit pattern. The range is specified as a three values: mix, step, and max, where max must be equal to min plus a multiple of step. Note that when “decrement” is specified in PS_MODIFIEREXT as the action, the value sequence will begin with the max value instead of the min value and decrement from there: {max, max-1, max-2, …., min, max, max-1…}.

Corresponding CLI command: PS_MODIFIEREXTRANGE

# Range
await modifier_ext.range.set(min_val=0, step=1, max_val=100)

resp = await modifier_ext.range.get()

Position, Action, Mask#

An extended packet modifier for a stream header. The headers of each packet transmitted for the stream will be varied according to the modifier specification. The modifier acts on 32 bits and takes up the space for two 16-bit modifiers to do this. This command requires two sub-indices, one for the stream and one for the modifier. A modifier is positioned at a fixed place in the header, selects a number of consecutive bits starting from that position, and applies an action to those bits in each packet. Packets can be repeated so that a certain number of identical packets are transmitted before applying the next modification.

Corresponding CLI command: PS_MODIFIEREXT

# Position, Action, Mask
await modifier_ext.specification.set(position=0, mask=Hex("FFFFFFFF"), action=enums.ModifierAction.INC, repetition=1)
await modifier_ext.specification.set(position=0, mask=Hex("FFFFFFFF"), action=enums.ModifierAction.DEC, repetition=1)
await modifier_ext.specification.set(position=0, mask=Hex("FFFFFFFF"), action=enums.ModifierAction.RANDOM, repetition=1)

resp = await modifier_ext.specification.get()