Identification Description
The description of a stream.
Corresponding low-level API class: PS_COMMENT
# Description
await stream.comment.set(comment="description")
resp = await stream.comment.get()
resp.comment Test Payload ID
The identifier of the test payloads inserted into packets transmitted for a stream. A value of -1 disables test payloads for the stream. Test payloads are inserted at the end of each packet, and contains time-stamp and sequence-number information. This allows the receiving port to provide error-checking and latency measurements, in addition to the basic counts and rate measurements provided for all traffic. The test payload identifier furthermore allows the receiving port to distinguish multiple different streams, which may originate from multiple different chassis. Since test payloads are an inter-port and inter-chassis mechanism, the test payload identifier assignments should be
Corresponding low-level API class: PS_TPLDID
# Test Payload ID
await stream.tpld_id.set(test_payload_identifier=0)
resp = await stream.tpld_id.get()
resp.test_payload_identifier) State
This property determines if a stream contributes outgoing packets for a port. The value can be toggled between ON and SUPPRESS while traffic is enabled at the port level. Streams in the OFF state cannot be set to any other value while traffic is enabled. The sum of the rates of all enabled or suppressed streams must not exceed the effective port rate.
Corresponding low-level API class: PS_ENABLE
# State
await stream.enable.set(state=enums.OnOffWithSuppress.OFF)
await stream.enable.set_off()
await stream.enable.set(state=enums.OnOffWithSuppress.ON)
await stream.enable.set_on()
await stream.enable.set(state=enums.OnOffWithSuppress.SUPPRESS)
await stream.enable.set_suppress()
resp = await stream.enable.get()