Port Statistics

This section describes the XenaManager port statistics page. The page displays statistics information for the currently selected port and all streams defined on that port.

The page will only display data for a single port at a time. If you want to monitor statistics data for multiple ports at a time please refer to Stream Configuration Grid.

Port Transmit Statistics

This area contains statistics for all data transmitted by the port.


Fig. 150 Port TX statistics

Commands in TX Toolbar

The area contains a toolbar with the following commands:

Table 48 Commands in TX Toolbar



Clear TX Counters

Clear the current TX statistics counters for this port.


If checked the TX statistics counters for this port will be affected when the Clear Statistics command is executed in the Global Statistics panel.


Set the font color of the current counter values to gray. Any counter value that changes afterwards will revert to blue. This makes it easy to check if a value changes over time.


Allow you to save the current counters to a CSV text file.

Main Transmit Statistics

Table 49 Main Transmit Statistics

Statistics Type


Total Traffic for Port

This row show statistics counters for all traffic transmitted on the port regardless of type. This is the sum of the traffic sent without test payload and the traffic sent for each active stream.

Without Test Payload

This row show statistics counters for the part of the transmitted traffic that is sent without test payload.

Stream Traffic

This branch contains a row for each stream currently active on the port.

Common Column Header Functions

The two statistics tabs also share a common functionality with regard to the grid column headers. You can reorder the columns in the grid by dragging a column header to a new location. The new order will be remembered the next time you start XenaManager. The following options are available when right-clicking on the grid column headers:

Table 50 Common Column Header Functions



Hide Column

Hide the selected column from view. This selection will be remembered the next time you start XenaManager.

Reset Column Order

Resets any custom column order you may have configured to the default order.

View All Columns

Show all columns you may have hidden previously.

Error Injection

This section show the number of errors manually injected by the user for each possible error type.

Miscellaneous Control

This section show the number of transmitted ARP/NDP and PING requests and replies, MAC training packets and IGMP Joins.

Port Receive Statistics

This area contains statistics for all data received by the port.


Fig. 151 Port RX statistics

Commands in RX Toolbar

The area contains a toolbar with the following commands:

Table 51 Commands in RX Toolbar



Clear RX Counters

Clear the current RX statistics counters for this port.


If checked the RX statistics counters for this port will be affected when the Clear Statistics command is executed in the Global Statistics panel.


Set the font color of the current counter values to gray. Any counter value that changes afterwards will revert to blue. This makes it easy to check if a value changes over time.


Allow you to save the current counters to a CSV text file.

Calibrate Latency

When pressed the current average latency value will be saved as the calibrated latency offset.

Poll Always

Normally a port is only polled for statistics counters when it is visible in a statistics panel, such as this panel or the Global Statistics panel. But if you want the port to be polled always you can check this box. This function can be useful if you want to monitor the state of the port over a long period of time.

Main Receive Statistics

Table 52 Main Receive Statistics

Statistics Type


Total Traffic for Port

This row show statistics counters for all traffic received on the port regardless of type. This is the sum of the traffic received without test payload and the traffic received for each TID.

Without Test Payload

This row show statistics counters for the part of the received traffic that is sent without test payload.

Filter Traffic

This branch contains a row for each active filter on the port.

Test Payload Traffic

This branch contains a row for each TID received on the port.

Frame Events

Shows number of Oversize, Undersize and jabber packets.

Test Payload Specific Counters

A number of sections show counters received for each TID:

Table 53 Test Payload Specific Counters

Counter Type


Test Payload Errors

This section contain a row for the payload errors received for each TID on the port.

Test Payload Latency

This section contain a row for the payload latency measured for each TID on the port.

Test Payload Jitter

This section contain a row for the payload jitter measured for each TID on the port.

Misc. Counters

This section show statistics for various other counter types.

Table 54 Misc. Counters

Counter Type


Arp Req.

Received ARP/NDP requests

Arp Repl.

Received ARP/NDP replies

Ping Req.

Received PING requests

Ping Repl.

Received PING replies

FCS Errors

Received packets with FCS errors


Received PAUSE frames

Gap Count

Number of gap counts detected

Gap Dur.

Current detected gap duration