Logging and Reporting


Chimera module and its ports for network impairment measurement also offer support for logging and reporting functionalities.


The Logging and Reporting function allows you to periodically poll statistics counters for all ports in a testbed and log those counters to a CSV or XML file.

Port Scope

The logging function works on all ports in a given testbed. You can enable logging on multiple testbeds at the same time.

Configuration Panel

This function is handled by the Logging and Reporting panel as shown in Fig. 164. This panel is by default shown in the bottom part as one of the auto-hide panels.


Fig. 164 Logging and Reporting and Report tab

Logging Configuration

The Logging and Reporting panel provides the following configuration options:

Table 58 Logging Configuration Options



Enable Logging

Selects whether this Logging and Reporting definition is enabled or not.

Counter Types

Pressing this button will enable you to select which counters to include in the log. See Counter Types for the detailed description of the available counter types.

State Control

This button will either start or stop a logging session.

Elapsed Time

Shows the elapsed time for an active logging session.

Poll Interval

Specifies the interval between polls. The default value is 1 second. The minimum value is 1 second.

Log Duration

Specifies the total desired duration of a collection period. You can specify this duration as a number of days + a hour::minute::second option. The total duration could thus for instance be 2 days, 4 hours and 30 minutes. This option is only valid if the Run Until Stopped option is not selected.

Run Until Stopped

If this option is selected the collection will run until it is manually stopped.

File Name Prefix

This string will be used as the prefix for the logging filenames.

Append Timestamp

If selected a timestamp on the form YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS will be appended to the filename.

Separate Run Directories

All log files will be located under the <ProgramData>XenaXenaIntegratorPortLog directory. If this option is selected the log files for different logging runs will be placed in separate subdirectories under this master directory. The subdirectory name will be a timestamp on the form YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS. If the option is not selected all logging files will be placed directly in the PortLog directory described above.

File Type

This determines the format of the log ile. You can select between CSV (Comma Separated Value) or XML format.

Archive Large Files

Selecting this option will make the logging function save the current log file to an archive file and start a new log file when the log file reaches a certain size. The archive files will be named <prefix>.<archive no>.<extension>. The archive numbering will be sequential so that the file with the highest number is the most recent archive file. The currently active log file will still be called <prefix>.<extension>. Archive File Size: The file size where archiving should take place.

Limit Archive File No

If this option is selected the application will limit the number of archive files for a single logging run. This can be used for long-running logging tasks to prevent the hard disk from filling up.

Max. Archive Files

The maximum number of archive files to keep. This option is only valid if the Limit Archive File No option is selected.

Counter Types

The following counter types are available:

  • Transmit Rate L1 (Bit/s)

  • Transmit Rate (Bit/s)

  • Transmit Rate (Byte/s)

  • Transmit Rate (Fps)

  • Transmitted Bytes

  • Transmitted Frames

  • Receive Rate L1 (Bit/s)

  • Receive Rate (Bit/s)

  • Receive Rate (Byte/s)

  • Receive Rate (Fps)

  • Received Bytes

  • Received Frames

  • RX Oversize Packets

  • RX Undersize Packets

  • RX Jabber Packets

  • Transmitted Non-Payload Bytes

  • Transmitted Non-Payload Frames

  • Received Non-Payload Bytes

  • Received Non-Payload Frames

  • Received FCS Errors

  • Rx Sequence Errors

  • Rx Packet Loss Ratio

  • Rx Sequence Misorders

  • Rx Payload Errors

  • Rx Bit Error Rate (aggregated)

  • Rx Bit Error Rate (current)

  • Latency - 1 sec. avg (ns)

  • Latency - 1 sec. min (ns)

  • Latency - 1 sec. max (ns)

  • Latency - aggr.avg (ns)

  • Latency - aggr.min (ns)

  • Latency - aggr.max (ns)

  • Jitter - 1 sec. avg (ns)

  • Jitter - 1 sec. min (ns)

  • Jitter - 1 sec. max (ns)

  • Jitter - aggr.avg (ns)

  • Jitter - aggr.min (ns)

  • Jitter - aggr.max (ns)

  • Transmitted ARP Requests

  • Transmitted ARP Replies

  • Transmitted PING Requests

  • Transmitted PING Replies

  • Injected FCS Errors

  • Injected SEQ Errors

  • Injected MIS Errors

  • Injected Integ. Errors

  • Injected TID Errors

  • Transmitted MAC Training Frames

  • Transmitted IGMP Join

  • Received ARP Requests

  • Received ARP Replies

  • Received PING Requests

  • Received PING Replies

  • Calculated Gap Count

  • Calculated Gap Duration

  • Received PAUSE Frames

  • Received PFC Frames

  • Received PFC Quanta CoS 0

  • Received PFC Quanta CoS 1

  • Received PFC Quanta CoS 2

  • Received PFC Quanta CoS 3

  • Received PFC Quanta CoS 4

  • Received PFC Quanta CoS 5

  • Received PFC Quanta CoS 6

  • Received PFC Quanta CoS 7

  • Chimera Total Packet Drop

  • Chimera Total Packet Drop Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera Programmed Drop

  • Chimera Programmed Drop Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera Bandwidth Drop

  • Chimera Bandwidth Drop Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera Other Drops

  • Chimera Other Drops Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera Misordering

  • Chimera Misordering Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera Duplication

  • Chimera Duplication Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera Corruption

  • Chimera Corruption Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera FCS Checksum

  • Chimera FCS Checksum Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera IP Checksum

  • Chimera IP Checksum Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera UDP Checksum

  • Chimera UDP Checksum Ratio (ppm)

  • Chimera TCP Checksum

  • Chimera TCP Checksum Ratio (ppm)

  • TSN offset pre-servo average last second.

  • TSN offset post-servo average last second.

  • TSN Rx interarrival average last second.

  • TSN P delay average last second.

  • TSN Neighbor Rate Ratio average last second.

  • Received Lane Pre-FEC BER

  • Total uncorrected FEC blocks count

  • Total corrected FEC symbols count

  • Estimated received Pre-FEC BER

  • Estimated received Post-FEC BER

  • Received FEC blocks stats

  • Received FEC blocks ratio stats

Importing Legacy XenaIntegrator Configurations

It is possible to import a legacy XenaIntegrator Port Logging Definition as a new XenaManager testbed. Since the XenaIntegrator Port Logging Definition contains a definition of the ports which will provide the logging counters the import process will automatically perform the following steps:

  • Check if the Xena chassis defined in the legacy configuration are already defined in the XenaManager configuration. If not, the necessary chassis definition will be created.

  • Create a new testbed with the name Testbed XI: <definition label> where <definition label> is the name originally used for the Port Logging Definition in XenaIntegrator.

  • Add the defined logging ports to the new testbed.

  • Migrate the other logging configuration to the new testbed.

To import a legacy XenaIntegrator Port Logging Definition simply click the Import XI LogCfg button in the Operations menu and select the XenaIntegrator configuration file you want to import.

Controlling Logging State

Starting and Stopping Logging

As stated above the State Control button allows you to start or stop the logging process. While the logging is in progress it will not be possible to change any configuration parameters.

Monitoring Progress

While the logging is in progress the Elapsed Time counter will increment showing the total duration of the logging process. The Current Log Directory field will show the full path to the current logging directory. Clicking the Open Log Directory button will launch a Windows Explorer in this directory.

Output Formats

CSV File Format

The CSV file will contain a number of lines. Each line will represent all enabled logging data for one port for a single poll. A line will have the following format:

<Timestamp>, <Port ID>, { <CounterValue>, }*

Table 59 L2 Counter Types




The data and time for the logged data line on the form YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.

Port ID

The port identification on the form P-<chassis>-<module>-<port>.


The counter value. All values are expressed as a decimal number.

The file will also contain a header row describing the selected counter types.

XML File Format

The XML file format will be similar to the following example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--XenaIntegrator Statistics Counters-->
    <SelectedCounterTypes Values="TxBps,TxFps,TxBytes,TxFrames,RxBps,RxFps,RxBytes,RxFrames" />
    <Element Timestamp="20130331-174155" Type="Notification" Text="Log initialized" />
    <Element Timestamp="20130331-174156" Type="Sample" Port="P-0-10-2" Values="0,0,0,0,0,0,2.91E+06,4.3E+04" />
    <Element Timestamp="20130331-174156" Type="Sample" Port="P-0-10-3" Values="0,0,0,0,0,0,1.51E+05,581" />


All data is kept under a root tag called <PollSamples>.

The first node is called <SelectedCounterTypes>. The Value attribute describes the selected counter types in comma-separated format.

Each poll sample is represented using the <Element> node tag and has the Type attribute set to Sample. The Values attribute contains the sample values in the same order as is given by the <SelectedCounterTypes> tag.

<Element> nodes with Type = Notification represents notification messages.