Testbed Management

This page provides instructions on how to handle different testbeds within a test configuration.

A testbed is essentially a set of ports that you are actively utilizing. Certain panels within XenaManager will exclusively display data for ports that are part of your ongoing testbed. This encompasses both the Port Configuration Grid, Stream Configuration Grid, as well as Global Statistics.

Configuration Hierarchy

The top-most configuration entity you work with is the test configuration file. This file contains all information about these items:

  • Connected chassis

  • Testbeds

  • Currently selected testbed

All testbeds thus share the same pool of chassis (and by extension their ports).

Setting Current Testbed

You can only have one active testbed at a time. The active testbed is selected with the Current Testbed control at the top of the Available Resources panel.

To select a testbed as the current you can either select the radio button in the Select column or you can simply double-click on the testbed entry.

When you change the selected testbed the content of all the dependent panels (see below) will also change.


Fig. 42 Setting current testbed

Creating Testbed

You can create a new testbed definition by clicking the Create Testbed button in the ribbon menu at the top of the application. You will then be presented with a window where you can provide a unique name for the new testbed and optionally also provide a longer description.

The description will be shown as a tooltip when you hover with the mouse over the testbed selector.

When you create a new testbed this will automatically be set as the currently selected testbed.

Adding and Removing Testbed Ports

You can add a port to your currently active testbed by selecting the checkbox in the Used column next to the port name in the Available Resources tree view. You remove a port from your testbed by deselecting the checkbox.

You can also select multiple ports in the tree view, right-click and select the Use Ports menu item. This also works when you want to deselect multiple ports.


Fig. 43 Add and remove testbed ports

You can quickly reserve all ports in your current testbed by clicking the Reserve Used Ports button just below the testbed selector.


Note that your reserved testbed ports will not be automatically released when you change your current testbed.

Editing Testbed

You can edit both the testbed name and the description by clicking the Edit Testbed button in the ribbon menu.

Removing Testbed

To remove a testbed you need to select the testbed with the testbed selector and then click the Remove Testbed button in the ribbon menu.

You can select multiple testbeds for removal at the same time using either the Remove Testbed button in the ribbon menu or right-click and select Delete Testbed in the pop-up menu.


Note that your reserved testbed ports will not be automatically released when you change your current testbed.