Ethernet Service Creation Dialog

Fig. 19 Ethernet Service creation dialog
Service Type
Ethernet Private Line (EPL)
Ethernet Private Line is a Point-to-Point service. It consists of two User Network Interfaces (UNIs) with one EVC provisioned between them.

Fig. 20 Ethernet Private Line (EPL)
Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)
Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) is a Point-to-Multipoint service. It consists of two or more user network interfaces (UNIs) with multiple EVCs between them (service multiplexing).

Fig. 21 Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)
Ethernet Local Area Networks (E-LAN)
Ethernet Local Area Networks (E-LAN) - provides a multipoint topology like a local network. Each node can reach any other node.

Fig. 22 Ethernet Local Area Networks (E-LAN)
Ethernet Tree (E-Tree)
Ethernet Tree (E-Tree) - a rooted multi-point service that connects a number of UNIs providing sites with hub and spoke multipoint connectivity. Each UNI is designated as either root or leaf .

Fig. 23 Ethernet Tree (E-Tree)
Service Acceptance Criteria
These values represents the guarantees you want to issue to the user of the service as part of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for this service. If one or more of the criteria should not be used in the test you can deselect them using the Use in test checkboxes to the right.
Testflow Characteristics
Specify the Testflow Characteristics. For an EPL you can only select the “Pairs” topology as the other topology options are only relevant for multipoint configurations.
You can, however, select the direction for the test traffic. You should keep the default choice of “Bidirectional” for this test.