
Fig. 1 Xena1564 overview
This is the user manual for Xena1564. Xena1564 is a PC application that lets you perform advanced network tests according to the ITU-T Y.1564 standard using one or more of the Xena test equipment chassis.
The Xena1564 application features the following capabilities:
Enables the user to create, edit and execute test configurations using Xena Networks test equipment in accordance with the ITU-T Y.1564 standard.
Define test configuration using standard MEF 10.2 / ITU-T Y.1564 terminology.
Full support for both ITU-T Y.1564 configuration and performance test types.
Ability to define multiple Ethernet services.
Ability to execute test on one, several or all defined Ethernet services.
Ability to organize defined services in a custom folder hierarchy.
Support for multiple ValkyrieBay and ValkyrieCompact test chassis.
Support for different network topologies and traffic flow directions.
Support for both layer 2 and layer 3 testing.
Support for either IPv4 or IPv6.
Ability to flexibly define the protocol layers supported by each user-to-network interface (UNI) - Ethernet, Customer and Service VLANs, MPLS, IP and UDP.
Ability to define either per-UNI or per-CoS bandwidth profiles for each UNI.
Ability to specify CoS-to-DSCP mapping.
Test reports can be created in either PDF or XML format or both.
Extensive configuration options to fine-tune the tests.