3. Extending Your Warranties

3.1. Obtaining a Renewal Quote

If your software maintenance and/or hardware warranty has expired (or is about to do so in the near future) you should contact your local Xena sales partner or contact Teledyne LeCroy Xena directly at sales@xenanetworks.com for a quote for extending maintenance agreements.

Based on the original sales date or invoice they can tell you when the software maintenance and/or hardware warranty expired and calculate the cost of renewing the relevant warranties. If there is any doubt, please send an email to Teledyne LeCroy Xena (sales@xenanetworks.com) for confirmation of the expiry date, etc. Please attach an inventory report which you can generate from the ChassisUpgrader. All prices, however, must still go through your partner.

3.2. Warranty Extension Procedure

To extend a warranty, Teledyne LeCroy Xena requires a Purchase Order (PO) listing the following information:

  1. Serial number(s) of the equipment

  2. Type of extension (Val-EWA-IW and Val-EWA-OW, see table at bottom)

  3. Extension period (1 year, 2 years …etc ?)

  4. Name(s) and email address(es) of who should receive the new license file after extension.

Upon successful order completion, Teledyne LeCroy Xena will then issue an, a new license file by email to the person(s) included on the PO. Included in this email will be detailed instructions on how to manually replace this file in the install directory.

The user can then perform the upgrade and will be able to install the latest software version and/or see that the hardware warranty is once again covered by a valid warranty.

3.3. Table of Warranty Extensions

Table 3.1 Table of Warranty Extensions


Extended Software Maintenance and Hardware Warranty

Val-EWA-IW 1

12-month Extended Warranty for test modules, Bay chassis, and Compact chassis which are “In-Warranty”.

Val-EWA-OW 1,2

12-month Extended Warranty for test modules, Bay chassis, and Compact chassis which are “Out-of-Warranty”.


1 When purchased after the existing warranty has expired, prior to quoting and order acceptance, the equipment must be inspected to ensure proper working order either by Xena directly or by one of their chosen representatives. Teledyne LeCroy Xena reserves the right to charge an inspection fee of $1000.

2 Extended warranty is applicable for ValkyrieCompact, ValkyrieBay and Xena Test modules but is n/a for 3rd party accessories such as optical transceivers which may/may not be covered by the original manufacturers’ warranty.