This module contains the impairment port commands.
- class P_EMULATE[source]
The action determines if emulation functionality is enabled or disabled
- get()[source]
Get whether the Chimera port’s emulation functionality is enabled.
- Returns:
whether the Chimera port’s emulation functionality is enabled
- Return type:
- set(action)[source]
Set whether the Chimera port’s emulation functionality is enabled.
- Parameters:
action (OnOff) – whether the Chimera port’s emulation functionality is enabled
- set_off()
Disable the Chimera port’s emulation functionality.
- set_on()
Enable the Chimera port’s emulation functionality.
- class P_LOADMODE[source]
The action determines if config load mode is enabled or disabled for the Chimera port.
- get()[source]
Get the status of config load mode of the Chimera port.
- Returns:
the status of config load mode on the Chimera port
- Return type:
- set(on_off)[source]
Set the status of config load mode of the Chimera port.
- Parameters:
on_off (OnOff) – whether config load is enabled on the Chimera port
- set_off()
Disable config load on the Chimera port.
- set_on()
Enable config load on the Chimera port.
- class PE_FCSDROP[source]
The action on packets with FCS errors on a port.
- get()[source]
Get the status of whether the action on packets with FCS errors on a port is enabled.
- Returns:
whether the action on packets with FCS errors on a port is enabled
- Return type:
- set(on_off)[source]
Set the status of whether the action on packets with FCS errors on a port is enabled.
- Parameters:
on_off (OnOff) – whether the action on packets with FCS errors on a port is enabled
- set_off()
Disable the action on packets with FCS errors on a port.
- set_on()
Enable the action on packets with FCS errors on a port.
- class PE_TPLDMODE[source]
The action indicates the TPLD mode to be used per port.
- get()[source]
Get the TPLD mode of the port.
- Returns:
indicating the TPLD mode
- Return type:
- set(mode)[source]
Set the TPLD mode of the port.
- Parameters:
mode (TPLDMode) – indicating the TPLD mode
- set_micro()
Set the TPLD mode to Micro.
- set_normal()
Set the TPLD mode to Normal.
- class PE_COMMENT[source]
Flow description.
- class PE_LATENCYRANGE[source]
Retrieve minimum and maximum configurable latency per flow in nanoseconds.
- class PE_CORRUPT[source]
Configures impairment corruption type.
IP / TCP / UDP corruption modes are not supported on default flow (0)
- get()[source]
Get the impairment corruption type of a flow.
- Returns:
the impairment corruption type of a flow.
- Return type:
- set(corruption_type)[source]
Set the impairment corruption type.
- Parameters:
corruption_type (CorruptionType) – corruption type
- set_ber()
Set the corruption type to Bit Error Rate.
- set_eth()
Set the corruption type to Ethernet.
- set_ip()
Set the corruption type to IP.
- set_off()
Set the corruption type to OFF.
- set_tcp()
Set the corruption type to TCP.
- set_udp()
Set the corruption type to UDP.
- class PE_MISORDER[source]
Configures the misordering depth in number of packets.
probability * (depth + 1) should be less than 1,000,000. (see PED_FIXED)
- class PE_BANDPOLICER[source]
Configures the bandwidth policer.
- get()[source]
Get the bandwidth policer configuration.
- Returns:
enabled/disabled, policer mode, committed information rate, and committed burst size.
- Return type:
- set(on_off, mode, cir, cbs)[source]
Set the bandwidth policer configuration.
- Parameters:
on_off (OnOff) – enables/disables policer. Note: PED_ENABLE is not supported for the policer.
mode (PolicerMode) – policer mode
cir (int) – policer committed information rate in units of 100 kbps (range 0 to 1000000), default is 0.
cbs (int) – policer committed burst burst in bytes (range 0 to 4194304), default is 0.
- class PE_BANDSHAPER[source]
Configures the bandwidth shaper. L1 (0) (Shaper performed at Layer 1 level. I.e. including the preamble and min interpacket gap) L2 (1) (Shaper performed at Layer 2 level. I.e. excluding the preamble and min interpacket gap) Default value: L2 (0)
- get()[source]
Get the bandwidth shaper configuration.
- Returns:
the bandwidth shaper configuration, including on/off, mode, CIR, CBS, and shaper buffer size.
- Return type:
- set(on_off, mode, cir, cbs, buffer_size)[source]
Set the bandwidth shaper configuration.
- Parameters:
on_off (OnOff) – enables/disables shaper
mode (PolicerMode) – shaper mode
cir (int) – shaper committed information rate in units of 100 kbps (range 0 to 1000000), default is 0.
cbs (int) – shaper committed burst size in bytes (range 0 to 4194304), default is 0.
buffer_size (int) – shaper buffer size in bytes (range 0 to 2097152), default is 0.
The other port commands are the same as Xena Port Commands.