6. Status Messages and Exceptions

When you do a set operation, XOA Driver converts it into a request message (binary encoded) and send to the server on the tester. Upon receiving the message, the server tries to execute it and returns a status message for you to check whether the set operation is successful. The returned message may cause an exception if it is not an <OK>.

6.1. Status Messages

The set operations themselves simply produce a reply from the tester of: <OK>

In case something is unacceptable to the tester, it will return one of the following status messages. In XOA Driver, all of them are considered as BadStatus.

  • <NOCONNECTIONS> Chassis has no available connection slots.

  • <NOTLOGGEDON> You have not issued a C_LOGON providing the chassis password.

  • <NOTRESERVED> You have not issued a x_RESERVATION for the resource you want to change.

  • <NOTREADABLE> The command is write-only.

  • <NOTWRITABLE> The command is read-only.

  • <NOTVALID> The operation is not valid in the current chassis state, e.g. because traffic is on.

  • <BADPARAMETER> Invalid CLI command.

  • <BADMODULE> The module index value is out of bounds.

  • <BADPORT> The port index value is out of bounds.

  • <BADINDEX> A command sub-index value is wrong.

  • <BADSIZE> The size of a parameter is invalid.

  • <BADVALUE> A parameter is invalid.

  • <FAILED> An operation failed to produce a result.

  • <NOTSUPPORTED> Feature not supported.

  • <MEMORYFAILURE> Failed to allocate memory.

  • <PENDING> Status return will wait until command is executed.

  • <MODULE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_CHASSIS> Module is not supported by chassis - e.g. because multi-image requires x64 OS..

  • <XLSFAILED> Could not establish connection to Xena License Server.

  • <XLSDENIED> Request for resource rejected by Xena License Server.

  • <XLSINVALID> Request for wrong resource type.

6.2. Exceptions

If the status message from the server is not <OK>, an exception will be raised by XOA Driver. An example of an exception caused by a <NOTWRITABLE> reply is shown here:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "example.py", line 128, in <module>
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/asyncio/runners.py", line 44, in run
    return loop.run_until_complete(main)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/asyncio/base_events.py", line 641, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
File "example.py", line 122, in main
    await my_awesome_func(stop_event)
File "example.py", line 89, in my_awesome_func
    await my_port.eee.mode.set_off()
File "/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xoa_driver/internals/core/transporter/token.py", line 36, in __ask
    raise e
File "/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xoa_driver/internals/core/transporter/token.py", line 34, in __ask
    result = await fut
xoa_driver.internals.core.transporter.exceptions.BadStatus: Bad status <CommandStatus.NOTWRITABLE: 4> of P_LPTXMODE!

Response              : ['58', '45', '4e', '41', '00', '00', '00', '00', '04', '04', 'ff', 'ff', '00', '00', '01', 'ea']
class_name           : P_LPTXMODE
magic_word           : b'XENA'
number_of_indices    : 0
number_of_value_bytes: 0
command_parameter    : 1028:Replied
module_index         : 255
port_index           : 255
request_identifier   : 490
index_values         : []
values               : None

If your script doesn’t catch the exception, its execution will be interrupted. Since you won’t know what exception may happen before running your script, we highly recommend you handle exceptions in your script, especially when you want your script to keep running regardless of the replied status messages received from the server.

6.3. Handling Exceptions

6.3.1. Basic Exception Handling

If you know Python, you can simply write codes to handle exceptions caused by the reply from the server.

import asyncio
from xoa_driver import testers
from xoa_driver import modules
from xoa_driver import ports

async def my_awesome_script():
    tester = await testers.L23Tester(host="", username="XOA", debug=True)

    my_module = tester.modules.obtain(0)

    if isinstance(my_module, modules.ModuleChimera):
        return None # commands which used in this example are not supported by Chimera Module

    if my_module.is_reserved_by_me():
        await my_module.reservation.set_release()
    if not my_module.is_released():
        await my_module.reservation.set_relinquish()
    await my_module.reservation.set_reserve()

    my_port = my_module.ports.obtain(0)

        await my_port.eee.enable.set_off()
        await my_port.eee.mode.set_off()
    except Exception as e:
        print(e) # You decide how to handle the exception

See also

Read more about Handling Exceptions in Python.

6.3.2. Ignore Exceptions

You can also use context manager suppress to ignore exceptions if you don’t care about the BadStatus but just want to run the script.


A very common use case of ignoring exception is when you run your script to configure a port. Some ports may not support all the API calls in your script, and may return <NOTVALID> or <NOTSUPPORTED>. But since your objective is to configure the port whatever it supports, you can ignore the exceptions and keep your script running to the end of it.

import asyncio
from contextlib import suppress
from xoa_driver import testers
from xoa_driver import modules
from xoa_driver import ports
from xoa_driver import exceptions

async def my_awesome_script():
    tester = await testers.L23Tester(host="", username="XOA", debug=True)

    my_module = tester.modules.obtain(0)

    if isinstance(my_module, modules.ModuleChimera):
        return None # commands which used in this example are not supported by Chimera Module

    if my_module.is_reserved_by_me():
        await my_module.reservation.set_release()
    if not my_module.is_released():
        await my_module.reservation.set_relinquish()
    await my_module.reservation.set_reserve()

    my_port = my_module.ports.obtain(0)

    with suppress(exceptions.BadStatus):
        await my_port.eee.enable.set_off()
        await my_port.eee.mode.set_off()

    print(f"your script will ignore the exception BadStatus and continue")

6.3.3. Show Exceptions In Command Grouping

If you want to do command grouping (send multiple commands in one batch) but at the same time want to know which one(s) raises exception, you use asyncio.gather with return_exceptions=True as shown here:

import asyncio
from xoa_driver import testers
from xoa_driver import modules
from xoa_driver import ports

async def my_awesome_script():
    tester = await testers.L23Tester(host="", username="XOA", debug=True)

    my_module = tester.modules.obtain(0)

    if isinstance(my_module, modules.ModuleChimera):
        return None # commands which used in this example are not supported by Chimera Module

    if my_module.is_reserved_by_me():
        await my_module.reservation.set_release()
    if not my_module.is_released():
        await my_module.reservation.set_relinquish()
    await my_module.reservation.set_reserve()

    my_port = my_module.ports.obtain(0)

    responses = asyncio.gather(