MACsec RX Secure Channel Creation & Deletion
Create and Obtain
Create a new RX Secure Channel (SC) on the port.
Corresponding low-level API class: P_MACSEC_RXSC_CREATE
txsc_obj = await port_obj.macsec_rxscs.create()
Obtain One
Obtain an existing RX Secure Channel on the port with an explicit SC index.
dataset = port_obj.macsec_rxscs.obtain(0)
Obtain Multiple
Obtain multiple existing RX Secure Channels on the port with explicit SC indices.
dataset_list = port_obj.macsec_rxscs.obtain_multiple(*[0,1,2])
Delete a RX Secure Channel (SC) on the port.
Corresponding low-level API class: P_MACSEC_RXSC_DELETE
# rxsc_obj = await port_obj.macsec_rxscs.create()
await rxsc_obj.delete()