Source code for xoa_driver.internals.commands.enums

from enum import IntEnum, IntFlag

# region L23 enums
[docs] class ReservedStatus(IntEnum): """Test resource reservation status""" RELEASED = 0 """Test resource is released.""" RESERVED_BY_YOU = 1 """Test resource is reserved by you.""" RESERVED_BY_OTHER = 2 """Test resource is reserved by another user."""
[docs] class ReservedAction(IntEnum): """Reservation actions.""" RELEASE = 0 """Release the test resource.""" RESERVE = 1 """Reserve the test resource.""" RELINQUISH = 2 """Force release other's ownership of the test resource."""
[docs] class ChassisShutdownAction(IntEnum): """Chassis shutdown actions.""" RESTART = 1 """Restart after shutdown.""" POWER_OFF = 2 """Keep power-off after shutdown."""
[docs] class OnOff(IntEnum): """On or Off.""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On"""
[docs] class RESTControlAction(IntEnum): """Controls of Valkyrie REST server.""" START = 0 """Start the REST server on the chassis.""" STOP = 1 """Stop the REST server on the chassis.""" RESTART = 2 """Restart the REST server on the chassis."""
[docs] class ServiceStatus(IntEnum): """Service status.""" SERVICE_OFF = 0 """Service is off.""" SERVICE_ON = 1 """Service is on."""
[docs] class ChassisSessionType(IntEnum): """The type of the session between the client and the chassis.""" MANAGER = 1 """Connection on port 22606 running binary command (used by ValkyrieManager & VulcanManager).""" SCRIPT = 2 """Connection on port 22611, running CLI command."""
[docs] class TimingSource(IntEnum): """Module's time sync mode.""" CHASSIS = 0 """Module syncs to chassis's clock.""" EXTERNAL = 1 """Module syncs to an external clock.""" MODULE = 2 """Module syncs to its own clock."""
[docs] class MediaCFPState(IntEnum): """Modules' CFP state""" NOT_CFP = 0 """This is not a CFP-based test module.""" NOT_PRESENT = 1 """No transceiver, the CFP cage is empty""" NOT_FLEXIBLE = 2 """Transceiver present, supporting a fixed speed and port-count""" FLEXIBLE = 3 """Transceiver present, supporting flexible speed and port-count"""
[docs] class MediaCFPType(IntEnum): """Module's Media CFP Type. What kind of transceiver, may have multiple ports""" CFP_UNKNOWN = 0 """CFP unknown""" CFP_INVALID = 1 """CFP 100G not supported""" CFP_1X40_SR4 = 2 """CFP 40G SR4 850 nm""" CFP_2X40_SR4 = 3 """CFP 40G SR4 850 nm""" CFP_1X40_LR4 = 4 """CFP 40G LR4 1310 nm""" CFP_1X100_LR4 = 5 """CFP 100G LR4 1310 nm""" CFP_1X100_SR10 = 6 """CFP 100G SR10 850 nm / CFP 40G SR4 850 nm""" CFP_4X10_SFPP = 7 """""" QSFP_EMPTY = 8 """QSFP empty""" QSFP_UNKNOWN = 9 """QSFP unknown""" QSFP_SR = 10 """QSFP SR 850 nm""" QSFP_LR = 11 """QSFP LR 1550 nm""" QSFP_ER = 12 """QSFP ER 1550 nm""" CXP_UNKNOWN = 13 """CXP unknown SR10""" CXP_SR10 = 14 """CXP 100G SR10 850 nm / CXP 40G SR4 850 nm""" CXP_AOC = 15 """CXP 100G SR10 AOC / CXP 40G SR4 AOC""" CFP4_UNKNOWN = 16 """CFP4 unknown""" CFP4_1X100_LR4 = 17 """CFP4 100G LR4""" CFP4_1X100_ER4 = 18 """CFP4 100G ER4""" CFP4_1X100_SR4 = 19 """CFP4 100G SR4""" QSFP28_CR4 = 20 """QSFP28 CR4""" QSFP28_SR4 = 21 """QSFP28 SR4""" QSFP28_LR4 = 22 """QSFP28 LR4""" QSFP28_ER4 = 23 """QSFP28 ER4""" QSFP28_AOC = 24 """QSFP28 AOC""" QSFP28_ACC = 25 """QSFP28 ACC""" QSFP28_UNKNOWN = 26 """QSFP28 unknown""" QSFP28P_SR4 = 27 """QSFP+ SR4 850 nm""" QSFP28P_LR4 = 28 """QSFP+ LR4 1310 nm""" QSFP28P_ER4 = 29 """QSFP+ ER4 1500 nm""" QSFP28P_CR4 = 30 """QSFP+ CR4 Copper""" QSFP28P_ISM4 = 31 """QSFP+ iSM4 1310 nm""" QSFP28P_UNKNOWN = 32 """QSFP+ unknown""" TCVR_UNKNOWN = 33 """Transceiver unknown""" QSFP28_CWDM4 = 34 """QSFP28 CWDM4""" QSFP28_CWDM4_FEC = 35 """QSFP28 CWDM4 FEC""" QSFP28_PSM4 = 36 """QSFP28 PSM4"""
[docs] class SMAInputFunction(IntEnum): """SMA input function""" NOT_USED = 0 """SMA input not used""" TX2MHZ = 1 """TX Clock Ref. 2.048 MHz""" TX10MHZ = 2 """TX Clock Ref. 10.0 MHz"""
[docs] class SMAOutputFunction(IntEnum): """SMA output function""" DISABLED = 0 """Disabled""" PASSTHROUGH = 1 """Pass-through""" P0SOF = 2 """Port 0 Start-of-Frame Pulse""" P1SOF = 3 """Port 1 Start-of-Frame Pulse""" REF2MHZ = 4 """TX Clock (nom. 2.048 MHz)""" REF10MHZ = 5 """TX Clock (nom. 10.0 MHz)""" REF125MHZ = 6 """TX Clock (nom. 125 MHz)""" REF156MHZ = 7 """TX Clock (nom. 156.25 MHz)""" P0RXCLK = 8 """Port 0 RX Clock (nom. 10.0 MHz)""" P1RXCLK = 9 """Port 1 RX Clock (nom. 10.0 MHz)""" P0RXCLK2MHZ = 10 """Port 0 RX Clock (nom. 2.048 MHz)""" P1RXCLK2MHZ = 11 """Port 1 RX Clock (nom. 2.048 MHz)""" TS_PPS = 12 """Timing Source (Pulse-Per-Second)"""
[docs] class SMAStatus(IntEnum): """SMA status""" OK = 0 """Status OK""" NO_VALID_SIGNAL = 1 """No valid signal"""
[docs] class HasDemo(IntEnum): """Demo or not""" NON_DEMO = 0 """Not a demo unit""" DEMO = 1 """Demo unit"""
[docs] class IsValid(IntEnum): """Whether it is valid""" INVALID = 0 """Invalid""" VALID = 1 """Valid"""
[docs] class IsPermanent(IntEnum): """Whether it is permanent""" NON_PERMANENT = 0 """Not permanent""" PERMANENT = 1 """Permanent"""
[docs] class YesNo(IntEnum): NO = 0 """No""" YES = 1 """Yes"""
[docs] class UpdateState(IntEnum): """License update state""" NONE = 0 """None""" UPDATING = 1 """Updating""" UPDATE_SUCCESS = 2 """Update successful""" UPDATE_FAIL = 3 """Update failed"""
[docs] class IsOnline(IntEnum): """Chassis online or not""" OFFLINE = 0 """Chassis offline""" ONLINE = 1 """Chassis online"""
[docs] class PortSpeedMode(IntEnum): """Port speed mode""" AUTO = 0 """Auto negotiate with peer""" F10M = 1 """Forced to 10 Mbit/s""" F100M = 2 """Forced to 100 Mbit/s""" F1G = 3 """Forced to 1 Gbit/s""" F10G = 4 """Forced to 10 Gbit/s""" F40G = 5 """Forced to 40 Gbit/s""" F100G = 6 """Forced to 100 Gbit/s""" F10MHDX = 7 """Forced to 10 Mbit/s half-duplex""" F100MHDX = 8 """Forced to 100 Mbit/s half-duplex""" F10M100M = 9 """Auto negotiate to 10/100 Mbit/s""" F100M1G = 10 """Auto negotiate to 100 Mbit/s or 1 Gbit/s""" F100M1G10G = 11 """Auto negotiate to 100 Mbit/s or 1 Gbit/s or 10 Gbit/s""" F2500M = 12 """Forced to 2500 Mbit/s""" F5G = 13 """Forced to 5 Gbit/s""" F100M1G2500M = 14 """Auto negotiate to 100 Mbit/s or 1 Gbit/s or 2500 Mbit/s""" F25G = 15 """Forced to 25 Gbit/s""" F50G = 16 """Forced to 50 Gbit/s""" F200G = 17 """Forced to 200 Gbit/s""" F400G = 18 """Forced to 400 Gbit/s""" F800G = 19 """Forced to 800 Gbit/s""" F1600G = 20 """Forced to 1600 Gbit/s""" UNKNOWN = 255 """Speed mode unknown"""
[docs] class SyncStatus(IntEnum): """Port sync status""" NO_SYNC = 0 """Not sync""" IN_SYNC = 1 """In sync with peer"""
[docs] class LoopbackMode(IntEnum): """Port loopback mode""" NONE = 0 """Off""" L1RX2TX = 1 """L1 RX-to-TX""" L2RX2TX = 2 """L2 RX-to-TX""" L3RX2TX = 3 """L3 RX-to-TX""" TXON2RX = 4 """TX(on)-to-RX""" TXOFF2RX = 5 """TX(off)-to-RX""" PORT2PORT = 6 """Port-to-Port"""
[docs] class TrafficOnOff(IntEnum): """Traffic status""" OFF = 0 """Traffic off""" ON = 1 """Traffic on""" PREPARING = 2 """Traffic preparing"""
[docs] class StartOrStop(IntEnum): STOP = 0 """Stop the action""" START = 1 """Start the action"""
[docs] class LatencyMode(IntEnum): """Latency measurement mode""" LAST2LAST = 0 """Last-to-Last""" FIRST2LAST = 1 """First-to-Last""" LAST2FIRST = 2 """Last-to-First""" FIRST2FIRST = 3 """First-to-First"""
[docs] class SourceType(IntEnum): TX_IFG = 0 """TX IFG""" TX_LEN = 1 """TX Length""" RX_IFG = 2 """RX IFG""" RX_LEN = 3 """RX Length""" RX_LATENCY = 4 """RX Latency""" RX_JITTER = 5 """RX Jitter"""
[docs] class PacketDetailSelection(IntEnum): ALL = 0 """All""" TPLD = 1 """Based on Test Payload ID""" FILTER = 2 """Based on filter"""
[docs] class OnOffWithSuppress(IntEnum): """Stream status""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On""" SUPPRESS = 2 """Suppressed"""
[docs] class ProtocolOption(IntEnum): """Protocol header options""" ETHERNET = 1 """Ethernet II""" VLAN = 2 """VLAN""" ARP = 3 """Address Resolution Protocol""" IP = 4 """IPv4""" IPV6 = 5 """IPv6""" UDP = 6 """User Datagram Protocol (w/o checksum)""" TCP = 7 """Transmission Control Protocol (w/o checksum)""" LLC = 8 """Logic Link Control""" SNAP = 9 """Subnetwork Access Protocol""" GTP = 10 """GPRS Tunnelling Protocol""" ICMP = 11 """Internet Control Message Protocol""" RTP = 12 """Real-time Transport Protocol""" RTCP = 13 """RTP Control Protocol""" STP = 14 """Spanning Tree Protocol""" SCTP = 15 """Stream Control Transmission Protocol""" MACCTRL = 16 """MAC Control""" MPLS = 17 """Multiprotocol Label Switching""" PBBTAG = 18 """Provider Backbone Bridge tag""" FCOE = 19 """Fibre Channel over Ethernet""" FC = 20 """Fibre Channel""" FCOETAIL = 21 """Fibre Channel over Ethernet (tail)""" IGMPV3L0 = 22 """IGMPv3 Membership Query L=0""" IGMPV3L1 = 23 """IGMPv3 Membership Query L=1""" UDPCHECK = 24 """User Datagram Protocol (w/ checksum)""" IGMPV2 = 25 """Internet Group Management Protocol v2""" MPLS_TP_OAM = 26 """MPLS-TP, OAM Header""" GRE_NOCHECK = 27 """Generic Routing Encapsulation (w/o checksum)""" GRE_CHECK = 28 """Generic Routing Encapsulation (w/ checksum)""" TCPCHECK = 29 """Transmission Control Protocol (w/ checksum)""" GTPV1L0 = 30 """GTPv1 (no options), GPRS Tunneling Protocol v1""" GTPV1L1 = 31 """GTPv1 (w/ options), GPRS Tunneling Protocol v1""" GTPV2L0 = 32 """GTPv2 (no options), GPRS Tunneling Protocol v2""" GTPV2L1 = 33 """GTPv2 (w/ options), GPRS Tunneling Protocol v2""" IGMPV1 = 34 """Internet Group Management Protocol v1""" PWETHCTRL = 35 """PW Ethernet Control Word""" VXLAN = 36 """Virtual eXtensible LAN""" ETHERNET_8023 = 37 """Ethernet 802.3""" NVGRE = 38 """Generic Routing Encapsulation (Network Virtualization)""" DHCPV4 = 39 """Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (IPv4)""" GENEVE = 40 """Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation""" XENA_TPLD = 41 XENA_TPLD_PI = 42 XENA_MICROTPLD = 43 ETHERNET_FCS = 44 MACCTRLPFC = 45 """MAC Control for PFC""" ECPRI = 46 """Enhanced Common Public Radio Interface""" ROE = 47 """Radio over Ethernet""" ETHERTYPE = 48 """EtherType""" # Generate RAW form 1...64 bytes # _ignore_ = "ProtocolOption i" # ProtocolOption = vars() # for i in range(1, 65): # ProtocolOption["RAW_%d" % i] = 256 - i # type: ignore RAW_1 = 255 RAW_2 = 254 RAW_3 = 253 RAW_4 = 252 RAW_5 = 251 RAW_6 = 250 RAW_7 = 249 RAW_8 = 248 RAW_9 = 247 RAW_10 = 246 RAW_11 = 245 RAW_12 = 244 RAW_13 = 243 RAW_14 = 242 RAW_15 = 241 RAW_16 = 240 RAW_17 = 239 RAW_18 = 238 RAW_19 = 237 RAW_20 = 236 RAW_21 = 235 RAW_22 = 234 RAW_23 = 233 RAW_24 = 232 RAW_25 = 231 RAW_26 = 230 RAW_27 = 229 RAW_28 = 228 RAW_29 = 227 RAW_30 = 226 RAW_31 = 225 RAW_32 = 224 RAW_33 = 223 RAW_34 = 222 RAW_35 = 221 RAW_36 = 220 RAW_37 = 219 RAW_38 = 218 RAW_39 = 217 RAW_40 = 216 RAW_41 = 215 RAW_42 = 214 RAW_43 = 213 RAW_44 = 212 RAW_45 = 211 RAW_46 = 210 RAW_47 = 209 RAW_48 = 208 RAW_49 = 207 RAW_50 = 206 RAW_51 = 205 RAW_52 = 204 RAW_53 = 203 RAW_54 = 202 RAW_55 = 201 RAW_56 = 200 RAW_57 = 199 RAW_58 = 198 RAW_59 = 197 RAW_60 = 196 RAW_61 = 195 RAW_62 = 194 RAW_63 = 193 RAW_64 = 192 RAW_65 = 191 RAW_66 = 190 RAW_67 = 189 RAW_68 = 188 RAW_69 = 187 RAW_70 = 186 RAW_71 = 185 RAW_72 = 184 RAW_73 = 183 RAW_74 = 182 RAW_75 = 181 RAW_76 = 180 RAW_77 = 179 RAW_78 = 178 RAW_79 = 177 RAW_80 = 176 RAW_81 = 175 RAW_82 = 174 RAW_83 = 173 RAW_84 = 172 RAW_85 = 171 RAW_86 = 170 RAW_87 = 169 RAW_88 = 168 RAW_89 = 167 RAW_90 = 166 RAW_91 = 165 RAW_92 = 164 RAW_93 = 163 RAW_94 = 162 RAW_95 = 161 RAW_96 = 160 RAW_97 = 159 RAW_98 = 158 RAW_99 = 157 RAW_100 = 156 RAW_101 = 155 RAW_102 = 154 RAW_103 = 153 RAW_104 = 152 RAW_105 = 151 RAW_106 = 150 RAW_107 = 149 RAW_108 = 148 RAW_109 = 147 RAW_110 = 146 RAW_111 = 145 RAW_112 = 144 RAW_113 = 143 RAW_114 = 142 RAW_115 = 141 RAW_116 = 140 RAW_117 = 139 RAW_118 = 138 RAW_119 = 137 RAW_120 = 136 RAW_121 = 135 RAW_122 = 134 RAW_123 = 133 RAW_124 = 132 RAW_125 = 131 RAW_126 = 130 RAW_127 = 129 RAW_128 = 128 RAW_129 = 127 RAW_130 = 126 RAW_131 = 125 RAW_132 = 124 RAW_133 = 123 RAW_134 = 122 RAW_135 = 121 RAW_136 = 120 RAW_137 = 119 RAW_138 = 118 RAW_139 = 117 RAW_140 = 116 RAW_141 = 115 RAW_142 = 114 RAW_143 = 113 RAW_144 = 112 RAW_145 = 111 RAW_146 = 110 RAW_147 = 109 RAW_148 = 108 RAW_149 = 107 RAW_150 = 106
[docs] class ModifierAction(IntEnum): """Modifier action mode""" INC = 0 """Incrementing""" DEC = 1 """Decrementing""" RANDOM = 2 """Random"""
[docs] class LengthType(IntEnum): """Packet length type""" FIXED = 0 """Fixed""" INCREMENTING = 1 """Incrementing""" BUTTERFLY = 2 """Butterfly""" RANDOM = 3 """Random""" MIX = 4 """Mix"""
[docs] class PayloadType(IntEnum): """Packet payload type""" PATTERN = 0 """Pattern""" INC8 = INCREMENTING = 1 """ .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Incrementing with 0xFF (8-bit mode) """ PRBS = 2 """PRBS""" RANDOM = 3 """Random""" DEC8 = DECREMENTING = 4 """ .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Decrementing with 0xFF (8-bit mode) """ INC16 = 5 """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Incrementing with 0xFFFF (16-bit mode) """ DEC16 = 6 """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Decrementing with 0xFFFF (16-bit mode) """
[docs] class MDIXMode(IntEnum): """MDIX mode""" AUTO = 0 """Auto""" MDI = 1 """MDI""" MDIX = 2 """MDIX"""
[docs] class LengthCheckType(IntEnum): AT_MOST = 0 """At Most""" AT_LEAST = 1 """At Least"""
[docs] class StartTrigger(IntEnum): """Capture start trigger""" ON = 0 """From Traffic On""" FCSERR = 1 """From FCS Error""" FILTER = 2 """From Filter""" PLDERR = 3 """From Payload Error"""
[docs] class StopTrigger(IntEnum): """Capture stop trigger""" FULL = 0 """Until Capture Buffer Full""" FCSERR = 1 """Until Receiving FCS Error""" FILTER = 2 """Until Filter Matched""" PLDERR = 3 """Until Receiving Payload Error""" USERSTOP = 4 """Until User Stops"""
[docs] class PacketType(IntEnum): """Type of Packet to Keep in Capture Buffer""" ALL = 0 """All Packets""" FCSERR = 1 """With FCS Errors""" NOTPLD = 2 """Without Test Payload""" TPLD = 3 """With Test Payload""" FILTER = 4 """Filtered Packets""" PLDERR = 5 """With Payload Errors"""
[docs] class InjectErrorType(IntEnum): """Lane Injection Error Type""" HEADERERROR = 1 """Header Error""" ALIGNERROR = 2 """Alignment Error""" BIP8ERROR = 3 """BIP8 Error"""
[docs] class HeaderLockStatus(IntEnum): """Physical Lane Header Lock Status""" HEADEROFF = 0 """Header Lock Off""" HEADERON = 1 """Header Lock On""" HEADEROFFUNSTABLE = 2 """Header Lock Off and Unstable""" HEADERONUNSTABLE = 3 """Header Lock On but Unstable"""
[docs] class AlignLockStatus(IntEnum): """Physical Lane Alignment Lock Status""" ALIGNOFF = 0 """Alignment Lock Off""" ALIGNON = 1 """Alignment Lock On""" ALIGNOFFUNSTABLE = 2 """Alignment Lock Off and Unstable""" ALIGNONUNSTABLE = 3 """Alignment Lock On but Unstable"""
[docs] class PRBSLockStatus(IntEnum): """Physical Lane PRBS Lock Status""" PRBSOFF = 0 """PRBS Lock Off""" PRBSON = 1 """PRBS Lock On""" PRBSOFFUNSTABLE = 2 """PRBS Lock Off and Unstable""" PRBSONUNSTABLE = 3 """PRBS Lock On but Unstable"""
[docs] class MulticastOperation(IntEnum): """IGMPv2 Request Type""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On""" JOIN = 2 """Join""" LEAVE = 3 """Leave"""
[docs] class MulticastExtOperation(IntEnum): """IGMPv2/v3Request Type""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On""" JOIN = 2 """Join""" LEAVE = 3 """Leave""" INCLUDE = 4 """Include""" EXCLUDE = 5 """EXclude""" LEAVE_TO_ALL = 6 """Leave To All""" GENERAL_QUERY = 7 """General Query""" GROUP_QUERY = 8 """Group Query"""
[docs] class IGMPVersion(IntEnum): """IGMP Version""" IGMPV2 = 0 """IGMP Version 2""" IGMPV3 = 1 """IGMP Version 3"""
[docs] class TXMode(IntEnum): """Port TX Mode""" NORMAL = 0 """Normal""" STRICTUNIFORM = 1 """Strict Uniform""" SEQUENTIAL = 2 """Sequential""" BURST = 3 """Burst"""
[docs] class PayloadMode(IntEnum): """Payload Mode""" NORMAL = 0 """Normal""" EXTPL = 1 """Extend Payload""" CDF = 2 """Custom Data Field"""
[docs] class BRRMode(IntEnum): """BRR Mode""" SLAVE = 0 """Slave Mode""" MASTER = 1 """Master Mode"""
[docs] class TXClockSource(IntEnum): """TX Clock Source""" MODULELOCALCLOCK = 0 """Module Local Clock""" SMAINPUT = 1 """SMA Input""" P0RXCLK = 2 """Port 0 RX Clock""" P1RXCLK = 3 """Port 1 RX Clock""" P2RXCLK = 4 """Port 2 RX Clock""" P3RXCLK = 5 """Port 3 RX Clock""" P4RXCLK = 6 """Port 4 RX Clock""" P5RXCLK = 7 """Port 5 RX Clock""" P6RXCLK = 8 """Port 6 RX Clock""" P7RXCLK = 9 """Port 7 RX Clock"""
[docs] class TXClockStatus(IntEnum): """TX Clock Status""" OK = 0 """Clock OK""" NOVALIDTXCLK = 1 """No Valid TX Clock"""
[docs] class LoopBandwidth(IntEnum): """Loop Bandwidth""" BW103HZ = 1 """Loop Bandwidth = 103 Hz""" BW207HZ = 2 """Loop Bandwidth = 207 Hz""" BW416HZ = 3 """Loop Bandwidth = 416 Hz""" BW1683HZ = 4 """Loop Bandwidth = 1683 Hz""" BW7019HZ = 5 """Loop Bandwidth = 7019 Hz"""
[docs] class MediaConfigurationType(IntEnum): """Module Media Configuration Type""" CFP4 = 0 """CFP4""" QSFP28 = QSFP28_NRZ = 1 """QSFP28, 25G serdes""" CXP = 2 """CXP""" SFP28 = 3 """SFP28, 25G serdes""" QSFP56 = QSFP56_PAM4 = 4 """QSFP56, 56G serdes""" QSFPDD = QSFPDD_PAM4 = 5 """QSFP-DD, 56G serdes""" SFP56 = 6 """SFP56""" SFP_DD = SFPDD = 7 """SFP-DD""" SFP112 = 8 """SFP112""" QSFP_DD_NRZ = QSFPDD_NRZ = 9 """QSFP-DD, 25G serdes""" QSFP28_PAM4 = 10 """QSFP28 4x26G KP -> 2x53G KP PAM4""" CFP = 99 """CFP""" BASE_T1 = 100 """BASE-T1""" BASE_T1S = 101 """BASE-T1S""" QSFPDD800 = 110 """QSFP-DD800, 112G serdes""" QSFP112 = 111 """QSFP112, 112G serdes""" OSFP800 = 112 """OSFP800, 112G serdes""" QSFPDD800_ANLT = 113 """QSFPDD800, 112G serdes, L1/ANLT""" QSFP112_ANLT = 114 """QSFP112, 112G serdes, L1/ANLT""" OSFP800_ANLT = 115 """OSFP800, 112G serdes, L1/ANLT""" OSFP = 116 """OSFP, 56G serdes""" QSFPDD_ANLT = 117 """QSFP-DD, 56G serdes, L1/ANLT""" QSFP56_ANLT = 118 """QSFP56, 56G serdes, L1/ANLT""" OSFP_ANLT = 119 """OSFP, 56G serdes, L1/ANLT""" OSFP_NRZ = 120 """OSFP, 56G serdes, NRZ""" UNKNOWN = 255
[docs] class TXHState(IntEnum): """Recent Change in EEE State on TX""" TXH_NA = 0 """Leaving or Going Into""" TXH_X = 1 """No Activity"""
[docs] class RXHState(IntEnum): """Recent Change in EEE State on RX""" RXH_NA = 0 """Leaving or Going Into""" RXH_X = 1 """No Activity"""
[docs] class TXCState(IntEnum): """TX EEE State""" TXC_ACTIVE = 0 """Active""" TXC_LPI = 1 """Low Power"""
[docs] class RXCState(IntEnum): """RX EEE State""" RXC_ACTIVE = 0 """Active""" RXC_LPI = 1 """Low Power"""
[docs] class LinkState(IntEnum): """Low Power Mode Link State""" LINK_DOWN = 0 """Link Down""" LINK_UP = 1 """Link Up"""
[docs] class FaultSignaling(IntEnum): """Fault Signaling Behavior""" NORMAL = 0 """Normal""" FORCE_LOCAL = 1 """Forced to Local""" FORCE_REMOTE = 2 """Forced to Remote""" DISABLED = 3 """Disabled"""
[docs] class LocalFaultStatus(IntEnum): """Local Fault Status""" OK = 0 """OK""" LOCAL_FAULT = 1 """Local Fault"""
[docs] class RemoteFaultStatus(IntEnum): """Remote Fault Status""" OK = 0 """OK""" REMOTE_FAULT = 1 """Remote Fault"""
[docs] class TPLDMode(IntEnum): """Test Payload Mode""" NORMAL = 0 """Normal""" MICRO = 1 """Micro"""
[docs] class SerdesStatus(IntEnum): """Serdes Status""" STOPPED = 0 """Stopped""" STARTED = 1 """Started""" INITIALIZING = 2 """Initializing""" PLOTTING = 3 """Plotting"""
[docs] class FECMode(IntEnum): """FEX Mode""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On""" RS_FEC = 2 """RS FEC""" FC_FEC = 3 """Firecode FEC""" RS_FEC_KR = 4 """RS FEC KR""" RS_FEC_KP = 5 """RS FEC KP""" RS_FEC_INT = 6 """RS FEC Int"""
[docs] class PRBSInsertedType(IntEnum): """PRBS Type""" CAUI_VIRTUAL = 0 """CAUI Virtual""" PHY_LINE = 1 """PHY Line""" PHY_HOST = 2 """PHY Host""" TCVR = 3 """Transceiver"""
[docs] class PRBSPolynomial(IntEnum): """PRBS Polynomial""" PRBS7 = 0 """PRBS-7""" PRBS9 = 1 """PRBS-9""" PRBS11 = 2 """PRBS-11""" PRBS15 = 3 """PRBS-15""" PRBS23 = 4 """PRBS-23""" PRBS31 = 5 """PRBS-31""" PRBS58 = 6 """PRBS-58""" PRBS49 = 7 """PRBS-49""" PRBS10 = 8 """PRBS-10""" PRBS20 = 9 """PRBS-20""" PRBS13 = 10 """PRBS-13""" SSPRQ = 24 """SSPRQ""" SQUARE_WAVE = 25 """Square Wave"""
[docs] class PRBSInvertState(IntEnum): """PRBS Invert State""" NON_INVERTED = 0 """Non-inverted""" INVERTED = 1 """Inverted"""
[docs] class PRBSStatisticsMode(IntEnum): """PRBS Statistics Mode""" ACCUMULATIVE = 0 """Accumulative""" PERSECOND = 1 """Per Second"""
[docs] class PauseMode(IntEnum): """Pause Mode""" NO_PAUSE = 0 """No Pause""" SYM_PAUSE = 1 """Symmetric Pause""" ASYM_PAUSE = 2 """Asymmetric Pause"""
[docs] class MulticastHeaderFormat(IntEnum): """Additional Header to IGMPv2/v3 Packets""" NOHDR = 0 """No Header""" VLAN = 1 """VLAN"""
[docs] class PFCMode(IntEnum): """The PFC CoS value of the stream""" ZERO = 0 """the PFC CoS value = 0""" ONE = 1 """the PFC CoS value = 1""" TWO = 2 """the PFC CoS value = 2""" THREE = 3 """the PFC CoS value = 3""" FOUR = 4 """the PFC CoS value = 4""" FIVE = 5 """the PFC CoS value = 5""" SIX = 6 """the PFC CoS value = 6""" SEVEN = 7 """the PFC CoS value = 7""" VLAN_PCP = 128 """PFC CoS value is automatically using the outer VLAN PCP value of the stream. If the VLAN field is missing, the stream won't have a PFC CoS.""" OFF = 129 """Remove PFC CoS value of the stream."""
[docs] class PRBSOnOff(IntEnum): """PRBS Status""" PRBSOFF = 0 """PRBS Off""" PRBSON = 1 """PRBS On"""
[docs] class ErrorOnOff(IntEnum): """PRBS Error Injection Status""" ERRORSOFF = 0 """PRBS Error Injection Off""" ERRORSON = 1 """PRBS Error Injection On"""
[docs] class PRBSPattern(IntEnum): """PRBS Pattern""" PRBS7 = 0 """PRBS-7""" PRBS9 = 1 """PRBS-9""" PRBS11 = 2 """PRBS-11""" PRBS15 = 3 """PRBS-15""" PRBS23 = 4 """PRBS-23""" PRBS31 = 5 """PRBS-31""" PRBS58 = 6 """PRBS-58""" PRBS49 = 7 """PRBS-49""" PRBS10 = 8 """PRBS-10""" PRBS20 = 9 """PRBS-20""" PRBS13 = 10 """PRBS-13"""
[docs] class PHYSignalStatus(IntEnum): """PHY Signal Status""" NO_SIGNAL = 0 """No Signal""" NO_CDRLOCK = 2 """No CDR Lock""" LOCKED = 3 """Locked"""
[docs] class OnOffDefault(IntEnum): """On Off Default Status""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On""" DEFAULT = 2 """Default"""
[docs] class TimeKeeperLicenseFileState(IntEnum): """TimeKeeper License File State""" NA = 0 """Not Available""" INV = 1 """Invalid""" VALID = 2 """Valid"""
[docs] class TimeKeeperLicenseType(IntEnum): """TimeKeeper License Type""" UNDEF = 0 """Undefined""" CLIENT = 1 """TimeKeeper Client""" SERVER = 2 """TimeKeeper Server"""
[docs] class TimeKeeperLicenseError(IntEnum): """TimeKeeper License Error""" NO_LICENSE_ERROR = 0 """No License Error""" INVALID_SERIALNO = 1 """Invalid Serial Number""" INVALID_CHASSISTYPE = 2 """Invalid Chassis Type"""
[docs] class SystemUpdateStatus(IntEnum): """System Update Status""" OK = 0 """Update OK""" FAILED_SCRIPT = 1 """Script Failed""" FAILED_PREP = 10 """Preparation Failed""" FAILED_FILENAME = 11 """Filename Failed""" FAILED_DECRYPT = 12 """Decryption Failed""" FAILED_UNPACK = 13 """Unpacking Failed""" FAILED_VERIFY = 14 """Verification Failed""" FAILED_MOVE = 15 """Moving Failed"""
[docs] class TimeKeeperServiceStatus(IntEnum): """TimeKeeper Service Status""" STOPPED = 0 """Service Stopped""" STARTED = 1 """Service Started""" NA = 2 """Not Available"""
[docs] class TimeKeeperServiceAction(IntEnum): """TimeKeeper Service Action""" STOP = 0 """Stop""" START = 1 """Start""" RESTART = 2 """Restart"""
[docs] class CustomDefaultCommand(IntEnum): """Custom Default Command""" SET = 0 """Set Custom Default""" CLEAR = 1 """Clear Custom Default"""
[docs] class CustomDefaultScope(IntEnum): """Custom Default Scope""" ALL = 0 """All""" INSTANCE = 1 """Instance"""
[docs] class TrafficError(IntEnum): """Traffic Error""" NOT_PREPARED = 0 """Not Prepared""" RATE_LENGTH_ERROR = 1 """Rate Length Error""" PREPARED_OK = 2 """Prepared OK"""
[docs] class TrafficEngine(IntEnum): """Traffic Engine""" TGA = 1 """Normal TGA""" MICRO_TGA = 2 """Micro TGA"""
[docs] class LinkTrainFrameLock(IntEnum): """L1 Link Training Frame Lock Status""" LOST = 0 """No Frame Lock detected""" LOCKED = 1 """Frame Lock detected"""
[docs] class PPMSweepMode(IntEnum): """Module clock PPM Sweep Modes""" NONE = 0 """Off""" TRIANGLE = 1 """Triangle sweeping"""
[docs] class PPMSweepStatus(IntEnum): """Module clock PPM Sweep Status""" OFF = 0 """Off""" SWEEPING = 1 """The module is sweeping"""
[docs] class ReconciliationSublayerSupport(IntEnum): """Reconciliation Sublayer Support""" NO_SUPPORT = 0 """Not Supported""" FAULT_SIGNALING = 1 """Supported, which means P_FAULTSTATUS and P_FAULTSIGNALLING are supported by the port."""
[docs] class StreamOption(IntEnum): """Stream Options""" INCPLDFROM0 = 0 """This flag affects the INC8/DEC8/INC16/DEC16 payload types (refer to the PS_PAYLOAD command): With the flag set, the first payload byte/word after the header will be 0 (INC8/INC16) or -1 (DEC8/DEC16). With the flag unset, the default is used: The first payload byte/word of the payload will be equal to <length of header> (INC8/INC16), or -<length of header> - 1 (DEC8/DEC16)."""
[docs] class ModifierEndianness(IntEnum): """Stream modifier endianness""" BIG = 0 """Modifier inc/dec starts from the LSB""" LITTLE = 1 """Modifier inc/dec starts from the MSB"""
# endregion # region L47 enums
[docs] class Role(IntEnum): """L47 port role""" CLIENT = 0 """Client""" SERVER = 1 """Server"""
[docs] class Timescale(IntEnum): """Time scale""" MSECS = 0 """Milliseconds""" SECONDS = 1 """Seconds""" MINUTES = 2 """Minutes""" HOURS = 3 """Hours"""
[docs] class MSSType(IntEnum): """TCP Maximum Segment Type""" FIXED = 0 """Fixed""" INCREMENT = 1 """Incrementing""" RANDOM = 2 """Pseudorandom"""
[docs] class RTOType(IntEnum): """TCP RTO Type""" STATIC = 0 """Static RTO""" DYNAMIC = 1 """Dynamic RTO"""
[docs] class CongestionType(IntEnum): """TCP Congestion Control Algorithm""" NONE = 0 """No TCP Congestion Control""" RENO = 1 """RENO""" NEW_RENO = 2 """New RENO"""
[docs] class IsEnabled(IntEnum): DISABLE = 0 ENABLE = 1
[docs] class AlgorithmMethod(IntEnum): """Algorithm to calculate the TCP initial congestion window (ICWND)""" RFC5681 = 0 """RFC 5681""" RFC2581 = 1 """RFC 2581""" FIXED_FACTOR = 2 """Fixed"""
[docs] class AutoOrManual(IntEnum): AUTOMATIC = 0 MANUAL = 1
[docs] class EmbedIP(IntEnum): """Should Embed IP in MAC""" DONT_EMBED_IP = 0 """Do not embed""" EMBED_IP = 1 """Embed IP in MAC"""
[docs] class ApplicationLayerBehavior(IntEnum): """L47 Test Application Type""" NONE = 0 """TCP connections are created according to the client and server ranges, and ramped up/down as specified in the load profile. But no payload is transmitted.""" RAW = 1 """Differs from ``NONE`` in that it transmits payload when the TCP connection is established.""" REPLAY = 2 """PCAP replay."""
[docs] class TrafficScenario(IntEnum): """Traffic direction scenario""" DOWNLOAD = 0 """Server transmits payload to client.""" UPLOAD = 1 """Client transmits payload to server.""" BOTH = 2 """Payload is transmitted in both directions.""" ECHO = 3 """Client transmits payload to server, server echoes the payload back"""
[docs] class PayloadGenerationMethod(IntEnum): """Payload generation method.""" FIXED = 0 """Payload has a fixed value.""" INCREMENT = 1 """Payload consist of incrementing bytes.""" RANDOM = 2 """Payload consists of pseudo random bytes with a repeat cycle of 1 MB.""" LONGRANDOM = 3 """Payload consists of pseudo random bytes with a repeat cycle of 4 GB."""
[docs] class InfiniteOrFinite(IntEnum): INFINITE = 0 FINITE = 1
[docs] class WhoClose(IntEnum): """How to close TCP connection when all payload has been transmitted.""" NONE = 0 """Keep the connection open after last byte is transmitted""" CLIENT = 1 """Client closes the connection after last byte is receiver/transmitted""" SERVER = 2 """Server closes the connection after last byte is transmitted"""
[docs] class LifecycleMode(IntEnum): """Connection lifecycle mode""" ONCE = 0 """Connections are established during the ramp-up phase and not closed until the ramp-down phase of the load profile. That is, each configured connection only exists once.""" IMMORTAL = 1 """Connections are established during the ramp-up phase of the load profile, and are closed after the configured lifetime (configured by P4G_RAW_CONN_LIFETIME). As connections close, new connections are established, attempting to keep the concurrent number of established connections constant. A new connection will have the same IP address as the connection it replaces, but will have a new TCP port number. This will simulate that the user (defined by the client IP address) is living on, and creates new connections as old connections close. """ REINCARNATE = 2 """Connections are established during the ramp-up phase of the load profile, and are closed after the configured lifetime (configured by P4G_RAW_CONN_LIFETIME). As connections close, new connections are established, attempting to keep the concurrent number of established connections constant. A new connection will have the same TCP port number as the connection it replaces, but will have a new IP address. This will simulate that the user (defined by the client IP address) ceases to exist, and new users appear as old users die. """
[docs] class L47IPVersion(IntEnum): """IP version of the Connection Group""" IPV4 = 4 """IPv4""" IPV6 = 6 """IPv6"""
[docs] class L47ProtocolType(IntEnum): """L4 protocol of the Connection Group""" TCP = 0 """TCP""" UDP = 1 """UDP"""
[docs] class L47TrafficState(IntEnum): """L47 traffic state""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On""" STOP = 2 """Stop""" PREPARE = 3 """Prepare""" PRERUN = 4 """Prerun"""
[docs] class L47PortState(IntEnum): """L47 port state""" OFF = 0 """Off""" PREPARE = 1 """Prepare""" PREPARE_RDY = 2 """Prepare Ready""" PREPARE_FAIL = 3 """Prepare Failed""" PRERUN = 4 """Prerun""" PRERUN_RDY = 5 """Prepare Ready""" RUNNING = 6 """Running""" STOPPING = 7 """Stopping""" STOPPED = 8 """Stopped""" DHCP = 9 """DHCP Running"""
[docs] class L47PortSpeed(IntEnum): """L47 port speed mode""" AUTO = 0 """Auto""" F100M = 1 """100 Mbit/s""" F1G = 2 """1 Gbit/s""" F2_5G = 3 """2.5 Gbit/s""" F5G = 4 """5 Gbit/s""" F10G = 5 """10 Gbit/s""" F25G = 6 """25 Gbit/s""" F40G = 7 """40 Gbit/s""" F50G = 8 """50 Gbit/s""" F100G = 9 """100 Gbit/s"""
[docs] class CaptureSize(IntEnum): """Capture size""" FULL = 0 """Capture whole packets""" SMALL = 1 """Capture truncated packets"""
[docs] class ReplayParserState(IntEnum): OFF = 0 PARSING = 1
[docs] class IsPresent(IntEnum): NOT_PRESENT = 0 PRESENT = 1
[docs] class LicenseSpeed(IntEnum): UNDEFINED = 0 F100M = 1 F1G = 2 F2_5G = 3 F5G = 4 F10G = 5 F25G = 6 F40G = 7 F50G = 8 F100G = 9
[docs] class TLSVersion(IntEnum): """TLS protocol version""" SSLV3 = 0 """SSL v3""" TLS10 = 1 """TLS v1.0""" TLS11 = 2 """TLS v1.1""" TLS12 = 3 """TLS v1.2"""
[docs] class ResourceAllocationMode(IntEnum): SIMPLE = 0 ADVANCED = 1
[docs] class ReplaySchedulingMode(IntEnum): BANDWIDTH = 0 TIME = 1
[docs] class ReplaySyncBasedOn(IntEnum): PER_CONN = 0 PER_USER = 1
# endregion # region Impairment enums
[docs] class CorruptionType(IntEnum): """Impairment corruption type""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ETH = 1 """Ethernet""" IP = 2 """IP""" UDP = 3 """UDP""" TCP = 4 """TCP""" BER = 5 """Bit Error Rate"""
[docs] class PolicerMode(IntEnum): """Policer mode""" L1 = 0 """Policer performed at Layer 1 level. I.e. including the preamble and min inter-packet gap.""" L2 = 1 """Policer performed at Layer 2 level. I.e. excluding the preamble and min inter-packet gap"""
[docs] class FilterUse(IntEnum): """Use of filter.""" OFF = 0 """No filtering will be done""" AND = 1 """Filtering will be done"""
[docs] class InfoAction(IntEnum): """Action of filter.""" EXCLUDE = 0 """Matching packets are excluded from the flow""" INCLUDE = 1 """Matching packets are included from the flow"""
[docs] class L2PlusPresent(IntEnum): """Presence of Layer-2+ protocols""" NA = 0 """No Layer 2+ protocols""" VLAN1 = 1 """One VLAN Tag is present""" VLAN2 = 2 """Two VLAN Tags are present""" MPLS = 3 """MPLS label is present"""
[docs] class L3Present(IntEnum): """Presence of Layer-3 protocols""" NA = 0 """No Layer 3 protocols""" IP4 = 1 """IPv4 is present""" IP6 = 2 """IPv6 is present"""
[docs] class FilterMode(IntEnum): """Impairment Filter Mode""" BASIC = 0 """Basic Mode""" EXTENDED = 1 """Extended Mode"""
[docs] class ImpairmentLatencyMode(IntEnum): """Impairment Latency Mode""" NORMAL = 0 """Normal""" EXTENDED = 1 """Extended"""
[docs] class ShadowWorkingSelection(IntEnum): """Shadow Working Selection""" SHADOW = 0 """Shadow""" WORKING = 1 """Working"""
[docs] class FilterType(IntEnum): """Filter Type for Impairment""" SHADOW = 0 """Shadow Copy""" WORKING = 1 """Working Copy"""
[docs] class FilterVlanType(IntEnum): """VLAN PCP Settings for VLAN Filter""" INNER = 0 """VLAN1 (0) (INNER VLAN Tag is specified for the filter – used also when only 1 VLAN), indicates single/inner VLAN-TPID=0x8100""" OUTER = 1 """VLAN2 (1) (OUTER VLAN Tag is specified for the filter), indicates outer VLAN-TPID=0x88A8"""
[docs] class LatencyTypeCustomDist(IntEnum): """Latency Type for Custom Distribution""" INTERPACKET_DISTRIBUTION = 0 """Interpacket Distribution""" LATENCY_DISTRIBUTION = 1 """Latency Distribution"""
[docs] class ImpairmentTypeIndex(IntEnum): """Impairment Type Index""" DROP = 0 """Drop""" MISORDER = 1 """Misorder""" LATENCYJITTER = 2 """Delay/Jitter""" DUPLICATION = 3 """Duplication""" CORRUPTION = 4 """Corruption""" POLICER = 5 """Policer""" SHAPER = 6 """Shaper"""
# endregion # region TSN enums
[docs] class TSNConfigProfile(IntEnum): """TSN PTP Configuration profile""" AUTOMOTIVE = 0 """Defaults suitable for automotive testing""" IEEE1588V2 = 1 """Defaults suitable for PTP testing"""
[docs] class TSNPortRole(IntEnum): """TSN port role""" GRANDMASTER = 0 """Grandmaster role""" SLAVE = 1 """Slave role"""
[docs] class TSNDeviationMode(IntEnum): FIXED = 0
[docs] class TSNTimeSource(IntEnum): """TSN time source""" ATOMIC = 0x10 """Atomic""" GPS = 0x20 """GPS""" TERRESTRIAL = 0x30 """Terrestrial""" PTP = 0x40 """PTP""" NTP = 0x50 """NTP""" HAND_SET = 0x60 """Handset""" OTHER = 0x90 """Other""" INTERNAL_OSC = 0xA0 """Internal oscillator"""
[docs] class TSNHistogramSource(IntEnum): """Data source for TSN histogram""" DRIFT = 0 """Post-servo offset to Grandmaster""" DRIFTPRE = 1 """Pre-servo offset to Grandmaster""" PDELAY = 2 """PDelay data.""" NRR = 3 """Neighbor Rate Ratio data."""
[docs] class TSNStatisticsTypes(IntEnum): """TSN Statistics Types""" ALL = 0 """All.""" PACKETCOUNT = 1 """Packet count.""" OFFSET = 2 """Offset.""" PDELAY = 3 """PDelay.""" SYNCRATE = 4 """Sync rate."""
# endregion # region ANLT enums
[docs] class AutoNegMode(IntEnum): """Auto Neg Mode""" ANEG_OFF = 0 """Auto Neg Off""" ANEG_ON = 1 """Auto Neg On"""
[docs] class AutoNegTecAbility(IntEnum): """Auto Neg Technical Abilities""" DEFAULT_TECH_MODE = 0 """Default Tech Mode""" IEEE_10G_KR = 4 """IEEE 10G KR""" IEEE_40G_CR4 = 16 """IEEE 40G CR4""" IEEE_100G_KR4 = 128 """IEEE 100G KR4""" IEEE_100G_CR4 = 256 """IEEE 100G CR4""" IEEE_25GBASE_CRS_KRS = 512 """IEEE 25GBASE CRS KRS""" IEEE_25GBASE_CR_KR = 1024 """IEEE 25GBASE CR KR""" IEEE_50GBASE_CR_KR = 8192 """IEEE 50GBASE CR KR""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR2_KR2 = 16384 """IEEE 100GBASE CR2 KR2""" IEEE_200GBASE_CR4_KR4 = 32768 """IEEE 200GBASE CR4 KR4""" IEEE_100GBASE_KR1 = 65536 """IEEE 100GBASE KR1""" IEEE_200GBASE_KR2 = 131072 """IEEE 200GBASE KR2""" IEEE_400GBASE_KR4 = 262144 """IEEE 400GBASE KR4""" EC_25GBASE_KR1 = 16777216 """EC 25GBASE KR1""" EC_25GBASE_CR1 = 33554432 """EC 25GBASE CR1""" EC_50GBASE_KR2 = 67108864 """EC 50GBASE KR2""" EC_50GBASE_CR2 = 134217728 """EC 50GBASE CR2""" EC_400GBASE_KR8 = 268435456 """EC 400GBASE KR8""" EC_800GBASE_KR8 = 536870912 """EC 800GBASE KR8""" EC_50G_CR1_KR1 = 503 """EC 50G CR1 KR1""" BAM_50G_CR1_KR1 = 504 """BAM 50G CR1 KR1""" BAM_50G_CR2_KR2 = 505 """BAM 50G CR2 KR2""" BAM_100G_CR2_KR2 = 1002 """BAM 100G CR2 KR2""" BAM_100G_CR4_KR4 = 1003 """BAM 100G CR4 KR4""" BAM_200G_CR2_KR2 = 2002 """BAM 200G CR2 KR2""" BAM_400G_CR8_KR8 = 4001 """BAM 400G CR8 KR8"""
[docs] class AutoNegFECOption(IntFlag): """Auto Neg FEC Options""" DEFAULT_FEC = 0 """Default FEC""" NO_FEC = 1 """No FEC""" FCFEC = 2 """Firecode FEC""" RSFEC_CL91 = 4 """RS FEC Cl91""" RS528 = 256 """RS 528""" RS544 = 512 """RS 544""" RS272 = 1024 """RS 272""" RSFEC_CL161 = 8 """RS CL 161"""
[docs] class AutoNegFECType(IntEnum): """Auto Neg FEC Type""" PENDING = 0 """Pending""" NO_FEC = 1 """No FEC""" RS_FEC = 513 """RS FEC""" FC_FEC = 257 """Firecode FEC"""
[docs] class AutoNegStatus(IntEnum): """Auto Neg Status""" UNKNOWN = 0 """Unknown""" ENABLE = 1 """Enabled""" TRANSMIT_DISABLE = 2 """Transmit Disabled""" ABILITY_DETECT = 3 """Ability Detected""" ACKNOWLEDGE_DETECT = 4 """Acknowledge Detected""" COMPLETE_ACKNOWLEDGE = 5 """Complete Acknowledge""" NEXT_PAGE_WAIT = 6 """Next Page Wait""" AN_GOOD_CHECK = 7 """AN Good Check""" AN_GOOD = 8 """AN Good"""
[docs] class AutoNegFECStatus(IntFlag): """Auto Neg FEC Status""" DEFAULT_FEC = 0 """Default FEC""" NO_FEC = 1 """No FEC""" FC_FEC = 2 """Firecode FEC""" RSFEC_CL91 = 4 """RS FEC Cl91""" RS528 = 256 """RS 528""" RS544 = 512 """RS 544""" RS272 = 1024 """RS 272""" RSFEC_CL161 = 8 """RS CL 161"""
[docs] class LinkTrainingMode(IntEnum): """Link Training Mode""" START_AFTER_AUTONEG = 0 """Link training starts automatically after autoneg is completed""" STANDALONE = 1 """Link training procedure is done automatically by the port""" DISABLED = 2 """Link training is disabled""" INTERACTIVE = 3 """Link training in interactive mode, requiring manual operation.""" UNKNOWN = 255 """Unknown link training mode"""
[docs] class PAM4FrameSize(IntEnum): """PAM4 Frame Size""" P16K_FRAME = 0 """16K Frame Size""" P4K_FRAME = 1 """4K Frame Size"""
[docs] class LinkTrainingInitCondition(IntEnum): """Link Training Initialization Condition""" NO_INIT = 0 """No Initialization""" INIT_ENABLED = 1 """Initialization Enabled"""
[docs] class NRZPreset(IntEnum): """Link Training NRZ Preset""" NRZ_NO_PRESET = 0 """NRZ without Preset""" NRZ_WITH_PRESET = 1 """NRZ with Preset"""
[docs] class TimeoutMode(IntEnum): """Link Training Timeout Mode""" DEFAULT = 0 """Default Timeout""" DISABLED = 255 """Timeout Disabled"""
[docs] class LinkTrainingStatusMode(IntEnum): """Link Training Status Mode""" DISABLED = 0 """Disabled""" ENABLED = 1 """Enabled"""
[docs] class LinkTrainingStatus(IntEnum): """Link Training Status""" NOT_TRAINED = 0 """Not Trained""" TRAINED = 1 """Trained"""
[docs] class LinkTrainingFailureType(IntEnum): """Link Training Failure Type""" NO_FAILURE = 0 """No Failure""" FRAME_LOCK_ERROR = 1 """Frame Lock Error""" SNR_BELOW_THRESHOLD = 2 """SNR Below Threshold""" TIME_OUT_FAILURE = 3 """Timeout Failure"""
[docs] class Layer1ConfigType(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Enums for PL1_CFG_TMP's type. """ AUTO_LINK_RECOVERY = 0 """ANLT Auto Link Recovery""" AN_LOOPBACK = 1 """Auto-negotiation loopback config""" LT_INITIAL_MODULATION = 2 """The initial modulation (0=NRZ, 1=PAM4, 2=PAM4_WITH_PRECODING) """ LL_DEBUG_INFO = 3 """Return the an/lt module base and RX and TX (serdes index, base address)""" LT_TRAINING_ALGORITHM = 4 """The link training algorithm to use""" ANLT_LOG_CONTROL = 5 """Control what should be logged by anlt""" ANLT_STRICT_MODE = 6 """Set AN/LT strict mode. In strict mode errored framed will be ignored""" AN_LT_XLA_MODE = 7 """Set XLA mode. If enabled XLA dumps will, if triggered, be logged automatically""" AN_EMPTY_NP = 8 """Empty Next Pages mode. If enabled, the port forcibly sends empty NP pages. If disabled, the port does not send empty NP pages."""
[docs] class Layer1LogType(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 .. warning:: Still in beta mode. Subjected to changes Enums for PL1_LOG's type. """ AN = 0 """Log for auto-neg""" LT = 1 """Log for link training"""
[docs] class LinkTrainAlgorithm(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.2 Link Training Algorithm """ INTERACTIVE = 0 """INTERACTIVE""" ALG0 = 1 """ALGORITHM 0""" ALGN1 = 2 """ALGORITHM -1"""
[docs] class LinkTrainCmd(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Link Training commands """ CMD_NOP = 0 """No operation. Used for 'ping' testing""" CMD_INC = 1 """Increment the coeff provided in ARG""" CMD_DEC = 2 """Decrement the coeff provided in ARG""" CMD_PRESET = 3 """Set the preset provided in ARG""" CMD_ENCODING = 4 """Set encoding provided in ARG""" CMD_NO_EQ = 5 """Set the coeff to NO_EQ""" CMD_LOCAL_TRAINED = 255 """Signal training completed"""
[docs] class LinkTrainPresets(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Link Training presets """ PRESET_1 = 0 """Preset 1""" PRESET_2 = 1 """Preset 2""" PRESET_3 = 2 """Preset 3""" PRESET_4 = 3 """Preset 4""" PRESET_5 = 4 """Preset 5""" UNKNOWN = 255 """Unknown coeff"""
[docs] class LinkTrainCoeffs(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Link Training coefficients """ PRE = 0 """Pre coeff c(-1)""" MAIN = 1 """Main coeff c(0)""" POST = 2 """Post coeff c(1)""" PRE2 = 3 """Pre2 coeff c(-2)""" PRE3 = 4 """Pre3 coeff c(-3)""" UNKNOWN = 255 """Unknown coeff"""
[docs] class LinkTrainEncoding(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Link Training Encoding """ NRZ = 0 """NRZ (PAM2)""" PAM4 = 1 """PAM4""" PAM4_WITH_PRECODING = 2 """PAM4 with precoding""" UNKNOWN = 255 """PAM4 with precoding"""
[docs] class LinkTrainCmdResults(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Link Training Command Results """ UNKNOWN = 0x00 | 0 """Unknown result""" SUCCESS = 0x00 | 1 """Command successfully completed""" TIMEOUT = 0x00 | 2 """Command timeout""" FAILED = 0x00 | 3 """Command failed""" COEFF_STS_NOT_UPDATED = 0x80 | 0 """Coeff did not update""" COEFF_STS_UPDATED = 0x80 | 1 """Coeff updated""" COEFF_STS_AT_LIMIT = 0x80 | 2 """Coeff at limit""" COEFF_STS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x80 | 3 """Coeff not supported""" COEFF_STS_EQ_LIMIT = 0x80 | 4 """EQ limit reached""" COEFF_STS_C_AND_EQ_LIMIT = 0x80 | 6 """Coeff and EQ limit reached"""
[docs] class LinkTrainCmdFlags(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Link Training Command Flags """ NEW = 1 """New command""" IN_PROGRESS = 2 """Command in progress""" DONE = 4 """Command done""" LOCK = 8 """Link locked""" LOCK_LOST = 16 """Link lock lost""" OVERRUN = 32 """Overrun detected"""
[docs] class LinkTrainAnnounce(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Link Training Announce """ TRAINED = 0 """The lane is trained"""
[docs] class AnLtLogControl(IntEnum): """ .. versionadded:: 1.3 ANLT log control bits """ # 1st nibble LOG_TYPE_DEBUG = 0x2 """debug log output""" LOG_TYPE_AN_TRACE = 0x4 """autonegotiation trace output""" LOG_TYPE_LT_TRACE = 0x8 """link training trace output""" # 2nd nibble LOG_TYPE_ALG_TRACE = 0x10 """link training algorithm trace""" # 5th nibble LOG_TYPE_FSM_PORT = 0x10000 """port state machine transitions""" LOG_TYPE_FSM_ANEG = 0x20000 """autonegotiation state machine transitions. What we act on""" LOG_TYPE_FSM_ANEG_STIMULI = 0x40000 """autonegotiation stimuli state machine transitions. What we ask""" LOG_TYPE_FSM_LT = 0x80000 """link training state machine transitions""" # 6th nibble LOG_TYPE_FSM_LT_COEFF = 0x100000 """link training coefficient state machine transitions. What we act on""" LOG_TYPE_FSM_LT_STIMULI = 0x200000 """link training stimuli state machine transitions. What we ask""" LOG_TYPE_FSM_LT_ALG0 = 0x400000 """link training algorithm 0 state machine transitions""" LOG_TYPE_FSM_LT_ALG1 = 0x800000 """link training algorithm -1 state machine transitions"""
[docs] class RxEqExtCap(IntEnum): """Rx Equalizer Advanced Capability type.""" CTLE_LOW = 0 """CTLE low frequency.""" CTLE_HIGH = 1 """CTLE high frequency.""" AGC = 2 """Automatic Gain Control""" OC = 3 """Offset Cancellation""" CDR = 4 """Clock and Data Recovery""" PRE_FFE_1 = 5 """Pre Feed-Forward Equalizer #1""" PRE_FFE_2 = 6 """Pre Feed-Forward Equalizer #2""" PRE_FFE_3 = 7 """Pre Feed-Forward Equalizer #3""" PRE_FFE_4 = 8 """Pre Feed-Forward Equalizer #4""" PRE_FFE_5 = 9 """Pre Feed-Forward Equalizer #5""" PRE_FFE_6 = 10 """Pre Feed-Forward Equalizer #6""" PRE_FFE_7 = 11 """Pre Feed-Forward Equalizer #7""" PRE_FFE_8 = 12 """Pre Feed-Forward Equalizer #8""" DFE = 13 """Decision Feedback Equalization""" POST_FFE_1 = 14 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #1""" POST_FFE_2 = 15 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #2""" POST_FFE_3 = 16 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #3""" POST_FFE_4 = 17 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #4""" POST_FFE_5 = 18 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #5""" POST_FFE_6 = 19 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #6""" POST_FFE_7 = 20 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #7""" POST_FFE_8 = 21 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #8""" POST_FFE_9 = 22 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #9""" POST_FFE_10 = 23 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #10""" POST_FFE_11 = 24 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #11""" POST_FFE_12 = 25 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #12""" POST_FFE_13 = 26 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #13""" POST_FFE_14 = 27 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #14""" POST_FFE_15 = 28 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #15""" POST_FFE_16 = 29 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #16""" POST_FFE_17 = 30 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #17""" POST_FFE_18 = 31 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #18""" POST_FFE_19 = 32 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #19""" POST_FFE_20 = 33 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #20""" POST_FFE_21 = 34 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #21""" POST_FFE_22 = 35 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #22""" POST_FFE_23 = 36 """Post Feed-Forward Equalizer #23"""
[docs] class RxEqExtCapMode(IntEnum): """Status for Rx Equalizer Advanced Capability.""" AUTO = 0 """Auto.""" MANUAL = 1 """Manual.""" FREEZE = 2 """Freeze."""
[docs] class PreCodingMode(IntEnum): """Rx/Tx Pre-Coding Mode.""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On"""
[docs] class GrayCodingMode(IntEnum): """Rx/Tx Gray-Coding Mode.""" OFF = 0 """Off""" ON = 1 """On"""
[docs] class Endianness(IntEnum): """Endianness (Big/Little Endian).""" NORMAL = 0 """Big Endian""" REVERTED = 1 """Little Endian"""
[docs] class FreyaAutonegMode(IntEnum): """Auto Neg Mode""" DISABLED = 0 """Auto Neg Off""" ENABLED = 1 """Auto Neg On"""
[docs] class FreyaLinkTrainingMode(IntEnum): """Link Training Mode""" DISABLED = 0 """Link training disabled""" ENABLED_AUTO = 1 """Link training in auto mode""" ENABLED_INTERACTIVE = 2 """Link training in interactive mode, requiring manual operation."""
[docs] class FreyaTecAbility(IntFlag): """Auto Neg Technical Abilities""" ETC_800G_CR8_KR8 = 1<<29 """ETC_800G_CR8_KR8""" ETC_400G_CR8_KR8 = 1<<28 """ETC_400G_CR8_KR8""" ETC_50G_CR2 = 1<<27 """ETC_50G_CR2""" ETC_50G_KR2 = 1<<26 """ETC_50G_KR2""" ETC_25G_CR = 1<<25 """ETC_25G_CR""" ETC_25G_KR = 1<<24 """ETC_25G_KR""" IEEE_1_6TBASE_CR8_KR8 = 1<<23 """IEEE_1_6TBASE_CR8_KR8""" IEEE_800GBASE_CR4_KR4 = 1<<22 """IEEE_800GBASE_CR4_KR4""" IEEE_400GBASE_CR2_KR2 = 1<<21 """IEEE_400GBASE_CR2_KR2""" IEEE_200GBASE_CR1_KR1 = 1<<20 """IEEE_200GBASE_CR1_KR1""" IEEE_800GBASE_CR8_KR8 = 1<<19 """IEEE_800GBASE_CR8_KR8""" IEEE_400GBASE_CR4_KR4 = 1<<18 """IEEE_400GBASE_CR4_KR4""" IEEE_200GBASE_CR2_KR2 = 1<<17 """IEEE_200GBASE_CR2_KR2""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR1_KR1 = 1<<16 """IEEE_100GBASE_CR1_KR1""" IEEE_200GBASE_CR4_KR4 = 1<<15 """IEEE_200GBASE_CR4_KR4""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR2_KR2 = 1<<14 """IEEE_100GBASE_CR2_KR2""" IEEE_50GBASE_CR_KR = 1<<13 """IEEE_50GBASE_CR_KR""" IEEE_5GBASE_KR = 1<<12 """IEEE_5GBASE_KR""" IEEE_2_5GBASE_KX = 1<<11 """IEEE_2_5GBASE_KX""" IEEE_25GBASE_CR_KR = 1<<10 """IEEE_25GBASE_CR_KR""" IEEE_25GBASE_CR_S_KR_S = 1<<9 """IEEE_25GBASE_CR_S_KR_S""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR4 = 1<<8 """IEEE_100GBASE_CR4""" IEEE_100GBASE_KR4 = 1<<7 """IEEE_100GBASE_KR4""" IEEE_100GBASE_KP4 = 1<<6 """IEEE_100GBASE_KP4""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR10 = 1<<5 """IEEE_100GBASE_CR10""" IEEE_40GBASE_CR4 = 1<<4 """IEEE_40GBASE_CR4""" IEEE_40GBASE_KR4 = 1<<3 """IEEE_40GBASE_KR4""" IEEE_10GBASE_KR = 1<<2 """IEEE_10GBASE_KR""" IEEE_10GBASE_KX4 = 1<<1 """IEEE_10GBASE_KX4""" IEEE_1000BASE_KX = 1<<0 """IEEE_1000BASE_KX"""
[docs] class FreyaFECAbility(IntFlag): """Auto Neg FEC ability""" RS_FEC_Int = 1<<4 """RS_FEC_Int""" FC_FEC_25G_REQUEST = 1<<3 """FC_FEC_25G_REQUEST""" RS_FEC_25G_REQUEST = 1<<2 """RS_FEC_25G_REQUEST""" FC_FEC_10G_REQUEST = 1<<1 """FC_FEC_10G_REQUEST""" FC_FEC_10G_ABILITY = 1<<0 """FC_FEC_10G_ABILITY"""
[docs] class FreyaPauseAbility(IntFlag): """Auto Neg Pause ability""" ASYM_PAUSE = 1<<1 """ASYM_PAUSE""" SYM_PAUSE = 1<<0 """SYM_PAUSE"""
[docs] class FreyaTechAbilityHCDStatus(IntEnum): """Auto Neg Pause ability""" SUCCESS = 1 """SUCCESS""" FAILED = 2 """FAILED"""
[docs] class FreyaOutOfSyncPreset(IntEnum): """Link Training out-of-sync preset""" IEEE = 0 """IEEE""" CURRENT = 1 """CURRENT"""
[docs] class Layer1Control(IntEnum): """Layer 1 control""" SAMPLED_SIGNAL_INTEGRITY_SCAN = 0 """SAMPLED_SIGNAL_INTEGRITY_SCAN"""
[docs] class Layer1Opcode(IntEnum): """Layer 1 operation code""" START_SCAN = 0 """ for sampled eye scan"""
[docs] class FreyaPCSVariant(IntEnum): """PCS variant""" IEEE = 1 """IEEE""" ETC = 2 """ETC"""
[docs] class FreyaTecAbilityHCD(IntEnum): """Auto Neg Technical Abilities""" ETC_800G_CR8_KR8 = 29 """ETC_800G_CR8_KR8""" ETC_400G_CR8_KR8 = 28 """ETC_400G_CR8_KR8""" ETC_50G_CR2 = 27 """ETC_50G_CR2""" ETC_50G_KR2 = 26 """ETC_50G_KR2""" ETC_25G_CR = 25 """ETC_25G_CR""" ETC_25G_KR = 24 """ETC_25G_KR""" IEEE_1_6TBASE_CR8_KR8 = 23 """IEEE_1_6TBASE_CR8_KR8""" IEEE_800GBASE_CR4_KR4 = 22 """IEEE_800GBASE_CR4_KR4""" IEEE_400GBASE_CR2_KR2 = 21 """IEEE_400GBASE_CR2_KR2""" IEEE_200GBASE_CR1_KR1 = 20 """IEEE_200GBASE_CR1_KR1""" IEEE_800GBASE_CR8_KR8 = 19 """IEEE_800GBASE_CR8_KR8""" IEEE_400GBASE_CR4_KR4 = 18 """IEEE_400GBASE_CR4_KR4""" IEEE_200GBASE_CR2_KR2 = 17 """IEEE_200GBASE_CR2_KR2""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR1_KR1 = 16 """IEEE_100GBASE_CR1_KR1""" IEEE_200GBASE_CR4_KR4 = 15 """IEEE_200GBASE_CR4_KR4""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR2_KR2 = 14 """IEEE_100GBASE_CR2_KR2""" IEEE_50GBASE_CR_KR = 13 """IEEE_50GBASE_CR_KR""" IEEE_5GBASE_KR = 12 """IEEE_5GBASE_KR""" IEEE_2_5GBASE_KX = 11 """IEEE_2_5GBASE_KX""" IEEE_25GBASE_CR_KR = 10 """IEEE_25GBASE_CR_KR""" IEEE_25GBASE_CR_S_KR_S = 9 """IEEE_25GBASE_CR_S_KR_S""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR4 = 8 """IEEE_100GBASE_CR4""" IEEE_100GBASE_KR4 = 7 """IEEE_100GBASE_KR4""" IEEE_100GBASE_KP4 = 6 """IEEE_100GBASE_KP4""" IEEE_100GBASE_CR10 = 5 """IEEE_100GBASE_CR10""" IEEE_40GBASE_CR4 = 4 """IEEE_40GBASE_CR4""" IEEE_40GBASE_KR4 = 3 """IEEE_40GBASE_KR4""" IEEE_10GBASE_KR = 2 """IEEE_10GBASE_KR""" IEEE_10GBASE_KX4 = 1 """IEEE_10GBASE_KX4""" IEEE_1000BASE_KX = 0 """IEEE_1000BASE_KX"""
[docs] class FreyaPresetResponse(IntEnum): """Response to the received IC request""" IGNORE = 0 """Acknowledge the IC request without acting upon it (acknowledge but no changes).""" ACCEPT = 1 """Acknowledge the IC request and apply the corresponding preset value."""
[docs] class FreyaPresetIndex(IntEnum): """Preset index for FreyaPresetResponse""" PRESET1 = 0 """Preset 1""" PRESET2 = 1 """Preset 2""" PRESET3 = 2 """Preset 3""" PRESET4 = 3 """Preset 4""" PRESET5 = 4 """Preset 5""" LOS = 255 """Preset when out of sync"""
[docs] class FreyaTapIndex(IntEnum): """Preset index for FreyaPresetResponse""" TAP0 = 0 """pre (For Freya 112G and 56G serdes)""" TAP1 = 1 """main (For Freya 112G and 56G serdes)""" TAP2 = 2 """post (For Freya 112G and 56G serdes)""" TAP3 = 3 """pre2 (For Freya 112G and 56G serdes)""" TAP4 = 4 """pre3 (For Freya 112G and 56G serdes)"""
[docs] class FreyaLinkTrainingRangeResponse(IntEnum): """Response when LT range is reached""" AUTO = 0 """The response is automatically determined by the serdes.""" IGNORE = 1 """The increment/decrement request will be “acknowledged” without acting upon it.""" COEFF_AT_LIMIT = 2 """Respond Coefficient At Limit (coefficient status = 010) to the increment/decrement request.""" EQ_AT_LIMIT = 3 """Respond Equalization Limit (coefficient status = 100) to the increment/decrement request.""" COEFF_EQ_AT_LIMIT = 4 """Respond Coefficient At Limit and Equalization Limit (coefficient status = 110) to the increment/decrement request.""" COEFF_NOT_SUPPORTED = 5 """Respond Coefficient Not Supported (coefficient status = 011) to the increment/decrement request."""
[docs] class FreyaAutorestartMode(IntEnum): """Response when LT range is reached""" OFF = 0 WHEN_LINK_DOWN = 1 WHEN_LT_FAILED = 2 WHEN_LINK_DOWN_LT_FAILED = 3
# endregion # region misc enums
[docs] class DhcpVlanState(IntEnum): DHCP_VLAN_OFF = 0 DHCP_VLAN_ON = 1
[docs] class VlanType(IntEnum): TYPE_C = 0 TYPE_S = 1
[docs] class ChassisModelNumber(IntEnum): NA = 0 XB1 = 1 XB2 = 2 XB3 = 3 XB4 = 4 XB5 = 5 XB6 = 6 XB7 = 7 XB8 = 8 XB9 = 9 XB10 = 10 XB10_5 = 11 XB11 = 12 XB12 = 13 XB13 = 14 XB14 = 15 XB15 = 16 XB16 = 17 XB17 = 18 XB18 = 19 XB19 = 20 XB20 = 21 XB21 = 22 XB22 = 23 XB23 = 24 XB33 = 25 XC1 = 26 XC2 = 27 XC3 = 28 XC4 = 29 XC5 = 30 XC6 = 31 XC7 = 32 XC8 = 33 XC9 = 34 XC10 = 35 XC11 = 36 XC12 = 37 XC13 = 38 XC14 = 39 XC15 = 40 XC16 = 41 XC17 = 42 XC18 = 43 XC19 = 44 XC20 = 45 XC21 = 46 XC22 = 47 XC23 = 48 XC24 = 49 XC25 = 50 XC26 = 51
[docs] class ChassisModelName(IntEnum): NA = 0 B720 = 1 B720D = 2 B2400 = 3 Z_01_T_C_ODIN = 4 Z_100_Q_C_LOKI = 5 Z_10_S_C_ODIN = 6 Z_10_C_C_ODIN = 7 Z_10_R_C_ODIN = 8 Z_10_S_X_C_ODIN = 9 Z_01_S_C_ODIN = 10 Z_01_S_X_C_ODIN = 11 Z_400_Q_C_THOR = 12 Z_400_Q_LE_C_THOR = 13 Z_800_Q_C_FREYA = 14 Z_800_O_C_FREYA = 15 Z_800_Q_A_C_FREYA = 16 Z_800_O_A_C_FREYA = 17 E_100_Q_C_CHIMERA = 18
[docs] class ModuleModelName(IntEnum): NA = 0 Z_01_T_ODIN = 1 Z_100_Q_LOKI = 2 Z_10_S_ODIN = 3 Z_10_R_ODIN = 4 Z_10_S_X_ODIN = 5 Z_01_S_ODIN = 6 Z_01_S_X_ODIN = 7 Z_400_Q_THOR = 8 Z_400_Q_LE_THOR = 9 Z_800_Q_FREYA = 10 Z_800_O_FREYA = 11 E_100_Q_CHIMERA = 12
# endregion # region FEC CW enums
[docs] class FecCodewordBitErrorMaskMode(IntEnum): """FEC Codeword Bit Error Mask Mode""" UNKNOWN = 0 """Unknown""" STATIC = 1 """The bit error pattern stay the same for all errored symbols.""" ROTATE_HIGH = 2 """The bit error pattern shifts one bit to the most significant bit per errored symbol.""" INC = 3 """When mode is set to INC, bitmask will be ignored. Instead, the bit error pattern initiates from 000000001, 000000010, 000000011, continuing up to 111111111, and repeating the sequence as 000000001..."""
# endregion # region MACSec enums
[docs] class MACSecSCIMode(IntEnum): """MACSec SCI Mode""" WITH_SCI = 0 """With SCI: ES bit is cleared""" END_STATION = 1 """End Station, ES bit is set."""
# NO_SCI = 2 # """No SCI"""
[docs] class MACSecCipherSuite(IntEnum): """MACSec SCI Mode""" GCM_AES_128 = 0 """GCM-AES-128 (IEEE 802.1AE-2018 Clause 14.5) (default)""" GCM_AES_256 = 1 """GCM-AES-256 (IEEE 802.1AE-2018 Clause 14.6)""" GCM_AES_XPN_128 = 2 """GCM-AES-XPN-128 (IEEE 802.1AE-2018 Clause 14.7)""" GCM_AES_XPN_256 = 3 """GCM-AES-XPN-256 (IEEE 802.1AE-2018 Clause 14.8)"""
# class MACSecVLANMode(IntEnum): # """MACSec SCI Mode""" # ENCRYPTED = 0 # """MACsec encryption starts after the MAC address fields.""" # CLEAR_TEXT = 1 # """Clear-text VLAN (802.1Q). MACsec encryption will leave the first VLAN field out of the MACsec protocol data unit."""
[docs] class MACSecRekeyMode(IntEnum): """MACSec Rekey Mode""" PN_EXHAUSTION = 0 """Switch to the next SAK when PN is exhausted.""" PACKET_CNT = 1 """Switch to the next SAK when the given number of packets are transmitted."""
[docs] class MACSecEncryptionMode(IntEnum): """The encryption mode""" ENCRYPT_INTEGRITY = 0 """MACsec provides both encryption and integrity.""" INTEGRITY_ONLY = 1 """MACsec only provides integrity."""
[docs] class MACSecPNMode(IntEnum): """Modes for TX PN after the start-traffic""" CONTINUE = 0 """Continue from the last PN value""" RESET = 1 """Reset the PN value"""
# endregion