lt config


This command only changes the local LT configuration state. To execute the configuration, you need to run anlt start, otherwise your changes will not take effect on the tester.


Configure LT for the working port.


lt config
[-m, --mode <value: text>]
[--preset0 <value: text>]
[--timeout <value: text>]




Enable or disable link training on the working port, default to --on.

-m, --mode (text)

The mode for link training on the working port, default to auto.

Allowed values:

  • auto: link training procedures are done by the port.

  • interactive: link training procedures requires manual operation.

--preset0 (text)

The preset0 mode, default to standard`.

Allowed values:

  • standard: Use standard tap values as preset0

  • existing: Use the existing tap values as preset0

--timeout (text)

Timeout mode, default to enable`.

Allowed values:

  • enable: Enable timeout for LT auto

  • disable: Disable timeout for LT auto


xoa-utils[123456][port0/2] > lt config --on --preset0=existing --mode=interactive --timeout disable

LT configuration to be on port 2/0
    Auto-negotiation      : off (allow loopback: no)
    Link training         : on (interactive) (preset0: existing tap values)

xoa-utils[123456][port0/2] >