Unavailable Time


This command defines if a port is currently used by test suite Xena1564, which means that UAT (UnAvailable Time) will be detected for the port.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_UAT_MODE

await port.uat.mode.set(mode=enums.OnOff.ON, delay=500)
await port.uat.mode.set(mode=enums.OnOff.OFF, delay=500)

resp = await port.uat.mode.get()

Frame Loss Ratio

This command defines the threshold for the Frame Loss Ratio, where a second is declared as a Severely Errored Second (SES). In Xena1564 UnAvailable Time (UAT) is declared after 10 consecutive SES has been detected

Corresponding low-level API class: P_UAT_FLR

resp = await port.uat.frame_loss_ratio.get()