Port Layer-1
This module contains the Layer-1 classes that mainly deal auto-negotiation and link training on a Freya port.
- class PL1_ANLT[source]
Added in version 2.5.
ANLT action
- disable_anlt()
Disable ANLT.
- enable_an_lt_auto()
Enable Autoneg + Link Training (auto).
- enable_an_lt_interactive()
Enable Autoneg + Link Training (interactive).
- enable_an_only()
Enable Autoneg only.
- enable_lt_auto_only()
Enable Link Training (auto) only.
- enable_lt_interactive_only()
Enable Link Training (interactive) only.
- class PL1_AUTONEGINFO[source]
Added in version 2.0.
Still in beta mode. Subjected to changes
Get L1 auto-negotiation information. Information is split into a number of pages.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- duration_us
duration of the auto-negotiation in microseconds, from autoneg is enabled on the port to the negotiation is finished.
- negotiation_fec_fail_count
number of negotiation FEC failures.
- negotiation_hcd_fail_count
number of negotiation HCD (Highest Common Denominator) failures.
- negotiation_loss_of_sync_count
number of negotiation Loss of Sync failures.
- negotiation_success_count
number of negotiation successes.
- negotiation_timeout_count
number of negotiation timeouts.
- rx_link_codeword_count
received number of Link Code Words (Base Pages).
- rx_next_page_message_count
received number of Next Pages - Message Pages.
- rx_next_page_unformatted_count
received number of Nex Pages - Unformatted Pages.
- tx_link_codeword_count
transmitted number of Link Code Words (Base Pages).
- tx_next_page_message_count
transmitted number of Next Pages - Message Pages.
- tx_next_page_unformatted_count
transmitted number of Nex Pages - Unformatted Pages.
- class PL1_AUTONEG_ABILITIES[source]
Added in version 2.5.
Return the supported technology abilities, FEC abilities, and pause abilities of the port.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- fec_modes_supported
supported FEC modes by the port. This returns a value in Hex of the format 0xH (8 bits). Each bit corresponds to FEC mode as shown below. A bit of 1 means the corresponding FEC mode is supported by the port.
- pause_modes_supported
pause abilities supported by the port. This returns a value in Hex of the format 0xH (8 bits). Each bit corresponds to pause mode as shown below. A bit of 1 means the corresponding FEC mode is supported by the port.
- tech_abilities_supported
supported technology abilities by the port. This returns a value in Hex of the format 0xHHHHHHHH (64 bits). Each bit corresponds to technology ability as shown below. A bit of 1 means the corresponding technology ability is supported by the port.
- class PL1_AUTONEG_CONFIG[source]
Added in version 2.5.
Auto-negotiation configuration for Freya
- class PL1_AUTONEG_STATUS[source]
Added in version 2.5.
Returns received technology abilities, FEC abilities, pause abilities, HCD technology ability, FEC mode result, and pause mode result.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- autoneg_state
Autoneg state
- fec_mode_result
FEC mode negotiation result
- mode
Autoneg mode
- pause_mode_result
Pause mode negotiation result
- received_fec_abilities
Received FEC capabilities from the remote port
- received_pause_mode
Received pause capabilities from the remote port
- received_tech_abilities
Received technology abilities from the remote port
- tech_ability_hcd_status
HCD technology ability negotiation status
- tech_ability_hcd_value
HCD technology ability negotiation result
- class PL1_CFG_TMP[source]
Added in version 1.1.
Still in beta mode. Subjected to changes
Configure some L1 parameters.
- class PL1_CTRL[source]
Added in version 2.5.
The Signal Integrity feature offers the equivalent of an Equivalent Time oscilloscope trace of the RX PAM4 signal (later, also PAM2). The trace is done with the A/D converter in the GTM receiver also doing the data sampling / CDR function, i.e. the trace is taken after the RX equalizer.
The HW characteristics of the Versal GTM used in Freya are: Trace length = 2000 samples, sample resolution = 7 bits 2’s complement, i.e. range = -64..63.
Using the sampled eye scan feature through CLI involves two steps:
Trigger the acquisition of a trace (PL1_CTRL)
Retrieve the trace data (PL1_GET_DATA)
This command is a generic control function related to Layer 1 / SERDES. For now, only used for signal integrity scan.
- set(opcode)[source]
Set the control command
- Parameters:
opcode (Layer1Opcode) – operation code
- class PL1_CWE_BIT_ERR_MASK[source]
Added in version 2.7.
Configure the bit error mask for the errored symbols.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- bitmask
bit error mask for the errored symbols, big endian, only 10 bits are effective.
- mode
bit error mask mode.
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- bitmask
bit error mask for the errored symbols, big endian, only 10 bits are effective.
- mode
bit error mask mode.
- set_all_bits()
Set all bits to errored bits in an errored symbol.
- set_no_bits()
Set no bits to errored bits in an errored symbol.
- class PL1_CWE_CONTROL[source]
Added in version 2.7.
Control the FEC codeword error injection.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- action
Control action for FEC codeword error injection
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- action
Control action for FEC codeword error injection
- set_start()
Start FEC codeword error injection.
- set_stop()
Stop FEC codeword error injection.
- class PL1_CWE_CYCLE[source]
Added in version 2.7.
Configure the FEC codeword error injection cycle.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- cycle_len
The number of FEC codewords in the cycle, must be larger than 0 and an even number.
- error_len
The number of consecutive errored FEC codewords in a cycle, must not be larger than cycle_len
- loop
Loop count of the FEC codeword error injection cycle. <loop> == 0 means continuous.
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- cycle_len
The number of FEC codewords in the cycle, must be larger than 0 and an even number.
- error_len
The number of consecutive errored FEC codewords in a cycle, must not be larger than cycle_len
- loop
Loop count of the FEC codeword error injection cycle. <loop> == 0 means continuous.
- set_continuous(cycle_len, error_len)
Set continuous loop
- class PL1_CWE_ERR_SYM_INDICES[source]
Added in version 2.7.
Configure the positions of the errored symbols in errored codewords.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- error_sym_indices
the indices of the position of the errored symbols.
An empty list means there is no errored symbol in the errored codewords.
The indices in the list must not duplicate.
The indices in the list do not necessarily need to be sorted.
The maximum value of an index must not be larger than what the FEC schema allows, e.g. an index must not be larger than 543 for RS(544, 514).
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- error_sym_indices
the indices of the position of the errored symbols.
An empty list means there is no errored symbol in the errored codewords.
The indices in the list must not duplicate.
The indices in the list do not necessarily need to be sorted.
The maximum value of an index must not be larger than what the FEC schema allows, e.g. an index must not be larger than 543 for RS(544, 514).
- class PL1_CWE_FEC_ENGINE[source]
Added in version 2.7.
Configure which FEC engines to use.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- bitmask
big endian.
the highest bit corresponds to FEC engine 4 (0x08)
the lowest bit corresponds to FEC engine 1 (0x01)
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- bitmask
big endian.
the highest bit corresponds to FEC engine 4 (0x08)
the lowest bit corresponds to FEC engine 1 (0x01)
- set_all_engines()
Use all FEC engines
- class PL1_CWE_FEC_STATS[source]
Added in version 2.7.
FEC error injection statistics.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- total_correctable_cw
Total injected correctable codewords.
- total_cw
Total codewords transmitted.
- total_error_free_cw
Total error-free codewords transmitted.
- total_symbol_error
Total injected symbol errors.
- total_uncorrectable_cw
Total uncorrectable codewords transmitted.
- class PL1_CWE_FEC_STATS_CLEAR[source]
Added in version 2.7.
Clear FEC codeword injection TX stats
- class PL1_GET_DATA[source]
Added in version 2.5.
The Signal Integrity feature offers the equivalent of an Equivalent Time oscilloscope trace of the RX PAM4 signal (later, also PAM2). The trace is done with the A/D converter in the GTM receiver also doing the data sampling / CDR function, i.e. the trace is taken after the RX equalizer.
The HW characteristics of the Versal GTM used in Freya are: Trace length = 2000 samples, sample resolution = 7 bits 2’s complement, i.e. range = -64..63.
Using the sampled eye scan feature through CLI involves two steps:
Trigger the acquisition of a trace (PL1_CTRL)
Retrieve the trace data (PL1_GET_DATA)
This command is a generic function to retrieve dynamic data related to Layer 1 / SERDES. For now, only used for signal integrity scan.
, sampled eye scan:result==0
: No data available.“No data available” means that either a scan was never started, an acquisition was started and in progress, or the acquired data has become too old (e.g. older than 500 ms). The acquisition time for a trace is in the very low ms-range. If
are dummy (=0), and no additional data are returned.result==1
: Data returned. In that case, the rest of the parameters apply:sweep_no
: per-SERDES trace acquisition counter: 1,2,3… Each trace can be returned multiple times, to different users, within its lifetime. A new trace acquisition is triggered with the PL1_CTRL command.age_us
: The “age” of the trace data in microseconds, i.e. the time from data acquisition from hardware was completed until the time the command reply data is generated.value
: The rest of the reply is a set of 16 bit signed 2-complement sample values. With present hardware, the range of each sample is -64..63. In XMP scripting, each sample value is represented as two bytes, msb first.With present implementation, 2006 sample values (4012 bytes) are returned.
The first 6 sample values are so-called “sampled levels”: <p1> <p2> < p3> <m1> <m2> <m3>
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- age_us
the age of the trace data in microseconds, i.e. the time from data acquisition from hardware was completed until the time the command reply data is generated.
- result
Data availability.
- sweep_no
per-SERDES trace acquisition counter.
- value
a set of 16 bit signed 2-complement sample values. With present hardware, the range of each sample is -64..63. In CLI scripting, each sample value is represented as two bytes, msb first.
- class PL1_LINKTRAININFO[source]
Added in version 2.0.
Still in beta mode. Subjected to changes
Get L1 link training information. Information is per Serdes and split into a number of pages.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- duration_us
duration of the auto-negotiation process in microseconds, from autoneg is enabled on the port to the negotiation is finished.
- frame_lock
frame lock status of the local end.
- lock_lost_count
number of lost locks on auto-neg.
- main_current_level
c(0) current level.
- main_rx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(0) received number of coefficients at limit.
- main_rx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(0) received number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- main_rx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(0) received number of coefficients not supported.
- main_rx_decrement_req_count
c(0) received number of decrement requests.
- main_rx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(0) received number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- main_rx_increment_req_count
c(0) received number of increment requests.
- main_tx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(0) transmitted number of coefficients at limit.
- main_tx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(0) transmitted number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- main_tx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(0) transmitted number of coefficients not supported.
- main_tx_decrement_req_count
c(0) transmitted number of decrement requests.
- main_tx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(0) transmitted number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- main_tx_increment_req_count
c(0) transmitted number of increment requests.
- post1_current_level
c(1) current level.
- post1_rx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(1) received number of coefficients at limit.
- post1_rx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(1) received number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- post1_rx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(1) received number of coefficients not supported.
- post1_rx_decrement_req_count
c(1) received number of decrement requests.
- post1_rx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(1) received number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- post1_rx_increment_req_count
c(1) received number of increment requests.
- post1_tx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(1) transmitted number of coefficients at limit.
- post1_tx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(1) transmitted number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- post1_tx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(1) transmitted number of coefficients not supported.
- post1_tx_decrement_req_count
c(1) transmitted number of decrement requests.
- post1_tx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(1) transmitted number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- post1_tx_increment_req_count
c(1) transmitted number of increment requests.
- prbs_total_bits_high
PRBS total bits (most significant 32-bit).
- prbs_total_bits_low
PRBS total bits (least significant 32-bit).
- prbs_total_error_bits_high
PRBS total error bits (most significant 32-bit, only bit 15-0 should be used).
- prbs_total_error_bits_low
PRBS total error bits (least significant 32-bit).
- pre1_current_level
c(-1) current level.
- pre1_rx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(-1) received number of coefficients at limit.
- pre1_rx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-1) received number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- pre1_rx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(-1) received number of coefficients not supported.
- pre1_rx_decrement_req_count
c(-1) received number of decrement requests.
- pre1_rx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-1) received number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- pre1_rx_increment_req_count
c(-1) received number of increment requests.
- pre1_tx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(-1) transmitted number of coefficients at limit.
- pre1_tx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-1) transmitted number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- pre1_tx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(-1) transmitted number of coefficients not supported.
- pre1_tx_decrement_req_count
c(-1) transmitted number of decrement requests.
- pre1_tx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-1) transmitted number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- pre1_tx_increment_req_count
c(-1) transmitted number of increment requests.
- pre2_current_level
c(-2) current level.
- pre2_rx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(-2) received number of coefficients at limit.
- pre2_rx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-2) received number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- pre2_rx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(-2) received number of coefficients not supported.
- pre2_rx_decrement_req_count
c(-2) received number of decrement requests.
- pre2_rx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-2) received number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- pre2_rx_increment_req_count
c(-2) received number of increment requests.
- pre2_tx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(-2) transmitted number of coefficients at limit.
- pre2_tx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-2) transmitted number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- pre2_tx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(-2) transmitted number of coefficients not supported.
- pre2_tx_decrement_req_count
c(-2) transmitted number of decrement requests.
- pre2_tx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-2) transmitted number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- pre2_tx_increment_req_count
c(-2) transmitted number of increment requests.
- pre3_current_level
c(-3) current level.
- pre3_rx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(-3) received number of coefficients at limit.
- pre3_rx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-3) received number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- pre3_rx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(-3) received number of coefficients not supported.
- pre3_rx_decrement_req_count
c(-3) received number of decrement requests.
- pre3_rx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-3) received number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- pre3_rx_increment_req_count
c(-3) received number of increment requests.
- pre3_tx_coeff_at_limit_count
c(-3) transmitted number of coefficients at limit.
- pre3_tx_coeff_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-3) transmitted number of maximum limits of coefficient and equalization requests reached.
- pre3_tx_coeff_not_supported_count
c(-3) transmitted number of coefficients not supported.
- pre3_tx_decrement_req_count
c(-3) transmitted number of decrement requests.
- pre3_tx_eq_limit_reached_count
c(-3) transmitted number of maximum limits of equalization requests reached.
- pre3_tx_increment_req_count
c(-3) transmitted number of increment requests.
- remote_frame_lock
frame lock status of the remote end.
- class PL1_LINKTRAIN_CMD[source]
Added in version 1.1.
Still in beta mode. Subjected to changes
Link training RPC. Issue link training commands on a given serdes and poll for status
- class PL1_LINKTRAIN_CONFIG[source]
Added in version 2.5.
Per-port link training settings
- class PL1_LINKTRAIN_STATUS[source]
Per-lane link training status
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- failure
coded byte, failure type.
- mode
coded byte, link training mode
- status
coded byte, lane status.
- class PL1_LOG[source]
Added in version 2.0.
Still in beta mode. Subjected to changes
Return a log line of either AN or LT for the given Serdes. The log string line contains the latest 100 lines.
- class PL1_LT_PHYTXEQ_RANGE[source]
Added in version 2.9.
Configure the lower and the upper bound of transmit equalizer (native value) of the serdes, and how the serdes responds to an increment/decrement request when either bound is reached.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- max
integer, the upper bound of the tap. When set, the value is ignored when <response> == AUTO.)
- min
integer, the lower bound of the tap. When set, the value is ignored when <response> == AUTO.
- response
byte, the response when either of the bounds is triggered. Default is AUTO.
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- max
integer, the upper bound of the tap. When set, the value is ignored when <response> == AUTO.)
- min
integer, the lower bound of the tap. When set, the value is ignored when <response> == AUTO.
- response
byte, the response when either of the bounds is triggered. Default is AUTO.
- class PL1_LT_PHYTXEQ_RANGE_COEFF[source]
Added in version 2.9.
Configure the lower and the upper bound of transmit equalizer (IEEE coefficient value) of the serdes, and how the serdes responds to an increment/decrement request when either bound is reached.
Whenever <response> == AUTO (the default), min and max will have their default values, which can be read with “get”. Any value that attempt to set the min and max when <response> == AUTO will be ignored by the chassis.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- max
integer, the upper bound of the tap. When set, the value is ignored when <response> == AUTO.
For <tap_index> == PRE3/PRE/POST, negative, scaled by 1E3.
For <tap_index> == MAIN/PRE2, positive, scaled by 1E3.
- min
integer, the lower bound of the tap. When set, the value is ignored when <response> == AUTO.
For <tap_index> == PRE3/PRE/POST, negative, scaled by 1E3.
For <tap_index> == MAIN/PRE2, positive, scaled by 1E3.
- response
byte, the response when either of the bounds is triggered. Default is AUTO.
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- max
integer, the upper bound of the tap. When set, the value is ignored when <response> == AUTO.
For <tap_index> == PRE3/PRE/POST, negative, scaled by 1E3.
For <tap_index> == MAIN/PRE2, positive, scaled by 1E3.
- min
integer, the lower bound of the tap. When set, the value is ignored when <response> == AUTO.
For <tap_index> == PRE3/PRE/POST, negative, scaled by 1E3.
For <tap_index> == MAIN/PRE2, positive, scaled by 1E3.
- response
byte, the response when either of the bounds is triggered. Default is AUTO.
- class PL1_PHYTXEQ[source]
Added in version 2.5.
Control and monitor the equalizer settings of the on-board PHY in the transmission direction (towards the transceiver cage).
PL1_PHYTXEQ, PL1_PHYTXEQ_LEVEL, and PL1_PHYTXEQ_COEFF facilitate the configuration and retrieval of TX tap values, each offering a unique perspective. Modifications made with any of these parameters will result in updates to the read results across all of them.
- class PL1_PHYTXEQ_COEFF[source]
Added in version 2.5.
Control and monitor the equalizer settings of the on-board PHY in the transmission direction (towards the transceiver cage).
PL1_PHYTXEQ, PL1_PHYTXEQ_LEVEL, and PL1_PHYTXEQ_COEFF facilitate the configuration and retrieval of TX tap values, each offering a unique perspective. Modifications made with any of these parameters will result in updates to the read results across all of them.
The following rules apply:
0.5 approx. ≤ main ≤ 1
-0.4 approx ≤ post ≤ 0
-0.4 approx ≤ pre ≤ 0
0 ≤ pre2 ≤ 0.25 approx.
-0.25 approx ≤ pre3 ≤ 0
The sum of the absolute value of each coefficients must be ≤ 1.
A sum of 1 corresponds to a TX output voltage swing of 1000 mVpp approximately.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value, positive, scaled by 1E3. Default = 1000
- post
integer, post tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value, positive, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value, positive, scaled by 1E3. Default = 1000
- post
integer, post tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value, positive, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- class PL1_PHYTXEQ_LEVEL[source]
Added in version 2.5.
Control and monitor the equalizer settings of the on-board PHY in the transmission direction (towards the transceiver cage).
PL1_PHYTXEQ, PL1_PHYTXEQ_LEVEL, and PL1_PHYTXEQ_COEFF facilitate the configuration and retrieval of TX tap values, each offering a unique perspective. Modifications made with any of these parameters will result in updates to the read results across all of them.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value in mV, ranges from 507 to 998.
- post
integer, post tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 187 Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 187. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 71. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 71. Default = 0 (neutral)
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value in mV, ranges from 507 to 998.
- post
integer, post tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 187 Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 187. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 71. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 71. Default = 0 (neutral)
- class PL1_PRESET_CONFIG[source]
Added in version 2.9.
Configure the preset values (native values) of a serdes and the response to the received IC request.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value.
- post
integer, post tap value. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value. Default = 0 (neutral)
- response
integer, byte, the response to the received IC request. Default = ACCEPT.
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value.
- post
integer, post tap value. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value. Default = 0 (neutral)
- response
integer, byte, the response to the received IC request. Default = ACCEPT.
- class PL1_PRESET_CONFIG_COEFF[source]
Added in version 2.9.
Configure the preset values (IEEE coefficient values) of a serdes and the response to the received IC request.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value, positive, scaled by 1E3. Default = 1000
- post
integer, post tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value, positive, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- response
integer, byte, the response to the received IC request. Default = ACCEPT.
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value, positive, scaled by 1E3. Default = 1000
- post
integer, post tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value, positive, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value, negative, scaled by 1E3. Default = 0 (neutral)
- response
integer, byte, the response to the received IC request. Default = ACCEPT.
- class PL1_PRESET_CONFIG_LEVEL[source]
Added in version 2.9.
Configure the preset values (mV/dB values) of a serdes and the response to the received IC request.
- class GetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value in mV, ranges from 507 to 998.
- post
integer, post tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 187 Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 187. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 71. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 71. Default = 0 (neutral)
- response
integer, byte, the response to the received IC request. Default = ACCEPT.
- class SetDataAttr[source]
- main
integer, main tap value in mV, ranges from 507 to 998.
- post
integer, post tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 187 Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre
integer, pre tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 187. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre2
integer, pre2 tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 71. Default = 0 (neutral)
- pre3
integer, pre3 tap value in dB/10, ranges from 0 to 71. Default = 0 (neutral)
- response
integer, byte, the response to the received IC request. Default = ACCEPT.