Port Address MAC Address

A 48-bit Ethernet MAC address specified for a port. This address is used as the default source MAC field in the header of generated traffic for the port, and is also used for support of the ARP protocol.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_MACADDRESS

# MAC Address
await port.net_config.mac_address.set(mac_address=Hex("000000000000"))

resp = await port.net_config.mac_address.get()
resp.mac_address IPv4 Address

An IPv4 network configuration specified for a port. The address is used as the default source address field in the IP header of generated traffic, and the configuration is also used for support of the ARP and PING protocols.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_IPADDRESS

# IPv4 Address
await port.net_config.ipv4.address.set(

resp = await port.net_config.ipv4.address.get()
resp.wild ARP Reply

Whether the port replies to ARP requests. The port can reply to incoming ARP requests by mapping the IP address specified for the port to the MAC address specified for the port. ARP/NDP reply generation is independent of whether traffic and capture is on for the port.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_ARPREPLY

# ARP Reply
await port.net_config.ipv4.arp_reply.set(on_off=enums.OnOff.ON)
await port.net_config.ipv4.arp_reply.set(on_off=enums.OnOff.OFF)

resp = await port.net_config.ipv4.arp_reply.get()
resp.on_off Ping Reply

Whether the port replies to IPv4/IPv6 PING. The port can reply to incoming IPv4/IPv6 PING requests to the IP address specified for the port. IPv4/IPv6 PING reply generation is independent of whether traffic and capture is on for the port.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_PINGREPLY

# Ping Reply
await port.net_config.ipv4.ping_reply.set(on_off=enums.OnOff.ON)
await port.net_config.ipv4.ping_reply.set(on_off=enums.OnOff.OFF)

resp = await port.net_config.ipv4.ping_reply.get()
resp.on_off IPv6 Address

An IPv6 network configuration specified for a port. The address is used as the default source address field in the IP header of generated traffic, and the configuration is also used for support of the NDP and PINGv6 protocols.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_IPV6ADDRESS

# IPv6 Address
await port.net_config.ipv6.address.set(

resp = await port.net_config.ipv6.address.get()
resp.wildcard_prefix NDP Reply

Whether the port generates replies using the IPv6 Network Discovery Protocol. The port can reply to incoming NDP Neighbor Solicitations by mapping the IPv6 address specified for the port to the MAC address specified for the port. NDP reply generation is independent of whether traffic and capture is on for the port.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_ARPV6REPLY

# NDP Reply
await port.net_config.ipv6.arp_reply.set(on_off=enums.OnOff.ON)
await port.net_config.ipv6.arp_reply.set(on_off=enums.OnOff.OFF)

resp = await port.net_config.ipv6.arp_reply.get()
resp.on_off IPv6 Ping Reply

Whether the port generates PINGv6 replies using the ICMP protocol received over IPv6. The port can reply to incoming PINGv6 requests to the IPv6 address specified for the port. PINGv6 reply generation is independent of whether traffic and capture is on for the port.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_PINGV6REPLY

# IPv6 Ping Reply
await port.net_config.ipv6.ping_reply.set(on_off=enums.OnOff.ON)
await port.net_config.ipv6.ping_reply.set(on_off=enums.OnOff.OFF)

resp = await port.net_config.ipv6.ping_reply.get()
resp.on_off ARP Table

Port ARP table used to reply to incoming ARP requests.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_ARPRXTABLE

See also

Detailed script example can be found at ip_streams_arp_ndp_table

# ARP Table
await port.arp_rx_table.set(chunks=[])

resp = await port.arp_rx_table.get()
resp.chunks NDP Table

Port NDP table used to reply to incoming NDP Neighbor Solicitation.

Corresponding low-level API class: P_NDPRXTABLE

See also

Detailed script example can be found at ip_streams_arp_ndp_table

# NDP Table
await port.ndp_rx_table.set(chunks=[])

resp = await port.ndp_rx_table.get()