from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
import ipaddress
import typing
import functools
from import (
from xoa_driver.internals.core import interfaces
from xoa_driver.internals.core.token import Token
from xoa_driver.internals.core.transporter.registry import register_command
from xoa_driver.internals.core.transporter.protocol.payload import (
from .enums import (
from . import subtypes
class P4G_INDICES:
The full list of Connection Groups on this port. These are the sub-index that
are used for the parameters that specify TCP connection behavior.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 600
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
group_identifiers: typing.List[int] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpInt()]))
"""list of integers, list of indices identifying Connection Groups."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
group_identifiers: typing.List[int] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpInt()]))
"""list of integers, list of indices identifying Connection Groups."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get full list of Connection Groups on this port.
:return: full list of Connection Groups on this port.
:rtype: P4G_INDICES.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port))
def set(self, group_identifiers: typing.List[int]) -> Token[None]:
"""Create Connection Groups with the indices on the port.
:param group_identifiers: list of indices identifying Connection Groups.
:type group_identifiers: typing.List[int]
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, group_identifiers=group_identifiers))
class P4G_CREATE:
Creates an empty Connection Group with the specified sub-index value.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 601
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Creates an empty Connection Group with the specified sub-index value.
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
class P4G_DELETE:
Deletes a Connection Group with the specified sub-index value.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 602
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Deletes a Connection Group with the specified sub-index value.
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
class P4G_ENABLE:
Enable/disable/suppress a previously created Connection Group with the specified
sub-index value.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 603
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
status: OnOffWithSuppress = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifies the state of the Connection Group."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
status: OnOffWithSuppress = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifies the state of the Connection Group."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the state of a Connection Group on a port.
:return: the state of a Connection Group on a port.
:rtype: P4G_ENABLE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, status: OnOffWithSuppress) -> Token[None]:
""" Enable/disable/suppress a previously created Connection Group with the specified sub-index value.
:param status: specifies the state of the Connection Group.
:type status: OnOffWithSuppress
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], status=status))
set_off = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOffWithSuppress.OFF)
"""Disable a Connection Group of with the specified index."""
set_on = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOffWithSuppress.ON)
"""Enable a Connection Group of with the specified index."""
set_suppress = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOffWithSuppress.SUPPRESS)
"""Suppress a Connection Group of with the specified index."""
Clears all run-time statistics for the Connection Group.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 605
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Clears all run-time statistics for the Connection Group.
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
class P4G_ROLE:
Specifies the client or server role for this Connection Group. A server
passively waits for the clients to establish connections.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 606
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
role: Role = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifies the role of the Connection Group."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
role: Role = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifies the role of the Connection Group."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the role of the Connection Group.
:return: the role of the Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_ROLE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, role: Role) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the role of the Connection Group.
:param role: the role of the Connection Group.
:type role: Role
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], role=role))
set_client = functools.partialmethod(set, Role.CLIENT)
"""Set the role of the Connection Group to Client."""
set_server = functools.partialmethod(set, Role.SERVER)
"""Set the role of the Connection Group to Server."""
Specifies a number of client sockets (ip address, port number)
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 607
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address = field(XmpIPv4Address())
"""address, the start ip address of the address range"""
address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ip addresses"""
start_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the start port number, of the port range"""
port_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ports"""
max_address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the maximum number of ip addresses that this Connection Group will use, when connection incarnation is set to REINCARNATE"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address = field(XmpIPv4Address())
"""address, the start ip address of the address range"""
address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ip addresses"""
start_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the start port number, of the port range"""
port_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ports"""
max_address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the maximum number of ip addresses that this Connection Group will use, when connection incarnation is set to REINCARNATE"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the number of client sockets (ip address, port number)
:return: the number of client sockets (ip address, port number)
:rtype: P4G_CLIENT_RANGE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, address_count: int, start_port: int, port_count: int, max_address_count: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the number of client sockets (ip address, port number)
:param ipv4_address: the start IP address of the address range
:type ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address
:param address_count: the number of IP addresses
:type address_count: int
:param start_port: the starting port number of the port range
:type start_port: int
:param port_count: the number of ports
:type port_count: int
:param max_address_count: the maximum number of IP addresses that this Connection Group will use, when connection incarnation is set to ``REINCARNATE``
:type max_address_count: int
return Token(
Specifies a number of server sockets (ip address, port number)
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 608
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address = field(XmpIPv4Address())
"""address, the start ip address of the address range"""
address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ip addresses"""
start_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the start port number, of the port range"""
port_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ports"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address = field(XmpIPv4Address())
"""address, the start ip address of the address range"""
address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ip addresses"""
start_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the start port number, of the port range"""
port_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ports"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the number of server sockets (ip address, port number)
:return: the number of server sockets (ip address, port number)
:rtype: P4G_SERVER_RANGE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, address_count: int, start_port: int, port_count: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the number of server sockets (ip address, port number)
:param ipv4_address: the start IP address of the address range
:type ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address
:param address_count: the number of IP addresses
:type address_count: int
:param start_port: the starting port number of the port range
:type start_port: int
:param port_count: the number of ports
:type port_count: int
return Token(
Specifies the time scale of the load profile.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 609
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
timescale: Timescale = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the time scale."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
timescale: Timescale = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the time scale."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the time scale of the load profile.
:return: the time scale of the load profile.
:rtype: P4G_LP_TIME_SCALE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, timescale: Timescale) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the time scale of the load profile.
:param timescale: specifying the time scale.
:type timescale: Timescale
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], timescale=timescale))
set_msecs = functools.partialmethod(set, Timescale.MSECS)
"""Set the time scale of the load profile to Milliseconds."""
set_seconds = functools.partialmethod(set, Timescale.SECONDS)
"""Set the time scale of the load profile to Seconds."""
set_minutes = functools.partialmethod(set, Timescale.MINUTES)
"""Set the time scale of the load profile to Minutes."""
set_hours = functools.partialmethod(set, Timescale.HOURS)
"""Set the time scale of the load profile to Hours."""
class P4G_LP_SHAPE:
Specifies a load profile time duration. Time is measured from the beginning of
the test when ``P€G_TRAFFIC`` is set to ``ON``.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 610
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
star_time: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, ramp-up start time."""
rampup_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, ramp-up phase duration."""
steady_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, steady phase duration."""
rampdown_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, ramp-down phase duration."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
star_time: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, ramp-up start time."""
rampup_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, ramp-up phase duration."""
steady_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, steady phase duration."""
rampdown_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, ramp-down phase duration."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the load profile time duration.
:return: the load profile time duration
:rtype: P4G_LP_SHAPE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, star_time: int, rampup_duration: int, steady_duration: int, rampdown_duration: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the load profile time duration.
:param star_time: ramp-up start time
:type star_time: int
:param rampup_duration: ramp-up phase duration
:type rampup_duration: int
:param steady_duration: steady phase duration
:type steady_duration: int
:param rampdown_duration: ramp-down phase duration
:type rampdown_duration: int
return Token(
class P4G_NAT:
Specify whether to support DUT Source NAT functionality. NAT should be enabled on both Client and Server ports that belong to the same Connection Group.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 611
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
on_off: OnOff = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to enable NAT"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
on_off: OnOff = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to enable NAT"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get whether to support DUT Source NAT functionality.
:return: whether to support DUT Source NAT functionality.
:rtype: P4G_NAT.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, on_off: OnOff) -> Token[None]:
"""Set whether to support DUT Source NAT functionality.
:param on_off: specifying whether to enable Source NAT support
:type on_off: OnOff
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], on_off=on_off))
set_off = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOff.OFF)
"""Disable source NAT support."""
set_on = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOff.ON)
"""Enable source NAT support."""
Returns values that can be used to calculate the RTT value of all connections in
a Connection Group.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 612
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
local_rtt_sum: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, accumulated RTT value (microsecond) in previous 200 milliseconds"""
local_rtt_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of RTT value accumulated in local_rtt_sum"""
global_rtt_sum: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, accumulated RTT value (microsecond) since start of test"""
global_rtt_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of RTT values accumulated in global_rtt_sum"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get values that can be used to calculate the RTT value of all connections in a Connection Group.
:return: values that can be used to calculate the RTT value of all connections in a Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_RTT_VALUE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the current TCP state counters. The counters returned
corresponds the the following TCP states:
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 613
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
closed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
listen: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
syn_sent: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
syn_rcvd: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
established: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
fin_wait_1: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
fin_wait_2: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
close_wait: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
closing: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
last_ack: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
time_wait: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the current TCP state counters
:return: a list of the current TCP state counters
:rtype: P4G_TCP_STATE_CURRENT.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the total TCP state counters. The counters returned
corresponds the the following TCP states:
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 614
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
closed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
listen: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
syn_sent: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
syn_rcvd: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
established: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
fin_wait_1: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
fin_wait_2: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
close_wait: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
closing: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
last_ack: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
time_wait: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the total TCP state counters.
:return: a list of the total TCP state counters
:rtype: P4G_TCP_STATE_TOTAL.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the TCP state rates measured in connections/second. The
counters returned corresponds the the following TCP state rates:
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 615
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
closed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
listen: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
syn_sent: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
syn_rcvd: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
established: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
fin_wait_1: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
fin_wait_2: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
close_wait: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
closing: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
last_ack: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
time_wait: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the TCP state rates measured in connections/second.
:return: a list of the TCP state rates measured in connections/second
:rtype: P4G_TCP_STATE_RATE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the TCP Rx payload counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 616
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
total_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of total TCP payload bytes received"""
total_byte_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of total TCP payload bytes/second received"""
good_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of good TCP payload bytes received"""
good_byte_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of good TCP payload bytes/second received"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the TCP Rx payload counters.
:return: a list of the TCP Rx payload counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the TCP Tx payload counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 617
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
total_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of total TCP payload bytes transmitted"""
total_byte_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of total TCP payload bytes/second transmitted"""
good_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of good TCP payload bytes transmitted"""
good_byte_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of good TCP payload bytes/second transmitted"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the TCP Tx payload counters.
:return: a list of the TCP Tx payload counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of TCP retransmission counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 618
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
rx_duplicate_ack_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of duplicate ACK received"""
rx_ooo_segment_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of out-of-order segments received"""
fast_retrans_event_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of fast-retransmit events occurred"""
fast_retrans_segment_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of segments retransmitted during fast-retransmit"""
rto_retrans_event_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of timer based retransmit events occurred"""
syn_retrans_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of SYN retransmitted"""
fin_retrans_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of FIN retransmitted"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of TCP retransmission counters.
:return: a list of TCP retransmission counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of TCP error counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 619
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
rx_reset_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TCP RESET received"""
tx_reset_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TCP RESET transmitted"""
window_full_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TCP window full encountered"""
max_syn_retrans_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of connections reset due to maximum number of SYN retransmits"""
max_retrans_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of connections reset due to maximum number of RTO retransmits"""
local_reset_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of connections reset locally by transmitting a TCP RESET"""
peer_reset_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of connections reset by peer"""
seg_not_send_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TCP segments not send due to exhausted Tx resources"""
rx_zero_window_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of Zero Window ACKs received from the peer"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of TCP error counters.
:return: a list of TCP error counters.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_ERROR_COUNTERS.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
class P4G_IP_DS_TYPE:
Configure the mode of the DS field of the IP header of this Connection Group.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 620
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ds_type: MSSType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying how to fill out the DS field"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ds_type: MSSType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying how to fill out the DS field"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the value of the DS field of the IP header of this Connection Group.
:return: the mode of the DS field
:rtype: P4G_IP_DS_TYPE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ds_type: MSSType) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the value of the DS field of the IP header of this Connection Group.
:param ds_type: specifying how to fill out the DS field
:type ds_type: MSSType
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ds_type=ds_type))
set_fixed = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.FIXED)
"""Use fixed value for DS."""
set_increment = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.INCREMENT)
"""Use incrementing values for DS."""
set_random = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.RANDOM)
"""Use pseudorandom values for DS."""
class P4G_IP_DS_VALUE:
Specify the (FIXED) value used for DS.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 621
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ds_value: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, the fixed DS value to be used"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ds_value: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, the fixed DS value to be used"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the fixed DS value.
:return: value of the DS field
:rtype: P4G_IP_DS_VALUE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ds_value: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the fixed DS value.
:param ds_value: the fixed DS value to be used
:type ds_value: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ds_value=ds_value))
class P4G_IP_DS_MASK:
Specify a bit mask to be applied to the DS field. If the fixed value is fixed,
the current (calculated) value is curr, and the mask is mask, then the effective
DS will be calculated as follows: (fixed AND (NOT mask)) OR (curr AND mask) or
in C syntax (fixed & (~mask)) | (curr & mask)
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 622
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ds_mask: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, the DS mask to be used."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ds_mask: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, the DS mask to be used."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the bit mask to be applied to the DS field.
:return: the bit mask to be applied to the DS field
:rtype: P4G_IP_DS_MASK.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ds_mask: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the bit mask to be applied to the DS field.
:param ds_mask: the DS mask to be used.
:type ds_mask: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ds_mask=ds_mask))
Configure the min and max values of the range for the calculated part of the DS
value. Both values are included in the range. Relevant when P4G_IP_DS_TYPE` is set to ``INCREMENT`` or ``RANDOM``.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 623
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ds_min: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, minimum value for the calculated part of DS"""
ds_max: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, maximum value for the calculated part of DS"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ds_min: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, minimum value for the calculated part of DS"""
ds_max: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, maximum value for the calculated part of DS"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the min and max values of the range for the calculated part of the DS value.
:return: the min and max values of the range for the calculated part of the DS value.
:rtype: P4G_IP_DS_MINMAX.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ds_min: Hex, ds_max: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the min and max values of the range for the calculated part of the DS value.
:param ds_min: minimum value for the calculated part of DS
:type ds_min: Hex
:param ds_max: maximum value for the calculated part of DS
:type ds_max: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ds_min=ds_min, ds_max=ds_max))
class P4G_IP_DS_STEP:
Specifies the incrementing step size for the calculated part of the DS value.
Relevant when P4G_IP_DS_TYPE` is set to ``INCREMENT``.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 624
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ds_step: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, the incrementing step size for DS."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ds_step: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, the incrementing step size for DS."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the incrementing step size for the calculated part of the DS value.
:return: the incrementing step size for the calculated part of the DS value.
:rtype: P4G_IP_DS_STEP.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ds_step: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the incrementing step size for the calculated part of the DS value.
:param ds_step: the incrementing step size for DS.
:type ds_step: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ds_step=ds_step))
Specifies the Maximum Segment size (MSS) type for a Connection Group. The MSS can
either be fixed size identical for all connections in the Connection Group,
incrementing or random. The individual MSS for a specific connection is always
constant once the incrementing or random value has been created. Refer to
command for information on how to configure min and max values.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 625
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mss_type: MSSType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying how MSS is set"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mss_type: MSSType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying how MSS is set"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the Maximum Segment size (MSS) type for a Connection Group.
:return: the Maximum Segment size (MSS) type for a Connection Group
:rtype: P4G_TCP_MSS_TYPE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mss_type: MSSType) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the Maximum Segment size (MSS) type for a Connection Group.
:param mss_type: specifying how MSS is set
:type mss_type: MSSType
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mss_type=mss_type))
set_fixed = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.FIXED)
"""Use fixed value for TCP MSS."""
set_increment = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.INCREMENT)
"""Use incrementing value for TCP MSS."""
set_random = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.RANDOM)
"""Use pseudorandom value for TCP MSS."""
Configure the min and max values of the range for MSS. Both values are
included in the range. Relevant when P4G_TCP_MSS_TYPE is set to INCREMENT or
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 626
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mss_min: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, minimum value of MSS"""
mss_max: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, maximum value of MSS"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mss_min: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, minimum value of MSS"""
mss_max: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, maximum value of MSS"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the min and max values of the range for TCP MSS.
:return: the min and max values of the range for TCP MSS
:rtype: P4G_TCP_MSS_MINMAX.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mss_min: int, mss_max: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the min and max values of the range for TCP MSS.
:param mss_min: minimum value of MSS
:type mss_min: int
:param mss_max: maximum value of MSS
:type mss_max: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mss_min=mss_min, mss_max=mss_max))
Configure the fixed MSS value. Relevant when P4G_TCP_MSS_TYPE is set to FIXED.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 627
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mss: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, fixed value of MSS"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mss: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, fixed value of MSS"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the fixed MSS value of the Connection Group.
:return: the fixed MSS value of the Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_MSS_VALUE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mss: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the fixed MSS value of the Connection Group.
:param mss: the fixed value of MSS (in bytes)
:type mss: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mss=mss))
Configure the value of the TCP RWND.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 628
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
window_size: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, window size in bytes"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
window_size: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, window size in bytes"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the value of the TCP RWND.
:return: the value of the TCP RWND.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_WINDOW_SIZE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, window_size: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the value of the TCP RWND.
:param window_size: RWND size in bytes
:type window_size: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], window_size=window_size))
Configure the value of the TCP duplicate ACK threshold.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 629
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
threshold: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, duplicate ACK threshold - must be larger than 0"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
threshold: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, duplicate ACK threshold - must be larger than 0"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the value of the TCP duplicate ACK threshold.
:return: the value of the TCP duplicate ACK threshold.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_DUP_THRES.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, threshold: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the value of the TCP duplicate ACK threshold.
:param threshold: duplicate ACK threshold - must be larger than 0
:type threshold: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], threshold=threshold))
class P4G_TCP_SYN_RTO:
Configure the value of the TCP SYN retransmission timeout, max retries and max backoff.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 630
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
retrans_timeout: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, SYN retransmission timeout [milliseconds] - must be larger than 0"""
retry_count: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, maximum SYN retransmission retries - must be larger than 0"""
backoff: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, maximum SYN retransmission backoff"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
retrans_timeout: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, SYN retransmission timeout [milliseconds] - must be larger than 0"""
retry_count: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, maximum SYN retransmission retries - must be larger than 0"""
backoff: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, maximum SYN retransmission backoff"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the value of the TCP SYN retransmission timeout, max retries and max backoff.
:return: the value of the TCP SYN retransmission timeout, max retries and max backoff.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_SYN_RTO.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, retrans_timeout: int, retry_count: int, backoff: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the value of the TCP SYN retransmission timeout, max retries and max backoff.
:param retrans_timeout: SYN retransmission timeout [milliseconds] - must be larger than 0
:type retrans_timeout: int
:param retry_count: maximum SYN retransmission retries - must be larger than 0
:type retry_count: int
:param backoff: maximum SYN retransmission backoff
:type backoff: int
return Token(
class P4G_TCP_RTO:
Configure the value of the TCP retransmission timeout, max retries and max backoff.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 631
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
type: RTOType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying RTO type"""
retrans_timeout: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, retransmission timeout [milliseconds] - must be larger than 0"""
retry_count: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, maximum retransmission retries - must be larger than 0"""
backoff: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, maximum retransmission backoff"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
rto_type: RTOType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying RTO type"""
retrans_timeout: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, retransmission timeout [milliseconds] - must be larger than 0"""
retry_count: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, maximum retransmission retries - must be larger than 0"""
backoff: int = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, maximum retransmission backoff"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the value of the TCP retransmission timeout, max retries and max backoff.
:return: the value of the TCP retransmission timeout, max retries and max backoff.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_RTO.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, rto_type: RTOType, retrans_timeout: int, retry_count: int, backoff: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the value of the TCP retransmission timeout, max retries and max backoff.
:param rto_type: specifying RTO type
:type rto_type: RTOType
:param retrans_timeout: retransmission timeout [milliseconds] - must be larger than 0
:type retrans_timeout: int
:param retry_count: maximum retransmission retries - must be larger than 0
:type retry_count: int
:param backoff: maximum retransmission backoff
:type backoff: int
return Token(
set_static = functools.partialmethod(set, RTOType.STATIC)
"""RTO is constant as configured"""
set_dynamic = functools.partialmethod(set, RTOType.DYNAMIC)
"""RTO is dynamic and depending on round trip time (RTT)"""
Specifies the UDP packet size type for a Connection Group. The packet size can either
be fixed size identical for all connections in the Connection Group,
incrementing or random. The individual packet size for a specific connection is
always constant once the incrementing or random value has been created. Refer to
P4G_UDP_PACKET_SIZE_MINMAX` command for information on how to configure min and max values.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 632
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
packet_size_type: MSSType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying how UDP packet size is set"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
packet_size_type: MSSType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying how UDP packet size is set"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the UDP packet size type for the Connection Group.
:return: the UDP packet size for the Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_UDP_PACKET_SIZE_TYPE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, packet_size_type: MSSType) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the UDP packet size type for the Connection Group.
:param packet_size_type: specifying how UDP packet size is set
:type packet_size_type: MSSType
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], packet_size_type=packet_size_type))
set_fixed = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.FIXED)
"""Use fixed value for UDP packet size."""
set_increment = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.INCREMENT)
"""Use incrementing value for UDP packet size."""
set_random = functools.partialmethod(set, MSSType.RANDOM)
"""Use pseudorandom value for UDP packet size."""
Configure the minimum and maximum values of the range for UDP packet size. Both
values are included in the range. Relevant when P4G_UDP_PACKET_SIZE_TYPE is set
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 633
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
size_min: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, minimum value of UDP packet size"""
size_max: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, maximum value of UDP packet size"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
size_min: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, minimum value of UDP packet size"""
size_max: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, maximum value of UDP packet size"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the minimum and maximum values of the range for UDP packet size.
:return: the minimum and maximum values of the range for UDP packet size.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, size_min: int, size_max: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the minimum and maximum values of the range for UDP packet size.
:param size_min: the minimum value of UDP packet size
:type size_min: int
:param size_max: the maximum value of UDP packet size
:type size_max: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max))
Configure the fixed UDP packet size value. Relevant when
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 634
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
size: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, fixed value of UDP packet size"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
size: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, fixed value of UDP packet size"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the fixed UDP packet size value.
:return: the fixed UDP packet size value
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, size: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the fixed UDP packet size value.
:param size: the fixed value of UDP packet size
:type size: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], size=size))
Configure the TCP congestion control algorithm.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 635
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
congestion_type: CongestionType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying congestion algorithm type"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
congestion_type: CongestionType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying congestion algorithm type"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the TCP congestion control algorithm.
:return: the TCP congestion control algorithm.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, congestion_type: CongestionType) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the TCP congestion control algorithm.
:param congestion_type: specifying congestion algorithm type
:type congestion_type: CongestionType
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], congestion_type=congestion_type))
set_none = functools.partialmethod(set, CongestionType.NONE)
"""Disable congestion control."""
set_reno = functools.partialmethod(set, CongestionType.RENO)
"""Enable RENO congestion control algorithm."""
set_new_reno = functools.partialmethod(set, CongestionType.NEW_RENO)
"""Enable New RENO congestion control algorithm."""
Enable window scaling for the Connection Group. Note to use windows scaling it
need to be enabled in both the client and server Connection Group. .
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 636
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""code byte, specifying whether to enable window scaling or not"""
factor: int = field(XmpByte())
"""integer, default value is 0 and maximum value is 14 - ignored if window scaling is not enabled"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""code byte, specifying whether to enable window scaling or not"""
factor: int = field(XmpByte())
"""integer, default value is 0 and maximum value is 14 - ignored if window scaling is not enabled"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get TCP window scaling settings for the Connection Group.
:return: TCP window scaling settings for the Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_WINDOW_SCALING.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, on_off: YesNo, factor: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set TCP window scaling settings for the Connection Group.
:param on_off: specifying whether to enable window scaling or not
:type on_off: YesNo
:param factor: default value is 0 and maximum value is 14 - ignored if window scaling is not enabled
:type factor: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], on_off=on_off, factor=factor))
set_no = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.NO)
"""Disable TCP window scaling."""
set_yes = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.YES)
"""Enable TCP window scaling."""
Configure the min and max values of the TCP retransmission timeout, when rto type
is set to dynamic. If the calculated rto fall outside the interval, the value is
clamped to the min or max value.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 637
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
rto_min: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, min retransmission timeout [us] - must be larger than 0 and less than max."""
rto_max: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, max retransmission timeout [us] - must be larger than 0 and greater than min."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
rto_min: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, min retransmission timeout [us] - must be larger than 0 and less than max."""
rto_max: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, max retransmission timeout [us] - must be larger than 0 and greater than min."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the min and max values of the TCP retransmission timeout.
:return: the min and max values of the TCP retransmission timeout
:rtype: P4G_TCP_RTO_MINMAX.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, rto_min: int, rto_max: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the min and max values of the TCP retransmission timeout.
:param rto_min: min retransmission timeout [us] - must be larger than 0 and less than max.
:type rto_min: int
:param rto_max: max retransmission timeout [us] - must be larger than 0 and greater than min.
:type rto_max: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], rto_min=rto_min, rto_max=rto_max))
Configure TCP retransmission prolonged mode. When enabled, TCP will, after
exceeding max number of retransmission retries, continue trying retransmit until
success, whereafter it will operate normally.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 638
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: IsEnabled = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, specifying whether to enable/disable prolonged retransmission mode"""
timeout: int = field(XmpInt())
"""retransmission timeout in milliseconds, when prolonged mode is enabled.
When mode is set to 0, the value of the timeout is ignored, when mode is set to 1, the value of the timeout may not be 0"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: IsEnabled = field(XmpByte())
"""byte, specifying whether to enable/disable prolonged retransmission mode"""
timeout: int = field(XmpInt())
"""retransmission timeout in milliseconds, when prolonged mode is enabled.
When mode is set to 0, the value of the timeout is ignored, when mode is set to 1, the value of the timeout may not be 0"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get TCP retransmission prolonged mode.
:return: TCP retransmission prolonged mode
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: IsEnabled, timeout: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set TCP retransmission prolonged mode.
:param mode: specifying whether to enable/disable prolonged retransmission mode
:type mode: IsEnabled
:param timeout: retransmission timeout in milliseconds, when prolonged mode is enabled.
When ``mode`` is set to 0, the value of the timeout is ignored. When ``mode`` is set to 1, the value of the timeout may not be 0.
:type timeout: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode, timeout=timeout))
set_disable = functools.partialmethod(set, IsEnabled.DISABLE)
"""Disable TCP retransmission prolonged mode."""
set_enable = functools.partialmethod(set, IsEnabled.ENABLE)
"""Enable TCP retransmission prolonged mode."""
Select the algorithm to calculate the TCP initial congestion window (ICWND).
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 639
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
method: AlgorithmMethod = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the algorithm"""
factor: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, factor to multiply the senders MSS with, when method is set to 'FIXED_FACTOR'. Otherwise the value is ignored."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
method: AlgorithmMethod = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the algorithm"""
factor: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, factor to multiply the senders MSS with, when method is set to 'FIXED_FACTOR'. Otherwise the value is ignored."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the algorithm to calculate the TCP initial congestion window (ICWND).
:return: the algorithm to calculate the TCP initial congestion window (ICWND).
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, method: AlgorithmMethod, factor: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the algorithm to calculate the TCP initial congestion window (ICWND).
:param method: specifying the algorithm
:type method: AlgorithmMethod
:param factor: factor to multiply the senders MSS with, when method is set to ``FIXED_FACTOR``. Otherwise the value is ignored.
:type factor: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], method=method, factor=factor))
set_rfc5681 = functools.partialmethod(set, AlgorithmMethod.RFC5681)
"""ICWND is set according to RFC5681."""
set_rfc2581 = functools.partialmethod(set, AlgorithmMethod.RFC2581)
"""ICWND is set according to RFC2581"""
set_fixed_factor = functools.partialmethod(set, AlgorithmMethod.FIXED_FACTOR)
"""ICWND is set to a FACTOR * SMSS (Sender's MSS)"""
Configure the TCP initial slow start threshold (ISSTHRESH).
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 640
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: AutoOrManual = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying TCP initial slow start mode"""
threshold: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of bytes, value ignored when mode is set to MANUAL"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: AutoOrManual = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying TCP initial slow start mode"""
threshold: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of bytes, value ignored when mode is set to MANUAL"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the TCP initial slow start threshold (ISSTHRESH).
:return: the TCP initial slow start threshold (ISSTHRESH).
:rtype: P4G_TCP_ISSTHRESH.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: AutoOrManual, threshold: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the TCP initial slow start threshold (ISSTHRESH).
:param mode: specifying TCP initial slow start mode
:type mode: AutoOrManual
:param threshold: number of bytes, value ignored when mode is set to ``MANUAL``
:type threshold: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode, threshold=threshold))
set_automatic = functools.partialmethod(set, AutoOrManual.AUTOMATIC)
"""TCP initial slow start mode set to Automatic"""
set_manual = functools.partialmethod(set, AutoOrManual.MANUAL)
"""TCP initial slow start mode set to Manual"""
Number of received packets before a pure-ACK is sent.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 641
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
packets_before_ack: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of received packets before an ACK is sent, range between 1 and 255, default 1. When set to 1, every packet is ACKed"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
packets_before_ack: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of received packets before an ACK is sent, range between 1 and 255, default 1. When set to 1, every packet is ACKed"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the configuration of the number of received packets before a pure-ACK is sent.
:return: the configuration of the number of received packets before a pure-ACK is sent.
:rtype: P4G_TCP_ACK_FREQUENCY.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, packets_before_ack: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the configuration of the number of received packets before a pure-ACK is sent.
:param packets_before_ack: number of received packets before an ACK is sent, range between 1 and 255, default 1. When set to 1, every packet is ACKed.
:type packets_before_ack: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], packets_before_ack=packets_before_ack))
Delayed ACK timeout in microsecondsA pure ACK for the last RX packet will be
sent after P4G_TCP_ACK_TIMEOUT` microseconds in case it cannot be sent by other means,
ie. a number of packets received since last ACK is less than P4G_TCP_ACK_FREQUENCY` and there is no TX packets to sent (to piggy-back an ACK)
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 642
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ack_timeout: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, timeout value in microseconds, default 200000."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ack_timeout: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, timeout value in microseconds, default 200000."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the Delayed ACK timeout.
:return: the Delayed ACK timeout
:rtype: P4G_TCP_ACK_TIMEOUT.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ack_timeout: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the Delayed ACK timeout.
:param ack_timeout: timeout value in microseconds, default 200000.
:type ack_timeout: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ack_timeout=ack_timeout))
class P4G_L2_CLIENT_MAC:
Configure the client MAC address. This is either a single static MAC
address or an embedding of the four byte IPv4 address into the lower 4 bytes of
the 6 byte MAC address.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 644
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mac_address: Hex = field(XmpMacAddress())
"""six hex bytes, the MAC address specified as hexadecimal"""
mode: EmbedIP = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether to embed the IP address or not"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mac_address: Hex = field(XmpMacAddress())
"""six hex bytes, the MAC address specified as hexadecimal"""
mode: EmbedIP = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether to embed the IP address or not"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the client MAC address.
:return: the client MAC address
:rtype: P4G_L2_CLIENT_MAC.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mac_address: Hex, mode: EmbedIP) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the client MAC address.
:param mac_address: the MAC address specified as hexadecimal
:type mac_address: Hex
:param mode: whether to embed the IP address in MAC
:type mode: EmbedIP
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mac_address=mac_address, mode=mode))
set_dont_embed_ip = functools.partialmethod(set, mode=EmbedIP.DONT_EMBED_IP)
"""Not embed IP address in MAC address."""
set_embed_ip = functools.partialmethod(set, mode=EmbedIP.EMBED_IP)
"""Embed IP address in MAC address."""
class P4G_L2_SERVER_MAC:
Configure the server MAC address. This is either a single static MAC
address or an embedding of the four byte IPv4 address into the lower 4 bytes of
the 6 byte MAC address.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 645
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mac_address: Hex = field(XmpMacAddress())
"""six hex bytes, the MAC address specified as hexadecimal"""
mode: EmbedIP = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether to embed the ip address or not"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mac_address: Hex = field(XmpMacAddress())
"""six hex bytes, the MAC address specified as hexadecimal"""
mode: EmbedIP = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether to embed the ip address or not"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the server MAC address.
:return: the server MAC address
:rtype: P4G_L2_SERVER_MAC.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mac_address: Hex, mode: EmbedIP) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the server MAC address.
:param mac_address: the MAC address specified as hexadecimal
:type mac_address: Hex
:param mode: whether to embed the IP address in MAC
:type mode: EmbedIP
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mac_address=mac_address, mode=mode))
set_dont_embed_ip = functools.partialmethod(set, mode=EmbedIP.DONT_EMBED_IP)
"""Not embed IP address in MAC address."""
set_embed_ip = functools.partialmethod(set, mode=EmbedIP.EMBED_IP)
"""Embed IP address in MAC address."""
Specify whether to use ARP and NDP to resolve hardware (MAC) addresses in the
``pre_run`` phase.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 646
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
is_enabled: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to use ARP and NDP or not"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
is_enabled: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to use ARP and NDP or not"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the status of using ARP and NDP to resolve hardware (MAC) addresses.
:return: specifying whether to use ARP and NDP to resolve hardware (MAC) addresses.
:rtype: P4G_L2_USE_ADDRESS_RES.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, is_enabled: YesNo) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the status of using ARP and NDP to resolve hardware (MAC) addresses.
:param is_enabled: specifying whether to use ARP and NDP to resolve hardware (MAC) addresses.
:type is_enabled: YesNo
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], is_enabled=is_enabled))
set_no = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.NO)
"""Disable using ARP and NDP to resolve hardware (MAC) addresses."""
set_yes = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.YES)
"""Enable using ARP and NDP to resolve hardware (MAC) addresses."""
class P4G_L2_USE_GW:
Specify whether to use the resolved default gateway's MAC address as the destination MAC address in the packets.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 647
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
is_enabled: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to use gateway MAC or not"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
is_enabled: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to use gateway MAC or not"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the status of using the resolved default gateway's MAC address as the destination MAC address in the packets.
:return: the status of using the resolved default gateway's MAC address as the destination MAC address in the packets
:rtype: P4G_L2_USE_GW.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, is_enabled: YesNo) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the status of using the resolved default gateway's MAC address as the destination MAC address in the packets.
:param is_enabled: specifying whether to use gateway's MAC address as the destination MAC address in the packets.
:type is_enabled: YesNo
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], is_enabled=is_enabled))
set_no = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.NO)
"""Disable using gateway's MAC address as the destination MAC address."""
set_yes = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.YES)
"""Enable using gateway's MAC address as the destination MAC address."""
class P4G_L2_GW:
Specify a default gateway for IPv4.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 648
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address = field(XmpIPv4Address())
"""address, ip address of gateway"""
mac_address: Hex = field(XmpMacAddress())
"""six hex bytes, the MAC address of the gateway"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address = field(XmpIPv4Address())
"""address, ip address of gateway"""
mac_address: Hex = field(XmpMacAddress())
"""six hex bytes, the MAC address of the gateway"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the settings of the default gateway for IPv4.
:return: IPv4 address and MAC address of the default gateway for IPv4.
:rtype: P4G_L2_GW.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address, mac_address: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set a default gateway for IPv4.
:param ipv4_address: IPv5 address of the gateway
:type ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address
:param mac_address: the MAC address of the gateway
:type mac_address: Hex
return Token(
build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ipv4_address=ipv4_address, mac_address=mac_address)
class P4G_L2_IPV6_GW:
Specify a default gateway for IPv6.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 649
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address = field(XmpIPv6Address())
"""16 hex bytes, the 16 bytes of IPv6 address of gateway"""
mac_address: Hex = field(XmpMacAddress())
"""six hex bytes, the MAC address of the gateway"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address = field(XmpIPv6Address())
"""16 hex bytes, the 16 bytes of IPv6 address of gateway"""
mac_address: Hex = field(XmpMacAddress())
"""six hex bytes, the MAC address of the gateway"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the settings of the default gateway for IPv6.
:return: IPv6 address and MAC address of the default gateway for IPv6.
:rtype: P4G_L2_IPV6_GW.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address, mac_address: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the default gateway for IPv6.
:param ipv6_address: the 16 bytes of IPv6 address of gateway
:type ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address
:param mac_address: the MAC address of the gateway
:type mac_address: Hex
return Token(
build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ipv6_address=ipv6_address, mac_address=mac_address)
Configure the application layer mode. This command affects whether TCP payload is generated.
* ``NONE`` means that TCP connections are created according to the client and server ranges, and ramped up/down as specified in the load profile. But no payload is transmitted.
* ``RAW`` differs from ``NONE`` in that it transmits payload when the TCP connection is established.
* ``REPLAY`` refers to PCAP replay.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 650
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
behavior: ApplicationLayerBehavior = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, application behavior"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
behavior: ApplicationLayerBehavior = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, application behavior"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the application layer mode.
:return: the application layer mode
:rtype: P4G_TEST_APPLICATION.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, behavior: ApplicationLayerBehavior) -> Token[None]:
"""Set he application layer mode.
:param behavior: the application layer mode
:type behavior: ApplicationLayerBehavior
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], behavior=behavior))
set_none = functools.partialmethod(set, ApplicationLayerBehavior.NONE)
"""Application layer is set to connection-only."""
set_raw = functools.partialmethod(set, ApplicationLayerBehavior.RAW)
"""Application layer is set to connection + payload."""
set_replay = functools.partialmethod(set, ApplicationLayerBehavior.REPLAY)
"""Application layer is set to pcap replay."""
Configure the traffic direction scenario for RAW mode.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 651
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
scenario: TrafficScenario = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, traffic scenario"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
scenario: TrafficScenario = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, traffic scenario"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the traffic scenario for RAW mode.
:return: the traffic scenario for RAW mode.
:rtype: P4G_RAW_TEST_SCENARIO.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, scenario: TrafficScenario) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the traffic scenario for RAW mode.
:param scenario: traffic scenario
:type scenario: TrafficScenario
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], scenario=scenario))
set_download = functools.partialmethod(set, TrafficScenario.DOWNLOAD)
"""Server transmits payload to client."""
set_upload = functools.partialmethod(set, TrafficScenario.UPLOAD)
"""Client transmits payload to server."""
set_both = functools.partialmethod(set, TrafficScenario.BOTH)
"""Payload is transmitted in both directions."""
set_echo = functools.partialmethod(set, TrafficScenario.ECHO)
"""Client transmits payload to server, server echoes the payload back"""
Specify the payload generation method.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 652
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
gen_method: PayloadGenerationMethod = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, payload generation method"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
gen_method: PayloadGenerationMethod = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, payload generation method"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the payload generation method.
:return: payload generation method
:rtype: P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TYPE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, gen_method: PayloadGenerationMethod) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the payload generation method.
:param gen_method: payload generation method
:type gen_method: PayloadGenerationMethod
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], gen_method=gen_method))
set_fixed = functools.partialmethod(set, PayloadGenerationMethod.FIXED)
"""Payload has a fixed value - as specified by the P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD` command."""
set_increment = functools.partialmethod(set, PayloadGenerationMethod.INCREMENT)
"""Payload consist of incrementing bytes."""
set_random = functools.partialmethod(set, PayloadGenerationMethod.RANDOM)
"""Payload consists of pseudo random bytes with a repeat cycle of 1 MB."""
set_longrandom = functools.partialmethod(set, PayloadGenerationMethod.LONGRANDOM)
"""Payload consists of pseudo random bytes with a repeat cycle of 4 GB."""
Configure the total amount of payload to transmit on one connection.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 653
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, generation mode."""
length: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, size of the payload"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, generation mode."""
length: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, size of the payload"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the total amount of payload to transmit on one connection.
:return: the total amount of payload to transmit on one connection
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: InfiniteOrFinite, length: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the total amount of payload to transmit on one connection.
:param mode: generation mode.
:type mode: InfiniteOrFinite
:param length: size of the payload
:type length: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode, length=length))
set_infinite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.INFINITE)
"""Generates payload as long as test is running."""
set_finite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.FINITE)
"""Stop generating payload after length bytes are transmitted."""
Specify raw payload as hex bytes. This command can be called several times to build
a custom payload.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 654
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
offset: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the offset in the payload buffer where data is to be written"""
length: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of bytes to write"""
content: Hex = field(XmpHex())
"""list of hex bytes, specifying the payload"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
offset: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the offset in the payload buffer where data is to be written"""
length: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of bytes to write"""
content: Hex = field(XmpHex())
"""list of hex bytes, specifying the payload"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the payload as hex bytes.
:return: the payload as hex bytes
:rtype: P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, offset: int, length: int, content: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the payload as hex bytes.
:param offset: the offset in the payload buffer where data is to be written
:type offset: int
:param length: number of bytes to write
:type length: int
:param content: specifying the payload
:type content: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], offset=offset, length=length, content=content))
Specify the length of the raw payload, which is defined by one or more P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD` commands, to repeat.
P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_REPEAT_LEN` number of bytes will be repeated until P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TOTAL_LEN` bytes are transmitted on the connection.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 655
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
length: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specifying the length of the custom payload"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
length: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specifying the repeat length of the custom payload"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the length of the raw payload to repeat.
:return: the length of the raw payload to repeat
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, length: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the length of the raw payload to repeat.
:param length: the length of the raw payload to repeat
:type length: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], length=length))
Specify whether the server waits for a request from the client before it starts transmitting.
.. note::
This parameter is N/A when P4G_L4_PROTOCOL` is configured as UDP.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 656
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, expect request before sending payload or not"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, expect request before sending payload or not"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get whether the server waits for a request from the client before it starts transmitting.
:return: whether the server waits for a request from the client before it starts transmitting.
:rtype: P4G_RAW_HAS_DOWNLOAD_REQ.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, on_off: YesNo) -> Token[None]:
"""Set whether the server waits for a request from the client before it starts transmitting.
:param on_off: whether the server waits for a request from the client before it starts transmitting.
:type on_off: YesNo
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], on_off=on_off))
set_no = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.NO)
"""The server does not wait for a request from the client before it starts transmitting."""
set_yes = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.YES)
"""The server waits for a request from the client before it starts transmitting."""
Specify how to close TCP connection when all payload has been transmitted.
In raw test scenario ``DOWNLOAD``, the server can close the connection, when all payload has been transmitted.
In raw test scenario ``UPLOAD``, the client can close the connection, when all payload has been transmitted.
In any case, both server and client Connection Groups must be configured with the same value of this parameter.
In raw test scenario ``BOTH`` (bidirectional), this parameter is N/A and will be ignored.
In a transaction scenario, where P4G_RAW_HAS_DOWNLOAD_REQ` is set to ``YES``, both client and server can close the connection, when the last transaction has been completed.
When P4G_RAW_CONN_INCARNATION` is set to ``IMMORTAL`` or ``REINCARNATE``, and this command is set to ``NONE``,
connections will be closed after 'connection lifetime', set by P4G_RAW_CONN_LIFETIME`.
.. note::
This parameter is N/A when P4G_L4_PROTOCOL` is configured as UDP.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 657
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
who_close: WhoClose = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying who closes the connection"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
who_close: WhoClose = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying who closes the connection"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get how to close TCP connection when all payload has been transmitted.
:return: how to close TCP connection when all payload has been transmitted
:rtype: P4G_RAW_CLOSE_CONN.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, who_close: WhoClose) -> Token[None]:
"""Set how to close TCP connection when all payload has been transmitted.
:param who_close: specifying how to close TCP connection
:type who_close: WhoClose
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], who_close=who_close))
set_none = functools.partialmethod(set, WhoClose.NONE)
"""Keep the connection open after last byte is transmitted."""
set_client = functools.partialmethod(set, WhoClose.CLIENT)
"""Client closes the connection after last byte is receiver/transmitted."""
set_server = functools.partialmethod(set, WhoClose.SERVER)
"""Server closes the connection after last byte is transmitted."""
Specify the link layer bandwidth utilization for all the generated traffic from
the specified Raw Connection Group.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 658
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
utilization: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, utilization specified in ppm."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
utilization: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, utilization specified in ppm."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the link layer bandwidth utilization for all the generated traffic from the specified Raw Connection Group.
:return: the link layer bandwidth utilization for all the generated traffic from the specified Raw Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_RAW_UTILIZATION.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, utilization: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the link layer bandwidth utilization for all the generated traffic from the specified Raw Connection Group.
:param utilization: utilization specified in ppm.
:type utilization: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], utilization=utilization))
Specify the content of the download request sent by the client and expected by the server as hex bytes.
.. note::
This parameter is N/A when P4G_L4_PROTOCOL is configured as UDP.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 659
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
length: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specifying the number of bytes to write. Maximum request length is 1024 bytes."""
content: Hex = field(XmpHex())
"""list of hex bytes, specifying the request content."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
length: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specifying the number of bytes to write. Maximum request length is 1024 bytes."""
content: Hex = field(XmpHex())
"""list of hex bytes, specifying the request content."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the content of the download request sent by the client and expected by the server as hex bytes.
:return: the content of the download request sent by the client and expected by the server as hex bytes.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, length: int, content: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the content of the download request sent by the client and expected by the server as hex bytes.
:param length: specifying the number of bytes to write. Maximum request length is 1024 bytes.
:type length: int
:param content: specifying the request content.
:type content: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], length=length, content=content))
Specify if TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp-up and ramp-down.
.. note::
For UDP connections payload transmission will always take place during ramp-up and ramp-down, and this parameter is therefore N/A.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 660
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
should_close_conn_ramp_up: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp up."""
should_close_conn_ramp_down: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp down."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
should_close_conn_ramp_up: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp up."""
should_close_conn_ramp_down: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp down."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp-up and ramp-down.
:return: whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp-up and ramp-down.
:rtype: P4G_RAW_TX_DURING_RAMP.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, should_close_conn_ramp_up: YesNo, should_close_conn_ramp_down: YesNo) -> Token[None]:
"""Set whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp-up and ramp-down.
:param should_close_conn_ramp_up: whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp-up.
:type should_close_conn_ramp_up: YesNo
:param should_close_conn_ramp_down: whether TCP payload transmission should take place during ramp-down.
:type should_close_conn_ramp_down: YesNo
return Token(
Specify a time offset to the transmit start and stop time, if P4G_TX_DURING_RAMP` is set to ``NO`` for ramp-up and ramp-down respectively.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 661
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
start_offset: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specify time in milliseconds from ramp-up has completed to start of payload transmit."""
stop_offset: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specify time in milliseconds from stop of payload transmit to start of ramp-down."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
start_offset: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specify time in milliseconds from ramp-up has completed to start of payload transmit."""
stop_offset: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specify time in milliseconds from stop of payload transmit to start of ramp-down."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the time offset to the transmit start and stop time.
:return: the time offset to the transmit start and stop time
:rtype: P4G_RAW_TX_TIME_OFFSET.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, start_offset: int, stop_offset: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the time offset to the transmit start and stop time.
:param start_offset: specify time in milliseconds from ramp-up has completed to start of payload transmit.
:type start_offset: int
:param stop_offset: specify time in milliseconds from stop of payload transmit to start of ramp-down.
:type stop_offset: int
return Token(
build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], start_offset=start_offset, stop_offset=stop_offset)
Enables or disables bursty transmission.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 662
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
bursty: OnOff = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether bursty transmission is on or off."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
bursty: OnOff = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, whether bursty transmission is on or off."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get whether to use bursty transmission.
:return: whether to use bursty transmission.
:rtype: P4G_RAW_BURSTY_TX.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, bursty: OnOff) -> Token[None]:
"""Set whether to use bursty transmission.
:param bursty: whether bursty transmission is on or off.
:type bursty: OnOff
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], bursty=bursty))
set_off = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOff.OFF)
"""Disable bursty transmission."""
set_on = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOff.ON)
"""Enable bursty transmission."""
Specifies active and inactive periods of bursty transmission in milliseconds. The burst period starts with the active part.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 663
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
active_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specifies the duration in milliseconds of the active part of the burst period."""
inactive_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specifies the duration in milliseconds of the inactive part of the burst period."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
active_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specifies the duration in milliseconds of the active part of the burst period."""
inactive_duration: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, specifies the duration in milliseconds of the inactive part of the burst period."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get active and inactive periods of bursty transmission in milliseconds.
:return: active and inactive period of bursty transmission in milliseconds.
:rtype: P4G_RAW_BURSTY_CONF.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, active_duration: int, inactive_duration: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set active and inactive periods of bursty transmission in milliseconds.
:param active_duration: specifies the duration in milliseconds of the active part of the burst period.
:type active_duration: int
:param inactive_duration: specifies the duration in milliseconds of the inactive part of the burst period.
:type inactive_duration: int
return Token(
build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], active_duration=active_duration, inactive_duration=inactive_duration)
Specify whether to insert a VLAN tag header upon transmit.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 664
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to enable VLAN tag"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to enable VLAN tag"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get whether to insert a VLAN tag header upon transmit.
:return: whether to insert a VLAN tag header upon transmit.
:rtype: P4G_VLAN_ENABLE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, on_off: OnOff) -> Token[None]:
"""Set whether to insert a VLAN tag header upon transmit.
:param on_off: specifying whether to enable VLAN tag
:type on_off: OnOff
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], on_off=on_off))
set_off = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOff.OFF)
"""Disable VLAN tag insertion upon transmit."""
set_on = functools.partialmethod(set, OnOff.ON)
"""Enable VLAN tag insertion upon transmit."""
class P4G_VLAN_TCI:
Specify the List of VLAN TCIs.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 665
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: "interfaces.IConnection"
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
vlans: typing.List[subtypes.VlanTag] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpShort(), XmpByte()])) # A list of vlans. up to 8 TCIs can be define
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
vlans: typing.List[subtypes.VlanTag] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpShort(), XmpByte()])) # A list of vlans. up to 8 TCIs can be define
def get(self) -> "Token[GetDataAttr]":
"""Get the list of VLANs.
:return: the list of VLANs.
:rtype: P4G_VLAN_TCI.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, vlans: typing.List[subtypes.VlanTag]) -> "Token":
"""Set a list of VLANs.
Up to 8 TCIs can be defined.
The order of the VLANs is like the following: ethernet/vlan0/vlan1/../vlanN/uppler_layer(like IPv4)
:param vlans: specifying a list of VlanTag
:type vlans: typing.List[subtypes.VlanTag]
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], vlans=vlans))
Sets the start value and the interval size for the time histograms (P4G_TCP_ESTABLISH_HIST` and P4G_TCP_CLOSE_HIST`).
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 666
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in us"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in us"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in us"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in us"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the start value and the interval size for the time histograms.
:return: the start value and the interval size for the time histograms.
:rtype: P4G_TIME_HIST_CONF.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, start: int, interval: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the start value and the interval size for the time histograms.
:param start: start value of first histogram interval in microseconds
:type start: int
:param interval: histogram interval size in microseconds
:type interval: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], start=start, interval=interval))
Sets the start value and the interval size for the payload histograms.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 667
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the start value and the interval size for the payload histograms.
:return: the start value and the interval size for the payload histograms.
:rtype: P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, start: int, interval: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the start value and the interval size for the payload histograms.
:param start: start value of first histogram interval in bytes
:type start: int
:param interval: histogram interval size in bytes
:type interval: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], start=start, interval=interval))
Sets the start value and the interval size for the transaction histogram (P4G_APP_TRANSACTION_HIST`).
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 668
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the start value and the interval size for the transaction histogram.
:return: the start value and the interval size for the transaction histogram
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, start: int, interval: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the start value and the interval size for the transaction histogram.
:param start: tart value of first histogram interval
:type start: int
:param interval: histogram interval size
:type interval: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], start=start, interval=interval))
Specify the length of the payload the Client should expect to receive before sending the next download request to the Server.
Should be configured identical to the P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TOTAL_LEN` for the Server. If mode is set to INFINITE, effectively no request/response repetitions will be performed.
.. note::
This parameter is N/A when P4G_L4_PROTOCOL` is configured as UDP.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 669
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the payload length mode"""
length: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of payload bytes the client should receive before sending the next request, if mode is FINITE."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the payload length mode"""
length: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of payload bytes the client should receive before sending the next request, if mode is FINITE."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the length of the payload the Client should expect to receive before sending the next download request to the Server.
:return: the length of the payload the Client should expect to receive before sending the next download request to the Server.
:rtype: P4G_RAW_RX_PAYLOAD_LEN.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: InfiniteOrFinite, length: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the length of the payload the Client should expect to receive before sending the next download request to the Server.
:param mode: specifying the payload length mode
:type mode: InfiniteOrFinite
:param length: number of payload bytes the client should receive before sending the next request, if mode is ``FINITE``.
:type length: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode, length=length))
set_infinite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.INFINITE)
"""Expects payload as long as test is running."""
set_finite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.FINITE)
"""Expects a number of bytes of payload defined by the command."""
Specify the number of request/response transactions to perform - if P4G_RAW_HAS_DOWNLOAD_REQ` is set to ``YES``.
.. note::
This parameter is N/A when P4G_L4_PROTOCOL` is configured as UDP.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 670
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the transaction mode."""
repeat: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of request/response transactions to perform , if mode is FINITE."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the transaction mode."""
repeat: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of request/response transactions to perform , if mode is FINITE."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the number of request/response transactions to perform.
:return: the number of request/response transactions to perform
:rtype: P4G_RAW_REQUEST_REPEAT.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: InfiniteOrFinite, repeat: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the number of request/response transactions to perform.
:param mode: specifying the transaction mode.
:type mode: InfiniteOrFinite
:param repeat: number of request/response transactions to perform , if mode is ``FINITE``.
:type repeat: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode, repeat=repeat))
set_infinite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.INFINITE)
"""Repeats request/response transactions as long as test is running."""
set_finite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.FINITE)
"""Stop generating request/response transactions after a number of cycles"""
Defines the lifecycle of a connection and how new connections should be established as old connections are closed.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 671
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: LifecycleMode = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, defines the lifecycle of connections"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: LifecycleMode = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, defines the lifecycle of connections"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the lifecycle of a connection and how new connections should be established.
:return: the lifecycle of a connection and how new connections should be established.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: LifecycleMode) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the lifecycle of a connection and how new connections should be established.
:param mode: connection lifecycle mode
:type mode: LifecycleMode
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode))
set_once = functools.partialmethod(set, LifecycleMode.ONCE)
"""Connections are established during the ramp-up phase and not closed until the ramp-down phase of the load profile. That is, each configured connection only exists once."""
set_immortal = functools.partialmethod(set, LifecycleMode.IMMORTAL)
"""Connections are established during the ramp-up phase of the load profile, and are closed after the configured lifetime (configured by P4G_RAW_CONN_LIFETIME`).
As connections close, new connections are established, attempting to keep the concurrent number of established connections constant.
A new connection will have the same IP address as the connection it replaces, but will have a new TCP port number.
This will simulate that the user (defined by the client IP address) is living on, and creates new connections as old connections close.
set_reincarnate = functools.partialmethod(set, LifecycleMode.REINCARNATE)
"""Connections are established during the ramp-up phase of the load profile, and are closed after the configured lifetime (configured by P4G_RAW_CONN_LIFETIME`).
As connections close, new connections are established, attempting to keep the concurrent number of established connections constant.
A new connection will have the same TCP port number as the connection it replaces, but will have a new IP address.
This will simulate that the user (defined by the client IP address) ceases to exist, and new users appear as old users die.
Defines how many times a new connection should be created, after an old
connection has been closed, when P4G_RAW_CONN_INCARNATION` is set to ``IMMORTAL`` or
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 672
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, repetition mode."""
repetition_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of repetitions"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, repetition mode."""
repetition_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of repetitions"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get how many times a new connection should be created after an old connection is closed.
:return: how many times a new connection should be created after an old connection is closed.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: InfiniteOrFinite, repetition_count: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set how many times a new connection should be created after an old connection is closed.
:param mode: repetition mode.
:type mode: InfiniteOrFinite
:param repetition_count: number of repetitions
:type repetition_count: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode, repetition_count=repetition_count))
set_infinite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.INFINITE)
"""New connections are generated as long as the load profile allows."""
set_finite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.FINITE)
"""Each configured connection is closed and re-established repetitions number of times."""
Defines the lifetime of a connection, when P4G_RAW_CONN_INCARNATION` is set to ``IMMORTAL`` or ``REINCARNATE``.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 673
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
timescale: Timescale = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the time scale"""
lifetime: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, time from a connection is established until it will be closed."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
timescale: Timescale = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying the time scale"""
lifetime: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, time from a connection is established until it will be closed."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the lifetime of a connection.
:return: the lifetime of a connection
:rtype: P4G_RAW_CONN_LIFETIME.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, timescale: Timescale, lifetime: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the lifetime of a connection.
:param timescale: specifying the time scale
:type timescale: Timescale
:param lifetime: time from a connection is established until it will be closed.
:type lifetime: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], timescale=timescale, lifetime=lifetime))
set_msecs = functools.partialmethod(set, Timescale.MSECS)
"""Set the time scale of a connection lifetime to milliseconds."""
set_seconds = functools.partialmethod(set, Timescale.SECONDS)
"""Set the time scale of a connection lifetime to seconds."""
set_minutes = functools.partialmethod(set, Timescale.MINUTES)
"""Set the time scale of a connection lifetime to minutes."""
set_hours = functools.partialmethod(set, Timescale.HOURS)
"""Set the time scale of a connection lifetime to hours."""
Specifies either IPv4 or IPv6.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 684
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
version_number: L47IPVersion = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, IP version"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
version_number: L47IPVersion = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, IP version"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the IP version of a Connection Group.
:return: the IP version of a Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_IP_VERSION.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, version_number: L47IPVersion) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the IP version of a Connection Group.
:param version_number: IP version
:type version_number: L47IPVersion
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], version_number=version_number))
set_ipv4 = functools.partialmethod(set, L47IPVersion.IPV4)
"""Set IP version to IPv4."""
set_ipv6 = functools.partialmethod(set, L47IPVersion.IPV6)
"""Set IP version to IPv6."""
Specifies the number of client sockets (IPv6 address, port number).
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 685
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address = field(XmpIPv6Address())
"""16 hex bytes, the start ip address of the address range"""
address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ip addresses"""
start_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the start port number, of the port range"""
port_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ports"""
max_address_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the maximum number of ip addresses that this Connection Group will use, when connection incarnation is set to REINCARNATE"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address = field(XmpIPv6Address())
"""16 hex bytes, the start ip address of the address range"""
address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ip addresses"""
start_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the start port number, of the port range"""
port_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ports"""
max_address_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the maximum number of ip addresses that this Connection Group will use, when connection incarnation is set to REINCARNATE"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the number of client sockets (IPv6 address, port number).
:return: the number of client sockets (IPv6 address, port number).
:rtype: P4G_IPV6_CLIENT_RANGE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address, address_count: int, start_port: int, port_count: int, max_address_count: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the number of client sockets (IPv6 address, port number).
:param ipv6_address: the start ip address of the address range
:type ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address
:param address_count: the number of IPv6 addresses
:type address_count: int
:param start_port: the start port number of the port range
:type start_port: int
:param port_count: the number of ports
:type port_count: int
:param max_address_count: the maximum number of IPv6 addresses that this Connection Group will use, when connection incarnation is set to ``REINCARNATE``
:type max_address_count: int
return Token(
Specifies the number of server sockets (IPv6 address, port number)
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 686
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address = field(XmpIPv6Address())
"""hex bytes, the start ip address of the address range"""
address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ip addresses"""
start_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the start port number, of the port range"""
port_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ports"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address = field(XmpIPv6Address())
"""hex bytes, the start ip address of the address range"""
address_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ip addresses"""
start_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the start port number, of the port range"""
port_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the number of ports"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the number of server sockets (IPv6 address, port number).
:return: the number of server sockets (IPv6 address, port number)
:rtype: P4G_IPV6_SERVER_RANGE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address, address_count: int, start_port: int, port_count: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the number of server sockets (IPv6 address, port number).
:param ipv6_address: the start IPv6 address of the address range
:type ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address
:param address_count: the number of IPv6 addresses
:type address_count: int
:param start_port: the start port number of the port range
:type start_port: int
:param port_count: the number of ports
:type port_count: int
return Token(
Configure the value of the traffic class field of the IPv6 header.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 687
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
traffic_class: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, value of the traffic class field"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
traffic_class: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=1))
"""hex byte, value of the traffic class field"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the value of the traffic class field of the IPv6 header.
:return: the value of the traffic class field of the IPv6 header.
:rtype: P4G_IPV6_TRAFFIC_CLASS.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, traffic_class: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the value of the traffic class field of the IPv6 header.
:param traffic_class: value of the traffic class field
:type traffic_class: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], traffic_class=traffic_class))
Configure the value of the flow label field of the IPv6 header.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 688
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
flow_label: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=4))
"""4 hex bytes, value of the traffic class field (only lowest 20 bits are valid)"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
flow_label: Hex = field(XmpHex(size=4))
"""4 hex bytes, value of the traffic class field (only lowest 20 bits are valid)"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the value of the flow label field of the IPv6 header.
:return: the value of the flow label field of the IPv6 header.
:rtype: P4G_IPV6_FLOW_LABEL.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, flow_label: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the value of the flow label field of the IPv6 header.
:param flow_label: value of the traffic class field (only lowest 20 bits are valid)
:type flow_label: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], flow_label=flow_label))
class P4G_L4_PROTOCOL:
Specifies either TCP or UDP as Layer 4 protocol.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 689
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
protocol_type: L47ProtocolType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, layer 4 protocol."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
protocol_type: L47ProtocolType = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, layer 4 protocol."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the Layer 4 protocol used by the Connection Group.
:return: the Layer 4 protocol used by the Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_L4_PROTOCOL.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, protocol_type: L47ProtocolType) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the Layer 4 protocol used by the Connection Group.
:param protocol_type: the Layer 4 protocol
:type protocol_type: L47ProtocolType
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], protocol_type=protocol_type))
set_tcp = functools.partialmethod(set, L47ProtocolType.TCP)
"""Use TCP as the Layer 4 protocol of the Connection Group."""
set_udp = functools.partialmethod(set, L47ProtocolType.UDP)
"""Use UDP as the Layer 4 protocol of the Connection Group."""
Configure the group's client to use ip addresses from this pool
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 690
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = True
_connection: "interfaces.IConnection"
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
concurrent_address_count: int = field(XmpInt()) # integer, the number of concurrent ip addresses, this value should be less than the number of addresses in address pool
start_port: int = field(XmpInt()) # integer, the start port number, of the port range
port_count: int = field(XmpInt()) # integer, the number of ports
address_pool: typing.List[subtypes.GroupAddressElem] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpIPv4Address(), XmpIPv4Address(), XmpMacAddress()]))
def set(self, concurrent_address_count: int, start_port: int, port_count: int, address_pool: typing.List[subtypes.GroupAddressElem]) -> "Token":
"""Set a pool of ip addresses for the client role of this group
:param concurrent_address_count: the number of concurrent ip addresses, this value should be less than the number of addresses in the address pool
:type concurrent_address_count: int
:param start_port: the starting port number of the port range
:type start_port: int
:param port_count: the number of ports
:type port_count: int
:param address_pool:
* IP address
* Subnet Mask
* MAC address
:type address_pool: List[GroupAddressElem]
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex],
concurrent_address_count=concurrent_address_count, start_port=start_port, port_count=port_count,
Configure the group's server to use ip addresses from this pool
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 691
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = True
_connection: "interfaces.IConnection"
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
concurrent_address_count: int = field(XmpInt()) # integer, the number of concurrent ip addresses, this value should be less than the number of addresses in address pool
start_port: int = field(XmpInt()) # integer, the start port number, of the port range
port_count: int = field(XmpInt()) # integer, the number of ports
address_pool: typing.List[subtypes.GroupAddressElem] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpIPv4Address(), XmpIPv4Address(), XmpMacAddress()]))
def set(self, concurrent_address_count: int, start_port: int, port_count: int, address_pool: typing.List[subtypes.GroupAddressElem]) -> "Token":
"""Set a pool of ip addresses for the server role of this group
:param concurrent_address_count: the number of concurrent ip addresses, this value should be less than the number of addresses in the address pool
:type concurrent_address_count: int
:param start_port: the starting port number of the port range
:type start_port: int
:param port_count: the number of ports
:type port_count: int
:param address_pool:
* IP address
* Subnet Mask
* MAC address
:type address_pool: List[GroupAddressElem]
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex],
concurrent_address_count=concurrent_address_count, start_port=start_port, port_count=port_count,
Returns a histogram over TCP connection establish times, with start and interval values as configured by P4G_TIME_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 741
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections established."""
min_connection_estab_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum connection establish time in us."""
max_connection_estab_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum connection establish time in us."""
avg_connection_estab_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average connection establish time in us."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in us"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in us"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with establish time within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over TCP connection establish times.
:return: a histogram over TCP connection establish times
:rtype: P4G_TCP_ESTABLISH_HIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over TCP connection close times, with start and interval values as configured by P4G_TIME_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 742
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections closed."""
min_connection_close_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum connection close time in us."""
max_connection_close_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum connection close time in us."""
avg_connection_close_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average connection close time in us."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in us"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in us"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with close time within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over TCP connection close times.
:return: a histogram over TCP connection close times
:rtype: P4G_TCP_CLOSE_HIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over number of total TCP bytes received, with start and interval values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 743
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections."""
min_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum total TCP bytes received on a connection."""
max_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum total TCP bytes received on a connection."""
avg_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average total TCP bytes received on a connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over number of total TCP bytes received.
:return: a histogram over number of total TCP bytes received
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over number of good TCP bytes received, with start and interval values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 744
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections."""
min_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum good TCP bytes received on a connection."""
max_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum good TCP bytes received on a connection."""
avg: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average good TCP bytes received on a connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over number of good TCP bytes received.
:return: a histogram over number of good TCP bytes received
:rtype: P4G_TCP_RX_GOOD_BYTES_HIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over number of total TCP bytes transmitted, with start and interval values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 745
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections."""
min_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum total TCP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
max_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum total TCP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
avg_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average total TCP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted total TCP bytes within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over number of total TCP bytes transmitted.
:return: a histogram over number of total TCP bytes transmitted
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over number of good TCP bytes transmitted, with start and interval values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 746
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
conn: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections."""
min: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum good TCP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
max: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum good TCP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
average: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average good TCP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted good TCP bytes within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over number of good TCP bytes transmitted.
:return: a histogram over number of good TCP bytes transmitted
:rtype: P4G_TCP_TX_GOOD_BYTES_HIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns NAT collisions of a replay application.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 747
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
nat_collision_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of NAT collisions"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get NAT collisions of a replay application.
:return: NAT collisions of a replay application.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns request/response transaction statistics.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 753
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
transaction_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of completed request/response transactions"""
transaction_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of completed transactions/second"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get request/response transaction statistics.
:return: request/response transaction statistics.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over completed request/response transactions per connection,
with start and interval values as configured by P4G_TRANSACTION_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 754
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections."""
min_transaction_per_con: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum number of transactions per connection."""
max_transaction_per_con: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum number of transactions per connection."""
avg_transaction_per_con: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average number of transactions per connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with number of transactions within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over completed request/response transactions per connection.
:return: a histogram over completed request/response transactions per connection
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the current UDP state counters. The counters returned
corresponds the the following UDP states:
* ``CLOSED`` The connection structure has been created, but has not been 'ramped up' yet.
* ``OPEN`` The connection has been 'ramped up', and is ready to transmit or receive data.
* ``ACTIVE``. The connection is actively transmitting data.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 756
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
closed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
opened: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
active: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the current UDP state counters.
:return: a list of the current UDP state counters
:rtype: P4G_UDP_STATE_CURRENT.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the total UDP state counters. The counters returned
corresponds the the following UDP states:
* ``CLOSED`` The connection structure has been created, but has not been 'ramped up' yet.
* ``OPEN`` The connection has been 'ramped up', and is ready to transmit or receive data.
* ``ACTIVE`` The connection is actively transmitting data.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 757
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
closed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
opened: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
active: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the total UDP state counters.
:return: a list of the total UDP state counters.
:rtype: P4G_UDP_STATE_TOTAL.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the UDP state rates measured in connections/second. The
counters returned corresponds the the following UDP state rates:
* ``CLOSED`` The connection structure has been created, but has not been 'ramped up' yet.
* ``OPEN`` The connection has been 'ramped up', and is ready to transmit or receive data
* ``ACTIVE`` The connection is actively transmitting data.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 758
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
closed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
open: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
active: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the UDP state rates measured in connections/second.
:return: a list of the UDP state rates measured in connections/second.
:rtype: P4G_UDP_STATE_RATE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the UDP RX payload counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 759
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of UDP payload bytes received"""
byte_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of UDP payload bytes/second received"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the UDP RX payload counters.
:return: a list of the UDP RX payload counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the UDP TX payload counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 760
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of UDP payload bytes transmitted"""
byte_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of UDP payload bytes/second transmitted"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the UDP TX payload counters.
:return: a list of the UDP TX payload counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over number of UDP bytes received, with start and interval values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 761
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections."""
min_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum UDP bytes received on a connection."""
max_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum UDP bytes received on a connection."""
avg_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average UDP bytes received on a connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received UDP bytes within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over number of UDP bytes received.
:return: a histogram over number of UDP bytes received
:rtype: P4G_UDP_RX_BYTES_HIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over number of UDP bytes transmitted, with start and interval values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 762
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections."""
min_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum UDP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
max_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum UDP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
avg_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average UDP bytes transmitted on a connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted UDP bytes within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over number of UDP bytes transmitted.
:return: a histogram over number of UDP bytes transmitted
:rtype: P4G_UDP_TX_BYTES_HIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the TCP RX packet counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 770
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
packet_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TCP packets received"""
packet_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TCP packets/second received"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the TCP RX packet counters.
:return: a list of the TCP RX packet counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the TCP TX packet counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 771
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
packet_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TCP packets transmitted"""
packet_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TCP packets/second transmitted"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the TCP TX packet counters.
:return: a list of the TCP TX packet counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the UDP RX packet counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 772
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
packet_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of UDP packets received"""
packet_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of UDP packets/second received"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the UDP RX packet counters.
:return: a list of the UDP RX packet counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the UDP TX packet counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 773
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
packet_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of UDP packets transmitted"""
packet_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of UDP packets/second transmitted"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the UDP TX packet counters.
:return: a list of the UDP TX packet counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Clears all TCP Connection Group post-test statistics.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 790
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Clears all TCP Connection Group post-test statistics.
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Recalculates connection time histograms (retrieved with: P4G_TCP_ESTABLISH_HIST` and P4G_TCP_CLOSE_HIST`).
Used in case time histogram configuration has been changed (using P4G_TIME_HIST_CONF`).
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 791
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Recalculates connection time histograms
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Recalculates connection payload histograms (retrieved with:
Used in case payload histogram configuration has been changed (using P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`)
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 792
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Recalculates connection payload histograms.
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Recalculates transaction histograms (retrieved with: P4G_APP_TRANSACTION_HIST`).
Used in case transaction histogram configuration has been changed (using P4G_TRANSACTION_HIST_CONF`)
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 793
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Recalculates transaction histograms.
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns an index list of configured Replay Files for this Connection Group.
These are the Replay File Index that are used for P4G_REPLAY_FILE_NAME` and P4G_REPLAY_FILE_CLEAR` commands.
More than one Replay File can be configured for a Connection Group. When configuring a Replay File for a Connection Group, it must have an index.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 900
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
replay_file_indices: typing.List[int] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpInt()]))
"""list of integers, indices of configured replay files"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get an index list of configured Replay Files for this Connection Group.
:return: an index list of configured Replay Files for this Connection Group.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
More than one Replay File can be configured for a Connection Group. When
configuring a Replay File for a Connection Group, it must have an index. The
indices at which Replay Files are configured does not have to be continuous.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 901
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
_replay_file_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
file_name: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, file name (including relative path and excluding the '.bson' extension)."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
file_name: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, file name (including relative path and excluding the '.bson' extension)."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the name of a replay file configured for the Connection Group.
:return: the name of a replay file configured for the Connection Group.
:rtype: P4G_REPLAY_FILE_NAME.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex, self._replay_file_xindex]))
def set(self, file_name: str) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the name of a replay file configured for the Connection Group.
:param file_name: file name (including relative path and excluding the ``.bson`` extension).
:type file_name: str
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex, self._replay_file_xindex], file_name=file_name))
Clears a Replay File index, so no Replay File is configured for that index.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 902
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_replay_file_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Clears a Replay File index.
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._replay_file_xindex]))
Specify the link layer bandwidth utilization for all the generated traffic from
the specified Replay Connection Group.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 903
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
utilization: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, utilization specified in ppm."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
utilization: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, utilization specified in ppm."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the link layer bandwidth utilization for all the generated traffic from the specified Replay Connection Group.
:return: the link layer bandwidth utilization for all the generated traffic from the specified Replay Connection Group.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, utilization: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the link layer bandwidth utilization for all the generated traffic from the specified Replay Connection Group.
:param utilization: utilization specified in ppm.
:type utilization: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], utilization=utilization))
Defines the lifecycle mode of a user and its connections, and how new users should be
established as old connections are closed.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 904
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: LifecycleMode = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, defines the lifecycle mode of connections."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: LifecycleMode = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, defines the lifecycle mode of connections."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the lifecycle mode of a user and its connections.
:return: the lifecycle mode of a user and its connections
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: LifecycleMode) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the lifecycle mode of a user and its connections.
:param mode: defines the lifecycle mode of connections.
:type mode: LifecycleMode
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode))
set_once = functools.partialmethod(set, LifecycleMode.ONCE)
"""Users are created and its connections are established during the ramp-up phase and not closed until the ramp-down phase of the load profile.
That is, each configured user only exists once.
set_immortal = functools.partialmethod(set, LifecycleMode.IMMORTAL)
"""Users are created and its connections are established during the ramp-up phase of the load profile.
Each connection is closed when all payload in the Replay File for that connection has been transmitted.
A user is destroyed when all its connections are closed. As users are destroyed, new users are created, attempting to keep the concurrent number of users constant.
A new user will have the same IP address as the user he replaces, but the new connections will have new TCP/UDP port numbers.
This will simulate that the user is living on, and creates new connections as old connections close.
set_reincarnate = functools.partialmethod(set, LifecycleMode.REINCARNATE)
"""Users are created and its connections are established during the ramp-up phase of the load profile.
Each connection is closed when all payload in the Replay File for that connection has been transmitted. A user is destroyed when all its
connections are closed. As users are destroyed, new users are created, attempting to keep the concurrent number of users constant.
A new user will have a different IP address than the user it replaces, but its connection will have the same TCP/UDP port numbers.
This will simulate that the user ceases to exist, and new users appear as old users die.
Defines how many times a new user should be created after an old user has been destroyed, when P4G_REPLAY_USER_INCARNATION` is set to ``IMMORTAL`` or ``REINCARNATE``.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 905
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, repetition mode."""
repetition_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of repetitions"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
mode: InfiniteOrFinite = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, repetition mode."""
repetition_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of repetitions"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get how many times a new user should be created, after an old user has been destroyed.
:return: how many times a new user should be created, after an old user has been destroyed
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, mode: InfiniteOrFinite, repetition_count: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set how many times a new user should be created, after an old user has been destroyed.
:param mode: the repetition mode
:type mode: InfiniteOrFinite
:param repetition_count: number of repetitions
:type repetition_count: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], mode=mode, repetition_count=repetition_count))
set_infinite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.INFINITE)
"""New users are generated as long as the load profile allows."""
set_finite = functools.partialmethod(set, InfiniteOrFinite.FINITE)
"""Each configured user is destroyed and re-created repetitions number of times."""
Returns a list of the current user state counters. A user is identified by a
Client IP address. The counters returned corresponds the the following user
* ``INIT`` The user has been created, but has no open connections yet.
* ``ACTIVE`` The user has at least one open connection.
* ``SUCCESS`` The user has successfully transmitted and received all payload.
* ``FAILED`` The user has failed in transmitting or receiving all payload. STOPPED The user has been stopped due to ramp-down.
* ``INACTIVE`` All the users connection is closed, but the user has not been destroyed yet.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 910
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
init: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users currently in this state"""
active: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users currently in this state"""
success: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users currently in this state"""
failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users currently in this state"""
stopped: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users currently in this state"""
inactive: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users currently in this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the current user state counters.
:return: a list of the current user state counters.
:rtype: P4G_USER_STATE_CURRENT.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the total user state counters. A user is identified by a
Client IP address. The counters returned corresponds the the following user
* ``INIT`` The user has been created, but has no open connections yet.
* ``ACTIVE`` The user has at least one open connection.
* ``SUCCESS`` The user has successfully transmitted and received all payload.
* ``FAILED`` The user has failed in transmitting or receiving all payload.
* ``STOPPED`` The user has been stopped due to ramp-down.
* ``INACTIVE`` All the users connection is closed, but the user has not been destroyed yet.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 911
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
init: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of users that has entered this state"""
active: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of users that has entered this state"""
success: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of users that has entered this state"""
failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of users that has entered this state"""
stopped: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of users that has entered this state"""
inactive: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of users that has entered this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the total user state counters.
:return: a list of the total user state counters.
:rtype: P4G_USER_STATE_TOTAL.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the user state rates measured in users/second. A user is
identified by a Client IP address. The counters returned corresponds the the
following user states:
* ``INIT`` The user has been created, but has no open connections yet.
* ``ACTIVE`` The user has at least one open connection.
* ``SUCCESS`` The user has successfully transmitted and received all payload.
* ``FAILED`` The user has failed in transmitting or receiving all payload.
* ``STOPPED`` The user has been stopped due to ramp-down.
* ``INACTIVE`` All the users connection is closed, but the user has not been destroyed yet.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 912
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
stats: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users/second entering this state"""
init: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users/second entering this state"""
active: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users/second entering this state"""
success: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users/second entering this state"""
failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users/second entering this state"""
stopped: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of users/second entering this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the user state rates measured in users/second.
:return: a list of the user state rates measured in users/second.
:rtype: P4G_USER_STATE_RATE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Enable/Disable TLS.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1100
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""code byte, specifying whether to enable TLS"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""code byte, specifying whether to enable TLS"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get whether TLS is enabled.
:return: whether TLS is enabled.
:rtype: P4G_TLS_ENABLE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, on_off: YesNo) -> Token[None]:
"""Set whether TLS is enabled.
:param on_off: specifying whether to enable TLS
:type on_off: YesNo
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], on_off=on_off))
set_no = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.NO)
"""Disable TLS."""
set_yes = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.YES)
"""Enable TLS."""
Configure the list of ciphers to announce in order of priorities.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1101
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
ciphers: Hex = field(XmpHex())
"""list of hex bytes, sequence of ciphers identified by theirs IANA number in order of priority."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
ciphers: Hex = field(XmpHex())
"""list of hex bytes, sequence of ciphers identified by theirs IANA number in order of priority."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the list of ciphers to announce in order of priorities.
:return: the list of ciphers to announce in order of priorities.
:rtype: P4G_TLS_CIPHER_SUITES.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, ciphers: Hex) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the list of ciphers to announce in order of priorities.
:param ciphers: sequence of ciphers identified by theirs IANA number in order of priority.
:type ciphers: Hex
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], ciphers=ciphers))
Configure the maximum outgoing TLS record size.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1102
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
size: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, maximum outgoing record size in the interval ]0;16384], default value 8087."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
size: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, maximum outgoing record size in the interval ]0;16384], default value 8087."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the maximum outgoing TLS record size.
:return: the maximum outgoing TLS record size.
:rtype: P4G_TLS_MAX_RECORD_SIZE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, size: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the maximum outgoing TLS record size.
:param size: maximum outgoing record size in the interval (0, 16384], default value 8087.
:type size: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], size=size))
Configure the TLS certificate.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1103
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
filename: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, the filename of the certificate relative to the ftp tls folder"""
def set(self, filename: str) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the TLS certificate.
:param filename: the filename of the certificate relative to the FTP TLS folder on the tester.
:type filename: str
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], filename=filename))
Configure the private key matching the TLS certificate.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1104
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
filename: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, the filename of the private key relative to the ftp tls folder"""
def set(self, filename: str) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the private key matching the TLS certificate.
:param filename: the filename of the private key relative to the FTP TLS folder on the tester.
:type filename: str
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], filename=filename))
Configure TLS DH parameters, if not set a default set will be used.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1105
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
filename: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, the filename of the dhparams relative to the ftp tls folder"""
def set(self, filename: str) -> Token[None]:
"""Set TLS DH parameters.
:param filename: the filename of the TLS DH parameters relative to the FTP TLS folder on the tester.
:type filename: str
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], filename=filename))
Enable/Disable TLS sending close notify alert on connection tear-down.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1106
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""code byte, specifying whether to send close notify on connection tear down"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
on_off: YesNo = field(XmpByte())
"""code byte, specifying whether to send close notify on connection tear down"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get whether TLS sends close notify alert on connection tear-down.
:return: whether TLS sends close notify alert on connection tear-down.
:rtype: P4G_TLS_CLOSE_NOTIFY.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, on_off: YesNo) -> Token[None]:
"""Set whether TLS sends close notify alert on connection tear-down.
:param on_off: whether TLS sends close notify alert on connection tear-down.
:type on_off: YesNo
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], on_off=on_off))
set_no = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.NO)
"""TLS does not send close notify alert on connection tear-down."""
set_yes = functools.partialmethod(set, YesNo.YES)
"""TLS sends close notify alert on connection tear-down."""
Returns a list of TLS warning counters. The counters returned corresponds the
the following TLS warnings:
* close_notify
* unexpected_message
* bad_record_mac
* record_overflow
* decompression_failure
* handshake_failure
* bad_certificate
* unsupported_certificate
* certificate_revoked
* certificate_expired
* certificate_unknown
* illegal_parameter
* unknown_ca
* access_denied
* decode_error
* decrypt_error
* protocol_version
* insufficient_security
* internal_error
* user_canceled
* no_renegotiation
* unsupported_extension
* unknown.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1107
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
close_notify: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
unexpected_message: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
bad_record_mac: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
record_overflow: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
decompression_failure: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
handshake_failure: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
bad_certificate: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
unsupported_certificate: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
certificate_revoked: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
certificate_expired: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
certificate_unknown: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
illegal_parameter: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
unknown_ca: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
access_denied: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
decode_error: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
decrypt_error: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
protocol_version: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
insufficient_security: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
internal_error: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
user_canceled: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
no_renegotiation: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
unsupported_extension: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
unknown: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this warning received"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of TLS warning counters.
:return: a list of TLS warning counters
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of TLS error counters. The counters returned corresponds the the
following TLS warnings:
* close_notify
* unexpected_message
* bad_record_mac
* record_overflow
* decompression_failure
* handshake_failure
* bad_certificate
* unsupported_certificate
* certificate_revoked
* certificate_expired
* certificate_unknown
* illegal_parameter
* unknown_ca
* access_denied
* decode_error
* decrypt_error
* protocol_version
* insufficient_security
* internal_error
* user_canceled
* no_renegotiation
* unsupported_extension
* unknown.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1108
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
stats: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
unexpected_message: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
bad_record_mac: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
record_overflow: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
decompression_failure: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
handshake_failure: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
bad_certificate: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
unsupported_certificate: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
certificate_revoked: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
certificate_expired: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
certificate_unknown: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
illegal_parameter: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
unknown_ca: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
access_denied: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
decode_error: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
decrypt_error: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
protocol_version: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
insufficient_security: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
internal_error: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
user_canceled: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
no_renegotiation: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
unsupported_extension: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
unknown: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of this error received"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of TLS error counters.
:return: a list of TLS error counters
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the current TLS state counters. The counters returned
corresponds the the following TLS states:
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1109
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
tls_inactive: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
tls_handshaking: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
tls_handshake_done: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
tls_handshake_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
tls_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
tls_internal_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
tls_close_notify: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
tls_done: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections currently in this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the current TLS state counters.
:return: a list of the current TLS state counters
:rtype: P4G_TLS_STATE_CURRENT.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the total TLS state counters. The counters returned
corresponds the the following TLS states:
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1110
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
tls_inactive: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
tls_handshaking: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
tls_handshake_done: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
tls_handshake_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
tls_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
tls_internal_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
tls_close_notify: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
tls_done: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the total number of connections that has entered this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the total TLS state counters.
:return: a list of the total TLS state counters
:rtype: P4G_TLS_STATE_TOTAL.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the TLS state rates measured in per second. The
counters returned corresponds the the following TLS states:
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1111
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
tls_inactive: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
tls_handshaking: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
tls_handshake_done: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
tls_handshake_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
tls_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
tls_internal_failed: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
tls_close_notify: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
tls_done: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the number of connections/second entering this state"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the TLS state rates measured in per second.
:return: a list of the TLS state rates measured in per second
:rtype: P4G_TLS_STATE_RATE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the TLS Rx payload counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1112
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TLS payload bytes received"""
byte_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TLS payload bytes/second received"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the TLS Rx payload counters.
:return: a list of the TLS Rx payload counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a list of the TLS Tx payload counters.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1113
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
current_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
ref_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, reference time (mSec for P4_TRAFFIC on)"""
byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TLS payload bytes transmitted"""
byte_per_second: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, number of TLS payload bytes/second transmitted"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of the TLS Tx payload counters.
:return: a list of the TLS Tx payload counters.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over number of TLS Payload bytes received, with start and
interval values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1114
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections."""
min_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum TLS Payload bytes received on a connection."""
max_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum TLS Payload bytes received on a connection."""
avg_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average TLS Payload bytes received on a connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has received TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over number of TLS Payload bytes received.
:return: a histogram over number of TLS Payload bytes received
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over number of TLS Payload bytes transmitted, with start and
interval values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1115
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections."""
min_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum TLS Payload bytes transmitted on a connection."""
max_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum TLS Payload bytes transmitted on a connection."""
avg_byte_count: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average TLS Payload bytes transmitted on a connection."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in bytes"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in bytes"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections that has transmitted TLS Payload bytes within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over number of TLS Payload bytes transmitted.
:return: a histogram over number of TLS Payload bytes transmitted
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Returns a histogram over TLS connection handshake times, with start and interval
values as configured by P4G_PAYLOAD_HIST_CONF`.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1116
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
connection_count: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer,number of connections established."""
min_connection_handshake_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, minimum connection handshake time in us."""
max_connection_handshake_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, maximum connection handshake time in us."""
avg_connection_handshake_time: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, average connection handshake time in us."""
start: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, start value of first histogram interval in us"""
interval: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, histogram interval size in us"""
bin_00: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_01: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_02: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_03: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_04: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_05: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_06: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_07: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_08: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_09: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_10: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_11: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_12: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_13: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_14: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_15: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_16: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_17: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_18: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_19: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_20: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_21: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_22: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_23: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_24: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_25: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_26: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_27: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_28: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_29: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_30: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
bin_31: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of connections with handshake time within the given interval."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a histogram over TLS connection handshake times.
:return: a histogram over TLS connection handshake times
:rtype: P4G_TLS_HANDSHAKE_HIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
Configure the server name advertised by the client in the TLS SNI (Server Name
Indication) extension. Both the client and server must be configured with the
same server_name, as the server will check the server name in Client Hello
message. If server name is not configured (or configured blank), the SNI
extension will not be inserted in the Client Hello message.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1117
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
server_name: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, server name inserted in the SNI TLS extension"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
server_name: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, server name inserted in the SNI TLS extension"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the server name advertised by the client in the TLS SNI.
:return: the server name advertised by the client in the TLS SNI
:rtype: P4G_TLS_SERVER_NAME.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, server_name: str) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the server name advertised by the client in the TLS SNI.
:param server_name: server name inserted in the SNI TLS extension
:type server_name: str
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], server_name=server_name))
Configures the desired TLS protocol version. More specifically the TLS version
configured is the protocol version advertised by the client in the Client Hello
message, and the highest TLS protocol version accepted by the server. If the
protocol_version in the Client Hello message is higher than the highest protocol
version accepted by the server, the TLS Handshake will fail.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1118
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
tls_version: TLSVersion = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, maximum supported TLS protocol version"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
tls_version: TLSVersion = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, maximum supported TLS protocol version"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the highest supported TLS protocol version.
:return: the highest supported TLS protocol version
:rtype: P4G_TLS_PROTOCOL_VER.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))
def set(self, tls_version: TLSVersion) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the highest supported TLS protocol version.
:param tls_version: the highest supported TLS protocol version
:type tls_version: TLSVersion
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex], tls_version=tls_version))
set_sslv3 = functools.partialmethod(set, TLSVersion.SSLV3)
"""The highest supported TLS protocol version is set to SSLv3."""
set_tls10 = functools.partialmethod(set, TLSVersion.TLS10)
"""The highest supported TLS protocol version is set to TLS 1.0."""
set_tls11 = functools.partialmethod(set, TLSVersion.TLS11)
"""The highest supported TLS protocol version is set to TLS 1.1."""
set_tls12 = functools.partialmethod(set, TLSVersion.TLS12)
"""The highest supported TLS protocol version is set to TLS 1.2."""
Returns the minimum TLS protocol version required by the configured list of
cipher suites. Each cipher suite has a minimum required TLS protocol version
that will support the cipher suite. The minimum required TLS protocol version
for a list of cipher suites is the lowest minimum required TLS protocol version
of all the cipher suites in the list.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1119
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
_port: int
_group_xindex: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
tls_version: TLSVersion = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, minimum required TLS protocol version"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the minimum TLS protocol version required by the configured list of cipher suites.
:return: the minimum TLS protocol version required by the configured list of cipher suites.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module, port=self._port, indices=[self._group_xindex]))