from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
import typing
import functools
from import (
from xoa_driver.internals.core import interfaces
from xoa_driver.internals.core.token import Token
from xoa_driver.internals.core.transporter.registry import register_command
from xoa_driver.internals.core.transporter.protocol.payload import (
from .enums import (
class M4_SYSTEMID:
Return the system identifier of a L47 module.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 803
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
system_id: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, module system identifier."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the system identifier of a L47 module.
:return: the system identifier of a L47 module.
:rtype: M4_SYSTEMID.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Returns a version string containing a combination of information regarding the
software version and the build environment. The first part of the string is the
software build version.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 804
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
version_string: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, module version string."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a version string containing a combination of information regarding the software version and the build environment.
:return: a version string containing a combination of information regarding the software version and the build environment
:rtype: M4_VERSIONNO.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Returns the L47 module system status in a text string.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 805
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
status_string: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, module status string."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the L47 module system status in a text string
:return: the L47 module system status in a text string
:rtype: M4_SYSTEM_STATUS.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Returns the recommended and required VulcanMananger client version.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 806
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
recommended_major: int = field(XmpInt())
"""string, recommended major version."""
recommended_minor: int = field(XmpInt())
"""string, recommended minor version."""
recommended_minor_2: int = field(XmpInt())
"""string, recommended minor 2 version."""
recommended_minor_3: int = field(XmpInt())
"""string, recommended minor 3 version."""
required_major: int = field(XmpInt())
"""string, required major version."""
required_minor: int = field(XmpInt())
"""string, required minor version."""
required_minor_2: int = field(XmpInt())
"""string, required minor 2 version."""
required_minor_3: int = field(XmpInt())
"""string, required minor 3 version."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the recommended and required VulcanMananger client version.
:return: the recommended and required VulcanMananger client version.
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
class M4_TIME:
Returns the module time in millisecond.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 807
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
time_now: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, the current time (mSec since module restart)"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the module time in millisecond.
:return: the module time in millisecond.
:rtype: M4_TIME.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Sets or returns the modules system time in UTC.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 808
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
year: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the year."""
month: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the month."""
day: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the day of the mont."""
hour: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the hour."""
minute: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the minute."""
second: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the second."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
year: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the year."""
month: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the month."""
day: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the day of the mont."""
hour: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the hour."""
minute: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the minute."""
second: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, the second."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the modules system time in UTC.
:return: the modules system time in UTC.
:rtype: M4_SYSTEM_TIME.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
def set(self, year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the modules system time in UTC.
:param year: the year
:type year: int
:param month: the month
:type month: int
:param day: the day of the month
:type day: int
:param hour: the hour
:type hour: int
:param minute: the minute
:type minute: int
:param second: the second
:type second: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second))
class M4_MEM_INFO:
Return the system memory information.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 809
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
year: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, total memory."""
month: int = field(XmpLong())
"""long integer, free memory."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the system memory information.
:return: the system memory information.
:rtype: M4_MEM_INFO.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Specify whether to capture whole packets(large) or truncated packets. When
truncated (small) is selected only the first 128 bytes of the packet are saved.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 810
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
size: CaptureSize = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to capture whole packets or truncated packets."""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
size: CaptureSize = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, specifying whether to capture whole packets or truncated packets."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get whether to capture whole packets(large) or truncated packets.
:return: whether to capture whole packets(large) or truncated packets.
:rtype: M4_CAPTURE_SIZE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
def set(self, size: CaptureSize) -> Token[None]:
"""Set whether to capture whole packets(large) or truncated packets.
:param size: specifying whether to capture whole packets or truncated packets.
:type size: CaptureSize
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, size=size))
set_full = functools.partialmethod(set, CaptureSize.FULL)
"""Capture whole packets"""
set_small = functools.partialmethod(set, CaptureSize.SMALL)
"""Capture truncated packets"""
Returns the number of available and free PE licenses. Only 'available' number of PEs
can simultaneously be assigned to reserved ports.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 820
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
pes_available: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of PEs that are licensed on the module, and can be used simultaneously."""
pes_free: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of free PE licenses on the module 1G available: integer, number of 1G licenses on the module, that can be used simultaneously."""
N1g_available: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of 1G speed licenses that are licensed on the module, and can be used simultaneously."""
N1g_free: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of 1G speed licenses on the module 1G available: integer, number of 1G licenses on the module, that can be used simultaneously."""
N10g_available: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of 10G speed licenses that are licensed on the module, and can be used simultaneously."""
N10g_free: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of free 10G speed licenses on the module 1G available: integer, number of 1G licenses on the module, that can be used simultaneously."""
N25g_available: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of 25G speed licenses that are licensed on the module, and can be used simultaneously."""
N25g_free: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of free 25G speed licenses on the module 1G available: integer, number of 1G licenses on the module, that can be used simultaneously."""
N40g_available: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of 40G speed licenses that are licensed on the module, and can be used simultaneously."""
N40g_free: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, number of free 40G speed licenses on the module 1G available: integer, number of 1G licenses on the module, that can be used simultaneously."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the number of available and free PE licenses.
:return: the number of available and free PE licenses
:rtype: M4_LICENSE_INFO.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Command to start parsing an uploaded Capture File (in PCAP format) intended for
use in a replay test scenario. The result of the parsing - if successful - is a
Replay File (in BSON format) with the same name as the Capture File, which can
be used as parameter to P4G_REPLAY_filename command. If parsing is unsuccessful,
a Replay File is created containing the parse result. The
M4_REPLAY_FILE_INFO_BSON command can be used to get information about a Replay
File - including the parse result. PCAP Capture Files can be uploaded to the L47
chassis using FTP. The 'root' location of Capture Files uploaded manually by the
user is /var/ftp/pub/replay/pcap/. Three subdirectories exist: cache/, user/ and
xena/. cache / and xena/ is used by Vulcan Manager, and user/ is intended for
manual upload and parsing of Capture Files. A similar directory structure is
present for Replay Files generated by the parsing, and the 'root' location is
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 830
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
filename: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, filename (including relative path and excluding the '.pcap' extension)."""
def set(self, filename: str) -> Token[None]:
"""Start parsing an uploaded Capture File
:param filename: filename (including relative path and excluding the '.pcap' extension).
:type filename: str
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, filename=filename))
Command to stop parsing a Capture File. Parsing of very large Capture Files may
take several seconds, and may be aborted using this command. No parameters
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 831
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
def set(self) -> Token[None]:
"""Stop parsing a Capture File.
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module))
Only one Capture File can be parsed at a time. This command returns the state of
the parser, which can be PARSING or OFF. M4_REPLAY_PARSE_START command is only
accepted when the parser state is OFF.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 832
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
state: ReplayParserState = field(XmpByte())
"""coded byte, state of the replay parser"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get capture file parsing state.
:return: capture file parsing state
:rtype: M4_REPLAY_PARSE_STATE.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Configuration of parameters for the parsing of pcap files.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 833
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
tcp_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, server TCP Port of dummy TCP connection inserted in UDP only replay files"""
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
tcp_port: int = field(XmpInt())
"""integer, server TCP Port of dummy TCP connection inserted in UDP only replay files"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the configuration of parameters for the parsing of pcap files.
:return: the configuration of parameters for the parsing of pcap files
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
def set(self, tcp_port: int) -> Token[None]:
"""Set the configuration of parameters for the parsing of pcap files.
:param tcp_port: server-side TCP port of the dummy TCP connection inserted in UDP.
:type tcp_port: int
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, tcp_port=tcp_port))
Works as ``M4_REPLAY_FILE_LIST``, but returns the file list formatted as a BSON
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 840
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
bson: typing.List[int] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpByte()]))
"""list of hex bytes, bson document containing the file list"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the replay file list in BSON document format.
:return: the replay file list in BSON format
:rtype: M4_REPLAY_FILE_LIST_BSON.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Returns a list of Replay Files (``.bson`` files) in the 'user' Replay File
directory (``/var/ftp/pub/replay/bson/user/``).
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 841
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
file_list: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, comma separated list of filenames excluding the '.bson' extension."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Generate a list of Replay Files in BSON document on the tester.
:return: a list of Replay Files in BSON document on the tester
:rtype: M4_REPLAY_FILE_LIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Works as ``M4_CAPTURE_FILE_LIST``, but returns the file list formatted as a BSON
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 842
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
bson: typing.List[int] = field(XmpSequence(types_chunk=[XmpByte()]))
"""list of hex bytes, bson document containing the file list"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get the capture file list in BSON document.
:return: the capture file list in BSON document
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Returns a list of Capture Files (``.pcap`` files) in the 'user' Capture File
directory (``/var/ftp/pub/replay/pcap/user/``).
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 843
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
file_list: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, comma separated list of filenames excluding the '.pcap' extension."""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Generate a list of Capture Files in BSON document on the tester.
:return: list of Capture Files in BSON document on the tester
:rtype: M4_CAPTURE_FILE_LIST.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))
Command to delete a Replay File (``.bson`` file) in the Replay File directory
(``/var/ftp/pub/replay/bson/``). For information about the location and directory
structure for the Replay Files, see: M4_REPLAY_PARSE_START
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 845
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
filename: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, file name (including relative path and excluding the '.bson' extension)."""
def set(self, filename: str) -> Token[None]:
"""Delete a Replay File in the Replay File directory.
:param filename: file name (including relative path and excluding the ``.bson`` extension).
:type filename: str
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, filename=filename))
Command to delete a Capture File (``.pcap`` file) in the Capture File directory
(``/var/ftp/pub/replay/pcap/``). For information about the location and directory
structure for the Capture Files, see: M4_REPLAY_PARSE_START
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 846
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class SetDataAttr(RequestBodyStruct):
filename: str = field(XmpStr())
"""string, file name (including relative path and excluding the '.pcap' extension)."""
def set(self, filename: str) -> Token[None]:
"""Delete a Capture File in the Capture File directory.
:param filename: file name (including relative path and excluding the ``.pcap`` extension).
:type filename: str
return Token(self._connection, build_set_request(self, module=self._module, filename=filename))
Returns a list of supported TLS Cipher Suites.
code: typing.ClassVar[int] = 852
pushed: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
_connection: 'interfaces.IConnection'
_module: int
class GetDataAttr(ResponseBodyStruct):
cipher_suites: Hex = field(XmpHex())
"""list of hex bytes, list of IANA values of supported cipher suites"""
def get(self) -> Token[GetDataAttr]:
"""Get a list of supported TLS Cipher Suites.
:return: list of IANA values of supported cipher suites
:rtype: M4_TLS_CIPHER_SUITES.GetDataAttr
return Token(self._connection, build_get_request(self, module=self._module))