Glossary of Terms#


Application Programming Interface.


An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.

Test Resource#

Test chassis, test module, and test port, both hardware and virtual are referred to as test resources. A user must have the ownership of a test resource before be able to perform testing.


Traffic Generation and Analysis.


Xena OpenAutomation

XOA Chimera Core#

Xena OpenAutomation Chimera Core provides high-level Python APIs to administer Chimera, Xena’s network impairment emulator.


XOA Command-Line Interface. Xena provides a rich set of CLI commands for users to administer test chassis for test automation. Read more here.

XOA Core#

Xena OpenAutomation Core is an open test suite framework to execute XOA Test Suites as its plugins.

XOA Python API#

The foundation of Xena OpenAutomation is its Python API (XOA Python API) that provides interfaces for engineers to manage Xena hardware and virtual test equipment.