Installing XOA Core

XOA Core is available to install via the Python Package Index. You can also install from the source file.


Before installing XOA Core, please make sure your environment has installed:


XOA Core requires that you install Python on your system.


XOA Core requires Python >= 3.8.


Make sure pip is installed on your system. pip is the package installer for Python . You can use it to install packages from the Python Package Index and other indexes.

Usually, pip is automatically installed if you are:

If you don’t have pip installed, you can:

$ python3

See also

Read more details about this script in pypa/get-pip.

Read more about installation of pip in pip installation.

Installing From PyPI Using pip

pip is the recommended installer for XOA Core. The most common usage of pip is to install from the Python Package Index using Requirement Specifiers.


When you install XOA Core with the command pip install tdl-xoa-core, the Xena Python API (available as the tdl-xoa-driver package on PyPI) will be installed automatically.

Install to Global Namespace

$ pip install tdl-xoa-core            # latest version
$ pip install tdl-xoa-core==1.0.7     # specific version
$ pip install tdl-xoa-core>=1.0.7     # minimum version

Install in Virtual Environment

Install XOA Core in a virtual environment, so it does not pollute your global namespace.

For example, your project folder is called /my_xoa_project.

[my_xoa_project]$ python3 -m venv ./env
[my_xoa_project]$ source ./env/bin/activate

(env) [my_xoa_project]$ pip install tdl-xoa-core         # latest version
(env) [my_xoa_project]$ pip install tdl-xoa-core==1.0.7  # specific version
(env) [my_xoa_project]$ pip install tdl-xoa-core>=1.0.7 # minimum version

Afterwards, your project folder will be:

After creating Python virtual environment
    |- env

Upgrading From PyPI Using pip

To upgrade XOA Core package from PyPI:

$ pip install tdl-xoa-core --upgrade


If you upgrade XOA Core using pip install --upgrade tdl-xoa-core, Xena Python API (PyPI package name tdl-xoa-driver) will be automatically upgraded.

Installing Manually From Source

If for some reason you need to install XOA Core manually from source, the steps are:

Step 1, make sure Python packages wheel and setuptools are installed on your system. Install wheel and setuptools using pip:

$ pip install wheel setuptools

Step 2, download the XOA Core source distribution from XOA Core Releases. Unzip the archive and run the script to install the package:

[xena_rfc_core]$ python3 install

Step 3, if you want to distribute, you can build .whl file for distribution from the source:

[xena_rfc_core]$ python3 bdist_wheel


If you install XOA Core from the source code, you need to install Xena Python API (PyPI package name tdl-xoa-driver) separately. This is because Xena Python API is treated as a 3rd-party dependency of XOA Core. You can go to XOA Driver repository to learn how to install it.

Uninstall and Remove Unused Dependencies

pip uninstall tdl-xoa-core can uninstall the package itself but not its dependencies. Leaving the package’s dependencies in your environment can later create conflicting dependencies problem.

We recommend install and use the pip-autoremove utility to remove a package plus unused dependencies.

$ pip install pip-autoremove
$ pip-autoremove tdl-xoa-core -y

See also

See the pip uninstall reference.

See pip-autoremove usage.