anlt log Description

Show AN/LT protocol trace log and save to a file.

To quit the continuous display mode, press Control-z. Synopsis

anlt log
[-f, --filename <value: text>]
[-r, --read, <value: text>]
[-k, --keep <value: text>]
[-s, --serdes <value>]
[-p, --polls <value>] Arguments Options

-f, --filename (text)

Specifies the filename for the log messages to be stored.

-r, --read -f (text)

Specifies the filepath of the log file to display.

-k, --keep (text)

Specifies what types of log entries to keep, default to keep all.

Allowed values:

  • all, to keep all.

  • an. to keep autoneg only.

  • lt, to keep lt only.

-s, --serdes (int list)

Specifies which serdes of LT logs to keep. If you don’t know how many serdes serdes the port has, use anlt log, default to all serdes.

-s, --serdes (int) Polls per second, default to 10. Examples

anlt-utility[123456][port0/2] > anlt log --filename mylog.log --keep lt --serdes 0