Cable Performance Test Methodology

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Developed together with some cable vendors, Xena Cable Performance Test Suite provides an automated cable performance test methodology using Xena test equipment.

PRBS BER Performance with TAP Adjustment

  • Adjust TAP settings at the receiver end of the cable.

  • Measure PRBS BER and observe the impact of TAP adjustments

  • Repeat the test with various TAP settings to identify the desired configurations.

Optimal PRBS BER Performance

Using CMIS standard page/reg addresses, the test aims to find the transceiver output RX tap values (main, precursor, post cursor) that reduce the PRBS BER at the RX side. The test exhaust all the RX tap combinations to find the optimal settings.

Target PRBS BER Performance

Using CMIS standard page/reg addresses, the test aims to find the transceiver output RX tap values (main, precursor, post cursor) that reduce the PRBS BER at the RX side below a target value. It is not meant to find the optimal settings but the good-enough.